
Essex graduate spearheading sustainability in Kazakhstan's financial sector up for award

  • Date

    Mon 30 Jan 23

Shynar Aldazhumanova

An Essex graduate who has become a trailblazer for improving sustainability in Kazakhstan’s financial sector has made the shortlist for the Study UK Alumni Awards.

Shynar Aldazhumanova, who studied a BSc Financial Economics at Essex between 2007 and 2010 with the help of Kazakhstan Government Scholarship “Bolashak”, has been put forward in the Science and Sustainability category.

She has been recognised for her work in establishing and launching the AIFC Green Finance Centre, a regional think-tank in sustainable finance, as well as fostering the development of the green capital market in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Shynar’s work has also seen her as a part of the team helping businesses and companies in Kazakhstan to use first sustainability-linked financial instruments, known as green bonds, to finance their green projects and become more sustainable.

She actively attracts attention of the incoming generations as well as the government representatives and organizations to sustainability and green finance by providing speeches, seminars and lectures.

She said: “I believe that my mission is to employ my knowledge, expertise and skills for the best of the society.

“I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and working experience with young generations and I always try to inspire them with my leadership role.

“I have tried to drive a positive societal impact not only by working on the job, but also by volunteering in social and educational projects, including co-funding NPO, addressing regional challenges as an active Global Shaper under Prof. Klaus Schwab’s initiative.”

Relocating from her homeland Kazakhstan to the UK for her higher education, Shynar now considers the UK as her “second motherland”.

She has credited the University of Essex for helping her to “grow as a strong, open-minded person”, as well as improving her leadership and communication skills.

This has proved vital since returning to Kazakhstan, where she has vowed to make it her mission to help the country achieve net-zero.

Shynar added: “My student life at the University of Essex was one of my brightest memories in my life.

“A diverse and multinational community I was part of has given me many truly real and interesting friends from across the world and many others, friendship with whom I treasure very much till today and we try to visit each other on weddings and other family celebrations.

“It was my studies in England that made me realize how diverse and unique the world is in terms of people and opportunities, how we should treat each other equally independent on their race, religion and others, and respect mentality and values of each culture.

“I am so grateful for this opportunity.”

The Alumni Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of alumni and showcase the impact and value of a UK higher education.

Award winners and finalists are leaders in their fields who have used their experience of studying at a UK university to make a positive contribution to their communities, professions and countries.

The Study UK Alumni Awards 2022-23 finalists will be announced later this month.

*This story was written by BA Journalism student Cerys Ferguson