
Science secrets to be spilt in pubs across Colchester

  • Date

    Mon 17 Apr 23

Pint of Science organisers raise a glass

The secrets of science will be spilt over a pint as a popular pub-focused festival returns for its biggest and best year yet.

Science secrets to be spilt in pubs across Colchester

The Pint of Science festival will unfold in a record-breaking four Colchester venues as the international celebration marks its 10th anniversary.

Locals' thirst for knowledge will be quenched as expert Essex researchers swap their labs for The Three Wise Monkeys, The Other Monkey Brewing Tap Room, CODA and Two Brews.

Diverse discussions on topics such as using virtual reality to overcome body dysmorphia, the genetics behind healthier pregnancies, and how we can achieve global food sustainability will be explored in the bustling bar rooms.

Tickets are on sale now for the three-day celebration which runs from May 22-24th.

Organisers Dr Olivia Grant and Dr Ellie Watson have pledged to celebrate the festival’s birthday in style and urge locals to get involved.

Dr Ellie Watson said: "What a huge privilege to be organising Colchester's contribution to the 10th anniversary of Pint of Science.

"Last year the festival was more of a success than we could have ever hoped, so this year it's been really important to me to diversify the range of topics we cover during the festival and to get more areas of research represented.

"This year, in addition to speakers from the University of Essex's School of Life Sciences, we feature talks from the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, and School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences.

"Although a massive undertaking during an inevitably jam-packed year, planning Pint of Science 2023 has been an absolute pleasure and I can't wait for the festival to now come round, and I can enjoy all the wonderful talks with a pint in hand!"

The nationwide festival is a grassroots non-profit organisation that aims to bring cutting-edge research to the masses.

The international celebration will see thousands of scientists speaking to the public in over 500 cities across 24 countries.

Dr Olivia Grant added: "People often feel science is inaccessible and belongs in the lecture halls, but we began to break down these views with the success of last year’s festival.

"This year, we are excited to continue this by bringing Pint of Science back to Essex pubs.

"Organising the event has been challenging, but also very exciting. We can’t wait to see some familiar and new faces at this year’s events!"

Founded 10 years ago by two UK researchers, the festival brings a unique line-up of talks, demonstrations and live experiments to the nation’s local pubs.

Tickets cost £5.