
Families flock to seaside fun day to explore support

  • Date

    Wed 21 Aug 24

A child explores the University through VR

Families flocked to a seaside fun day to explore support and opportunities offered by the University of Essex, charities, businesses, and councils.

Organised by the University’s Outreach team in Jaywick visitors enjoyed face painting, free food, and stunning stands in the Sunspot Café.

One saw families create a coastal landscape using recycled boat sails with artist Helen Spencer and another allowed to delve into virtual reality.

The headsets allow kids to see what it looks like to be at the top of offshore wind turbines and were provided by local company Galloper Wind.


University Outreach Officer and event organiser Olivia Solanke said: “It is always a great achievement when we can address local skills and support needs through local partnerships and collaboration.

“A huge thank you to the Sunspot for hosting, Make Happen and Essex County Council for funding and all the stall holders who spent the day advising the visitors and offering some family fun.”

Essex County Council funded the Tendring Future Skills programme which paid for the family fun day.

The programme partly delivered by the University of Essex Outreach team creates events and sessions via schools and other providers that prepare young people and adults for future jobs in Tendring.

Councillor Tony Ball, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Lifelong Learning and Employability, said: "We are delighted to have provided funding to support this and many other events as part of the Tendring Future Skills Programme.

“The programme has already delivered some exciting events and learning opportunities, we look forward to continued partnership work with the University of Essex Outreach, Tendring District Council and other partners to develop skills in the Tendring area and raise aspirations."