Praise for our work with business
Mr Jenkin also told MPs about our extensive work with business he said: "University of Essex research has impact through partnerships with businesses of all sizes. That work was recognised when the University was ranked in the top 10 in the UK for engagement with business through knowledge transfer partnerships, supported through the programme run by Innovate UK, to help businesses improve their competitiveness through better use of UK knowledge, technology and skills.
"Knowledge transfer partnerships are one of the main ways in which the University ensures its research feeds into business activity, and the range and scope of those partnerships is extensive.
"Essex is continuing to expand its business engagement and the University of Essex Innovation Centre is now being built on the Colchester campus. This is a joint initiative with Essex County Council and the south-east local enterprise partnership, which, when completed, will provide space and support for up to 50 start-ups and smaller high-tech businesses in the Knowledge Gateway research and technology park.
"The University’s research impact also supports public institutions in tackling challenging social and economic issues. In conjunction with Essex County Council, the university has appointed the UK’s first local authority chief scientific adviser, Slava Mikhaylov, professor of public policy and data science, who supports Essex County Council to develop policy rooted in scientific analysis and evidence.
"Essex was one of the very first universities to start offering degree apprenticeships in higher education, which provide students with the skills that industry needs and allow them to combine studying for a full degree with gaining practical skills in work."
Ms Milton said Mr Jenkin was right to highlight "the University’s outstanding research output, and particularly its work with business. As Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills, I particularly welcome that work, which is critical as we look ahead. I am also very impressed by the work with the county council."