
Global telecommunications champion Houlin Zhao receives honorary degree

  • Date

    Wed 17 Jul 24

houlin zhao

Improving lives across the globe and building connections which overcome international borders has led to Houlin Zhao being awarded an honorary degree by the University of Essex.

Houlin was Secretary-General of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) from 2015 to 2022. Part of the United Nations, ITU is the UN’s specialised agency for information and communication technologies. Its motto is: 'Committed to connecting the world'.

Head of the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Professor Reinhold Scherer, gave the oration for Houlin at Summer Graduation. He said: “His leadership of ITU and his passion for bridging the digital divide are an inspiration to us all.”

Houlin was delighted to receive recognition for his international achevements. He said: “I joined the University in 1984 and have enjoyed my association with it over the last 40 years, I am proud to be an Essex alumni. Allow me to express my deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to the University of Essex for bestowing upon me this exceptional honour.”

With a membership of 193 member states and more than 1,000 companies, universities, and international and regional organisations, ITU plays a vital role across the world.

More than 700 people from over 90 different nationalities work at ITU. Its highly skilled engineers and telecommunications specialists look to promote international cooperation in internet and broadcasting technologies while also improving telecommunication infrastructure in the developing world. ITU allocates global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develops the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strives to improve access to information communication technologies to underserved communities worldwide.

During his more than three decades at ITU, Houlin worked tirelessly to fulfil its important mission. After leaving ITU, he was made a Honorary Chairman of the China Institute of Communications in China in 2023.

Professor Scherer said: “Houlin has first-hand experience of what a special and innovative place Essex is as a graduate. In his leadership role Houlin spearheaded a drive to transform communication in the developing world, where he has championed the need to bridge the digital divide, and the importance of access to technology, in sustainable development.”

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