
Honorary professors join health research team

  • Date

    Wed 20 Mar 24

Lucy Wightman and Dr Ed Garratt OBE, both smiling and looking relaxed

Two honorary professors have joined the University's Institute of Public Health and Wellbeing (IPHW), cementing its links with two key regional stakeholders.

The appointment of Lucy Wightman, Director of Wellbeing, Public Health and Communities at Essex County Council, and Dr Ed Garratt OBE, Chief Executive of the NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board, will help ensure Essex research is grounded in the context of real-world healthcare.

Lucy, who is due to take up a new role as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Nurse at Provide Health in April, is a registered nurse with Masters degrees in Public Health and Leadership for Health and Social Care.

At Essex she will provide strategic input on the practical application of real-world research and support the University’s research impact agenda.

As well as cementing the University’s existing relationships with Essex County Council and Provide, her appointment will benefit students through invited lectures and informing teaching.

Lucy said: “I am delighted to have been awarded this honorary professorship.

“As Director of Wellbeing, Public Health and Communities at Essex County Council I’ve worked closely with the University on a number of projects. The close relationship between the organisations is invaluable and I’ve seen the benefits it brings to health interventions in Essex. I look forward to continuing to work collaboratively and innovatively to improve health outcomes locally in my new capacity with the University.

“I would like to thank my colleagues across the Public Health Team at Essex County Council and the University for their support, which has contributed towards me receiving this really special recognition.”

Dr Garratt, who has worked on major national policy developments including the NHS Constitution (2009) and the Government NHS White Paper (2021), chairs the East of England Mental Health Board.

As honorary professor, he’ll provide vital insights on the priorities of national, regional and local integrated care systems, including local and regional healthcare needs.

His appointment enhances an existing relationship which has seen Dr Garratt play a critical role in shaping the current strategy of the IPHW and the design of the Centre for Coastal Communities. Other strategic University projects he is involved in include the Health, Wellbeing and Care Hubs and dental clinic.

Speaking about the appointments, Professor Mariachiara Di Cesare, Director of the Institute of Public Health and Wellbeing (IPHW), said: “We are extremely pleased to have Lucy and Ed joining the IPHW and University community. They bring a unique wealth of knowledge and expertise which will strengthen the impact of our public health and wellbeing research.”

The IPHW is based at Clingoe House, on the University’s Knowledge Gateway research and technology park.