
Essex alumni shortlisted as global finalists in Study UK Awards

  • Date

    Mon 26 Jun 23

Image shows Shynar Aldazhumanova (left) and Evghenii Alexandrovici Golosceapov (right)

Outstanding Essex alumni who have been instrumental in making meaningful change in their home countries have been selected as global finalists for the Study UK Alumni Awards.

Postgraduate Evghenii Alexandrovici Golosceapov, who studied LLM International Human Rights Law in 2009-2010, and BSC Financial Economics graduate, Shynar Aldazhumanova, are among just a select few former UK university students to be shortlisted in this year’s global awards.

Evghenii has been nominated in the Social Action category for his work in improving the right to health and equality in Moldova.

In June 2018, the Moldovan Parliament appointed him as one of five members of the Equality Council – the national anti-discrimination legislation enforcement body.

Before that, Evghenii contributed to the elaboration of the first Equality Law in Moldova back in 2011-2012 and helped in the capacity building of the Equality Council during 2013-2018.

He is working with the Moldovan NGO Positive Initiative, Moldova’s patent office, finance and health authorities on the patents law reform to introduce TRIPS flexibilities and on the procurement mechanisms to support access to Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Tuberculosis (TB), Hepatitis C and COVID-19 medicines, vaccines and medical products.

Evghenii is also a freelancer on equality and human rights in Moldova, working with the UN, Council of Europe, OSCE and NGOs.

He said: “Being a global finalist is a recognition of the high potential of the UK's higher education system to contribute to positive change around the world by sharing and strengthening knowledge.

“In my case, the University of Essex has made this difference in and to my professional life. I am glad that I made the right choice in choosing Essex for my postgraduate studies in human rights.

“My work has a direct impact on the quality of life and well-being of many people in Moldova, especially those who are disadvantaged, or those who belong to minority, underrepresented and vulnerable groups.”

Shynar has been nominated in the Science and Sustainability category for her work in improving green finance in Kazakhstan.

She has been recognised for establishing and launching the AIFC Green Finance Centre, a regional think-tank in sustainable finance, as well as fostering the development of the green capital market in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Shynar’s work has also seen her as a part of the team helping businesses and companies in Kazakhstan to use first sustainability-linked financial instruments, known as green bonds, to finance their green projects and become more sustainable.

She actively attracts attention of the incoming generations, as well as government representatives and organizations to sustainability and green finance by providing speeches, seminars and lectures.

Shynar, who studied at Essex between 2007 and 2010, said: “I am very happy and excited to be among the 28 global finalists for the Alumni Awards.

“The selection process was an extremely competitive this year: there were over 1,200 applications, so, it is honour to be among the global finalists and be acknowledged for my contribution to sustainable development of Kazakhstan, particularly for developing green finance market.

“The University of Essex played an important role in my personal and professional development. I am sure that my knowledge and skills will bring even more successful projects in the future for the benefit of the society and country.”

The global winners from each category will be announced in September 2023.

The Study UK Alumni Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of UK University graduates and postgraduates who are making an impact on their communities, industries, and countries.