
Posthumous Distinguished Service Award for Essex Sociologist

  • Date

    Mon 19 Dec 22

headshot of Ken Plummer

A Distinguished Service to British Sociology Award has been conferred by the British Sociological Association on Professor Ken Plummer who died in November.

The award recognises outstanding contributions to the BSA and British sociology over a long career and nominations are open to all members of the Association in good standing.

This year the judging panel decided to confer two awards, one for Ken Plummer in recognition of his very significant contribution to Sociology in the UK.

News of the award appeared on the BSA Blog, Everyday Society.

Professor Pamela Cox, Head of the Department of Sociology, said: “Ken was a tour de force - an inspiring teacher, writer, supervisor, mentor and friend. He taught in our department for over thirty years and pioneered the sociological study of deviance, sexualities, intimacy, citizenship and much more. We are delighted that the BSA have chosen to celebrate his life’s work, which was indeed distinguished service to British sociology.”

Judith Mudd, BSA Chief Executive said: “This is, of course, a bitter-sweet award which I and the panel would much rather Ken could have received himself. The panel did, however, feel very strongly that the award should be made regardless and therefore posthumously.”

Early in 2023, the BSA will organise an online appreciation of Professor Plummer’s contribution at which they will present the award. This event will include contributions from colleagues at Essex and elsewhere and will be chaired by Professor Cox.