Marty, who cites Stanley Kubrick and Akira Kurosawa as his two all-time favourite directors, was inspired to make films from a young age.
“I remember always borrowing the family camcorder and creating little shorts with my friends. My desire to film probably stems from having my own DVD player as a kid but not many DVDs. I'd rewatch the 'behind the scenes' and 'extras' of the same few films over and over to the point where I knew I had to create films for myself.”
He hopes the new Essex International Film Festival, which offers masterclasses and networking as well as screenings and awards, will boost young filmmakers and inspire others to pick up a camera.
“Short films are so hard to get seen by the right people and it is opportunities like these that offer a chance for newer filmmakers to progress their careers. I hope that local film students will recognise the chance on their doorstep and be inspired to get more projects out into the public eye,” he said.
The Essex International Film Festival is the first county-wide film festival in the UK.