
Student dreams of changing Afghanistan for the better

  • Date

    Thu 4 Jan 18

Tuba Ahmadzai

Our highly-successful Women of the Future Appeal is funding 30 masters scholarships at Essex. Places were awarded to bright and inspirational women from across the world, who will use what they learn here to effect positive change in their communities. Here is the first of a series of stories about some of these successful women scholars.

Coming from Afghanistan, a war-torn country whose struggling economy makes it difficult for students, particularly women, to get an education, Tuba Ahmadzai is very grateful to be a Women of the Future scholar.

Despite the difficulties in her home country, Tuba graduated with a first class honours degree in Russian Literature, and now, thanks to the Women of the Future scholarship, is studying for an MA in English Language and Linguistics at Essex.

Once she graduates, Tuba wants to use her language skills and the knowledge and experience gained at Essex to benefit her country.

“This scholarship is the best opportunity to empower women to become leaders and drivers of change,” explained Tuba. “Afghanistan plunged into decades of instability that destroyed our education system and affected the pursuit of learning by women, since the prevailing culture denied them the right to attend school. This scholarship will give me the keys to open up more developments for my people.

“I will utilise the knowledge acquired at Essex to mobilise, teach and engage people in progressive policies such as building infrastructure for quality education, health, business and leadership.”

Tuba added that the scholarship means she is on her way to achieving her dreams of bringing change to Afghanistan.