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Biomedical Science academic’s support for students recognised with award

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    Thu 20 Jun 19

An Essex academic has been named as the East Anglian region’s “Champion of Biomedical Science”, in recognition of her work supporting student employability.

Dr Selwa Alsam is the Course Director, Professional Lead and Senior Lecturer for Biomedical Science.

The award, from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (IBMS), is intended to celebrate IBMS members who “have shown dedication to the promotion, development and delivery of excellence in biomedical science.”

In addition to running her own research group, focusing on hospital-related infections and human microbial diseases, Dr Alsam is currently managing over thirty students in nine different hospitals and is looking to place over fifty students next year. 

Dr Alsam said: “It is such an honour to be recognised by experts in the Biomedical Science field, and particularly heartening when it is for the very rewarding work of supporting students. I am passionate about helping students to achieve their goals.”

Professor Graham Underwood, Executive Dean (Science and Health), said: “Dr Alsam's award is testament to her work supporting and promoting our biomedical science programme across the region.  Close work with partners in the NHS is essential, and through the expansion of our student placement programmes, and visits and guest lectures, Selwa has ensured our students are perfectly placed to support their career choices, and enter the biomedical science profession in the region on graduation."

Dr Alsam's work goes far beyond securing and administering hospital placements. She visits each student and training officer several times throughout the year, ensuring the student is progressing well and their portfolio work is to the standard required.

This year, she also organised and hosted the 26th Annual Heads of University Centres of Biomedical Sciences (HUCBMS) conference at the University of Essex, for over 70 delegates.

Each region has recognised their own “Champion of Biomedical Science”, with the list announced to mark Biomedical Science Day, Thursday 20 June. 

Dr Alsam will receive her award on 23 September at the IBMS Congress, the largest biomedical conference in Europe.