
Class of 2018: Melaina Pecorini

  • Date

    Fri 20 Jul 18

Melaina Pecorini

All this week we are celebrating the achievements of some of our students who are graduating in the class of 2018.

Melaina Pecorini (BA Acting and Stage Combat) is straight into the next stage of her acting career after graduating from East 15 Acting School at Southend Campus.

Melaina can be seen on the stage in Tangled Feet’s production That Parking Show, a hilarious, acrobatic and absurdist play that will showcase the skills gained from her BA Acting and Stage Combat.

“I was approached to go for an audition after our London showcase in February. That Parking Show is about road rage so they were looking for actors with combat training.

“This degree course has been such a journey. I have learnt so much and would definitely do it again.

“We are all very close on the Acting and Stage Combat course and comfortable with each other when we perform. Rehearsals can be very stressful but it all pays off when we get on stage.”