Sharon Nyamande (BSc Accounting and Finance including placement year) came to Essex with slightly lower grades than the course requirement, but over the four years of study she proved she was more than capable to succeed.
Sharon has completed a year at the global healthcare company GSK, held the position of SU Societies’ data and finance Frontrunner, been a residents’ assistant and played for both first and second BUCS netball teams.
As well as all her extra-curricular activities, Sharon has introduced Essex Business School into the national networking initiative for students, and studied a Languages for All course.
She said: “I will treasure my memories of Essex for life: the opportunities and support I’ve been given, the friends I’ve made, the life lessons I’ve learned.”
After Graduation, Sharon will go travelling and then join the JP Morgan global finance and business graduate programme in September.
She said: “My time here has helped me thrive beyond my imagination.”