
Class of 2024: Maria Batllo Simo

We’re so proud of our Class of 2024. They’ve overcome enormous challenges, helped others, grasped opportunities, and developed their skills, showing their Essex Spirit in so many ways. Here, we’re taking the opportunity to share some of their stories.

  • Date

    Mon 8 Jul 24

Maria Simo Batllo

Maria Batilo Simo enjoyed studying in Colchester so much she stayed on after a Gap year to complete her BSc in Applied Biomedical Science with NHS Placement. Now she is heading to Glasgow to study medicine.

Originally from Barcelona she completed a Certificate of Higher Education in Health and Social Care at University Centre Colchester. This allowed her to build links with students, clubs and societies at the University’s Colchester Campus so she applied to stay in the UK to complete a more science-based degree which still encapsulated the human aspect of health and social care. This allowed her to continue getting involved while studying in the “immense number of opportunities” offered by societies and clubs, including handball and rugby. She even found time to be a peer mentor.

There are many highlight to choose from during her time at Essex. “Winning the Handball Shield Championship in my first year was a great highlight,” she said. “Since we were an incredibly international team, which was student-run and we had a great time going away for the championship, it was even more incredible when both women and men won.

“My placement year was an incredible experience too, even though it was incredibly tough, I learned so much through working every day for an entire year next to incredible professionals at the Department of Head and Neck Histopathology at Guy's Hospital. The team there, whom I'm still in contact with, have helped me and inspired me immense amounts in regard to my future steps.

Three lecturers particularly inspired her during her degree. She said: “My tutor Professor Selwa Alsam inspired me from the first day, by sharing her experience when she studied and was getting her PhD while working full time and having a family. I believe that as a female student it is inspirational to see professors that have achieved so much. Dr Aurèlie Villedieu helped me greatly with my placement application and interview, but mainly was one of the first lecturers who really showed me that they believed in me and showed me that they thought I had potential. Lastly, Dr Greg Brook, my dissertation supervisor, helped me greatly this final year by not only answering all my questions and doubts but also inspiring me with his research. Being able to learn from him throughout my dissertation period has inspired me and made me sure that I want to continue pursuing research no matter how hard it sometimes gets.”

What initially attracted Maria to Essex?

“The Campus was one of the first things that attracted me,” she said. “Coming from a busy city such as Barcelona, the lakes and the parks and the homely atmosphere of the town and the University really interested me. The internationalism, being an EU student, also very much interested me since it not only made me feel more comfortable but also made it possible to meet many new people.”

So as she looks to the future Maria is full of thanks for her time at Essex. She said: “I believe Essex has given me a massive opportunity to learn and explore a subject I am greatly interested in. The way professors teach you based on their research makes learning a lot more interesting because you can tell they are passionate about it, as well as very welcoming and eager to share their knowledge and answer and discuss any questions you may have.”