Jana Abdel-Jawadova

jana.abdeljawadova@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1702 328414
GB.1.26, Southend Campus
- International Social Work
- Social Welfare
- Child Protection
Jana Abdel-Jawadova is a PhD student at the Social Work and Social Justice Division, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex. Janas most recent role has been working as a research officer within the School of Health and Social Care at the University of Essex. Jana also worked as a junior researcher with Connecting Research to Development based in Lebanon supporting in social development research projects including working on a multidimensional child poverty study. Jana has worked as well as a Gender-Based Violence Emergency caseworker with the International Rescue Committee in their response programme to the Beirut port explosion.
MA in Social Work University of Kent (2020)
BA in Social Work and Community Development Lebanese American University (2018)
Research and professional activities
The Child Protection System in Lebanon: a Study on the Role of International Actors in Social Welfare
Supervisor: Dr. Aaron Wylie , Dr. Konstantinos (Kostis) Roussos