
Human Rights Centre launches series of Member profiles

  • Date

    Wed 4 Mar 20

The Human Rights Centre, part of the School of Law, draws its Members from 11 disciplines and every faculty in the University, supporting its multidisciplinary approach to human rights teaching and research.

Centre Director Dr Andrew Fagan said: “Our Members bring a diversity of outlook, of expertise and interests which is unique, I think, in the world.

"Over time, we hope to develop an extensive portfolio of profiles that enable Members to have a clearer sense of their identification with the Human Rights Centre and provide opportunities to collaborate on areas of common interest.”

The series was launched on 28 February with a profile featuring Professor Natasha Lindstaedt, from the Department of Government, describing her research on Autocratisation, elected leaders "using legal manoeuvres to make their countries more autocratic, with the public’s consent.” 

The new series of profiles will take the form of short podcasts, with a Member taking the listener through their current areas of focus and the relevance of human rights to this work. Two profiles will be published every month through the remainder of 2020.