
Dr Vahid Abolghasemi

Senior Lecturer
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Dr Vahid Abolghasemi
  • Email

  • Location

    4B.523, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Wednesday 3-5 pm on campus/zoom to be confirmed in advance via email.



Dr. Abolghasemi is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, at the University of Essex. He received the Ph.D. degree from University of Surrey, Guildford, UK in 2011. Upon completion of the PhD, he held a postdoctoral research assistant position at Brunel University, contributing to an EPSRC-funded project on application of compressive sensing for terahertz imaging. His primary research encompasses signal and image processing, computer vision, and machine learning, with a specific focus on compressive sensing and its expansion into emerging fields. Driven by his interest in advancing technology, his research findings have yielded innovative solutions in medical, agricultural, and industrial applications, resulting in publications in esteemed journals and conferences. Currently, Dr. Abolghasemi is actively engaged in broadening the practical applications of his theoretical knowledge. His expertise extends to cutting-edge technologies, including smart and adaptive low-power sensing and communication, wireless image transmission, compressed and lightweight neural networks, and artificial intelligence. These advancements find applications in crucial sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, and global environmental challenges. Recognised for his contributions, Dr. Abolghasemi is a Senior Member of IEEE and received the IEEE Young Investigator Award in 2018. He has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems and has been a technical program committee member and keynote speaker at several flagship conferences. Additionally, he actively reviews for numerous reputable journals, including IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Signal Processing. [*Prospective PhD students who have related research interests are encouraged to contact me by email*]


  • PhD University of Surrey, (2011)


University of Essex

  • Senior Lecturer, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)

  • Lecturer, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/7/2019 - 30/9/2023)

Other academic

  • Assistant Professor, Shahrood University of Technology (1/1/2013 - 30/6/2019)

  • Post-doctoral Research Assistant, Brunel University London (1/12/2011 - 31/12/2012)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Signal processing

Open to supervise

Image processing

Open to supervise

Compressive sensing

Open to supervise

Deep compressive sensing

Open to supervise

Dictionary/deep learning

Open to supervise

Biomedical signal and image processing

Open to supervise

Machine learning and pattern recognition

Open to supervise

Computer Vision

Open to supervise

Anomaly detection

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Professional Practice and Research Methodology (CE902)

Previous supervision

Sumit Kumar Singh
Sumit Kumar Singh
Thesis title: Diagnosis of Skin Cancer Using Novel Computer Vision and Deep Learning Techniques
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 17/6/2022


Publications (2)

Phoemsuk, A. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Coronary Artery Disease Classification Using One-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network

Jarrahi, MA., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Image Transmission: A Deep Compressed-Sensing Based Method

Journal articles (56)

Parcham, E., Fateh, M. and Abolghasemi, V., (2025). HybridBranchNetV2: Towards Reliable Artificial Intelligence in image classification Using Reinforcement Learning. PLoS ONE. 20 (2), e0314393-e0314393

Khajeha, HR., Fateh, M. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Diagnosis of Glaucoma using Multi-Scale Attention Block in Convolution Neural Network and Data Augmentation Techniques. Engineering Reports. 6 (10)

Fateh, A., Tahmasbi Birgani, R., Fateh, M. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Advancing Multilingual Handwritten Numeral Recognition with Attention-driven Transfer Learning. IEEE Access. 12, 41381-41395

Bazghandi, R., Hoseintabar Marzebali, M. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Enhanced Multi-Synchro-Squeezing Transform for Fault Diagnosis in Induction Machine Based on Third-Order Energy Operator of Stator Current Signature. IEEE Access. 12, 41056-41065

Wu, J., Abolghasemi, V., Anisi, MH., Dar, U., Ivanov, A. and Newenham, C., (2024). Strawberry Disease Detection through an Advanced Squeeze-and-Excitation Deep Learning Model. IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics. 2 (2), 259-267

Hajnayeb, S., Hoseintabar Marzebali, M., Abolghasemi, V. and Faiz, J., (2024). Broken Rotor Bar Fault Detection of Induction Machine based on Rectified Orthogonal Axes Technique of Stator Current. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 73, 1-13

Modanlou Jouybari, M., Alireza, T., Mansoor, F. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). A novel deep neural network structure for software fault prediction. PeerJ Computer Science. 10, e2270-e2270

Rezvani, S., Soleymani Siahkar, F., Rezvani, Y., Alavi Gharahbagh, A. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Single Image Denoising via a New Lightweight Learning-Based Model. IEEE Access. 12, 121077-121092

Bazghandi, R., Hoseintabar Marzebali, M., Abolghasemi, V. and Hedayati Kia, S., (2023). A Novel Mode Un-Mixing Approach in Variational Mode Decomposition for Fault Detection in Wound Rotor Induction Machines. Energies. 16 (14), 5551-5551

Singh, SK., Abolghasemi, V. and Anisi, MH., (2023). Fuzzy Logic with Deep Learning for Detection of Skin Cancer. Applied Sciences. 13 (15), 8927-8927

Fateh, A., Fateh, M. and Abolghasemi, V., (2023). Enhancing optical character recognition: Efficient techniques for document layout analysis and text line detection. Engineering Reports. 6 (9)

Abolghasemi, V., Marzebali, MH. and Ferdowsi, S., (2022). Recursive Singular Spectrum Analysis for Induction Machines Unbalanced Rotor Fault Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 71, 1-11

Mokri, C., Bamdad, M. and Abolghasemi, V., (2022). Muscle force estimation from lower limb EMG signals using novel optimised machine learning techniques.. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 60 (3), 683-699

Abadi, MRQR., Marzebali, MH., Abolghasemi, V. and Anisi, MH., (2022). High-Voltage Pulse Generators for Electroporation Applications: A Systematic Review. IEEE Access. 10, 64933-64951

Ameri, R., Alameer, A., Ferdowsi, S., Nazarpour, K. and Abolghasemi, V., (2022). Labeled projective dictionary pair learning: application to handwritten numbers recognition. Information Sciences. 609, 489-506

Marzebali, MH., Bazghandi, R. and Abolghasemi, V., (2022). Rotor Asymmetries Faults Detection in Induction Machines under the Impacts of Low-Frequency Load Torque Oscillation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 71, 1-11

Singh, SK., Abolghasemi, V. and Anisi, MH., (2022). Skin Cancer Diagnosis Based on Neutrosophic Features with a Deep Neural Network.. Sensors. 22 (16), 6261-6261

Ghonchi, H. and Abolghasemi, V., (2022). A Dual Attention-based Auto-encoder Model For Fetal ECG Extraction From Abdominal Signals. IEEE Sensors Journal. 22 (23), 22908-22918

Bazghandi, R., Marzebali, MH. and Abolghasemi, V., (2022). Asymmetrical Fault Detection in Induction Motors through Elimination of Load Torque Oscillations Effects in the Slight Speed Variations and Steady-state Conditions. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics. 4 (3), 725-733

Bamdad, M., Mokri, C. and Abolghasemi, V., (2022). Joint mechanical properties estimation with a novel EMG-based knee rehabilitation robot: A machine learning approach. Medical Engineering and Physics. 110, 103933-103933

Marzebali, MH., Abolghasemi, V., Ferdowsi, S. and Bazghandi, R., (2022). Manipulation of stator current signature for rotor asymmetries fault diagnosis of wound rotor induction machine. IET Science, Measurement & Technology. 16 (9), 523-532

Abolghasemi, V. and Anisi, MH., (2021). Compressive Sensing for Remote Flood Monitoring. IEEE Sensors Letters. 5 (4), 1-4

Ghaffari, A., Kafaee, M. and Abolghasemi, V., (2021). Smooth non-negative sparse representation for face and handwritten recognition. Applied Soft Computing. 111, 107723-107723

Jalali, Y., Fateh, M., Rezvani, M., Abolghasemi, V. and Anisi, MH., (2021). ResBCDU-Net: A Deep Learning Framework for Lung CT Image Segmentation. Sensors. 21 (1), 268-268

Fateh, A., Fateh, M. and Abolghasemi, V., (2021). Multilingual handwritten numeral recognition using a robust deep network joint with transfer learning. Information Sciences. 581, 479-494

Ghonchi, H., Fateh, M., Abolghasemi, V., Ferdowsi, S. and Rezvani, M., (2020). Deep recurrent–convolutional neural network for classification of simultaneous EEG–fNIRS signals. IET Signal Processing. 14 (3), 142-153

Rahmati, M., Fateh, M., Rezvani, M., Tajary, A. and Abolghasemi, V., (2020). Printed Persian OCR system using deep learning. IET Image Processing. 14 (15), 3920-3931

Javaran, TA., Hassanpour, H. and Abolghasemi, V., (2019). Blind motion image deblurring using an effective blur kernel prior. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 78 (16), 22555-22574

Mortezaee, M., Mortezaie, Z. and Abolghasemi, V., (2019). An Improved SSA-Based Technique for EMG Removal from ECG. IRBM. 40 (1), 62-68

Amiri, M., Ahmadyfard, A. and Abolghasemi, V., (2019). A fast video super resolution for facial image. Signal Processing: Image Communication. 70, 259-270

Abolghasemi, V. and Mesri, M., (2019). Update on New Therapies of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Systematic Review. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 7 (1), 61-64

Ferdowsi, S. and Abolghasemi, V., (2018). Simultaneous BOLD detection and incomplete fMRI data reconstruction. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 56 (4), 599-610

Ferdowsi, S. and Abolghasemi, V., (2018). Multi layer spectral decomposition technique for ERD estimation in EEG μ rhythms: An EEG–fMRI study. Neurocomputing. 275, 1836-1845

Ferdowsi, S. and Abolghasemi, V., (2018). Semiblind Spectral Factorization Approach for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Quantification. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 65 (8), 1717-1724

Abolghasemi, V., Chen, M., Alameer, A., Ferdowsi, S., Chambers, J. and Nazarpour, K., (2018). Incoherent Dictionary Pair Learning: Application to a Novel Open-Source Database of Chinese Numbers. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 25 (4), 472-476

Mohammadi, M., Pouyan, AA., Khan, NA. and Abolghasemi, V., (2018). An improved design of adaptive directional time–frequency distributions based on the Radon transform. Signal Processing. 150, 85-89

Mohammadi, M., Pouyan, AA., Khan, NA. and Abolghasemi, V., (2018). Locally Optimized Adaptive Directional Time–Frequency Distributions. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. 37 (8), 3154-3174

(2018). Iterative Weighted Non-smooth Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Face Recognition. International Journal of Engineering. 31 (10), 1698-1707

Askari Javaran, T., Hassanpour, H. and Abolghasemi, V., (2017). Automatic estimation and segmentation of partial blur in natural images. The Visual Computer. 33 (2), 151-161

Askari Javaran, T., Hassanpour, H. and Abolghasemi, V., (2017). Local motion deblurring using an effective image prior based on both the first- and second-order gradients. Machine Vision and Applications. 28 (3-4), 431-444

Alyannezhadi, MM., Pouyan, AA. and Abolghasemi, V., (2017). An efficient algorithm for multisensory data fusion under uncertainty condition. Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology. 4 (1), 269-278

Dong, Y., Lin, H., Abolghasemi, V., Gan, L., Zeitler, JA. and Shen, Y-C., (2017). Investigating Intra-Tablet Coating Uniformity With Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 106 (2), 546-553

Javaran, TA., Hassanpour, H. and Abolghasemi, V., (2017). Non-blind image deconvolution using a regularization based on re-blurring process. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 154, 16-34

Nazari Siahsar, MA., Gholtashi, S., Abolghasemi, V. and Chen, Y., (2017). Simultaneous denoising and interpolation of 2D seismic data using data-driven non-negative dictionary learning. Signal Processing. 141, 309-321

Askari Javaran, T., Hassanpour, H. and Abolghasemi, V., (2016). A noise-immune no-reference metric for estimating blurriness value of an image. Signal Processing: Image Communication. 47, 218-228

Ameri, R., Pouyan, A. and Abolghasemi, V., (2016). Projective dictionary pair learning for EEG signal classification in brain computer interface applications. Neurocomputing. 218, 382-389

Abolghasemi, V. and Ferdowsi, S., (2015). EEG–fMRI: Dictionary learning for removal of ballistocardiogram artifact from EEG. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 18, 186-194

Ferdowsi, S., Sanei, S. and Abolghasemi, V., (2015). A Predictive Modeling Approach to Analyze Data in EEG–fMRI Experiments. International Journal of Neural Systems. 25 (01), 1440008-1440008

Abolghasemi, V., Ferdowsi, S. and Sanei, S., (2015). Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI. Signal, Image and Video Processing. 9 (1), 147-158

Ferdowsi, S., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2015). A new informed tensor factorization approach to EEG–fMRI fusion. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 254, 27-35

Abolghasemi, V., Shen, H., Shen, Y. and Gan, L., (2015). Subsampled terahertz data reconstruction based on spatio-temporal dictionary learning. Digital Signal Processing. 43, 1-7

Ferdowsi, S., Sanei, S., Abolghasemi, V., Nottage, J. and O'Daly, O., (2013). Removing Ballistocardiogram Artifact From EEG Using Short- and Long-Term Linear Predictor. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 60 (7), 1900-1911

Abolghasemi, V., Ferdowsi, S. and Sanei, S., (2012). Blind Separation of Image Sources via Adaptive Dictionary Learning. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 21 (6), 2921-2930

Abolghasemi, V., Ferdowsi, S. and Sanei, S., (2012). A gradient-based alternating minimization approach for optimization of the measurement matrix in compressive sensing. Signal Processing. 92 (4), 999-1009

Sanei, S., Lee, TKM. and Abolghasemi, V., (2012). A New Adaptive Line Enhancer Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 59 (2), 428-434

Abolghasemi, V. and Ahmadyfard, A., (2009). An edge-based color-aided method for license plate detection. Image and Vision Computing. 27 (8), 1134-1142

Book chapters (2)

Abolghasemi, V. and Falahati, R., (2022). L2 handwritten assignments for automated writing evaluation: A text recognition study. In: Technology in Second Language Writing: Advances in Composing, Translation, Writing Pedagogy and Data-Driven Learning. 152- 167

Abolghasemi, V., Ameri, R. and Nazarpour, K., (2021). Handwritten digits recognition using dictionary learning. In: Computer Vision and Recognition Systems Using Machine and Deep Learning Approaches: Fundamentals, technologies and applications. 83- 116

Conferences (46)

Jarrahi, M., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Image Transmission: A Deep Compressed-Sensing Based Method

Phoemsuk, A. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Coronary Artery Disease Classification Using One-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network

Jarrahi, MA., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Rate-Adaptive Joint Source Channel Coding Using Deep Block-based Compressed Sensing

Jarrahi, MA., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). DCS-JSCC: Leveraging Deep Compressed Sensing into JSCC for Wireless Image Transmission

Vijayakanthan, G., Vaishali, R. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Detection of Tea Leaf Diseases Using Deep Transfer Learning

Wu, J., Dar, U., Anisi, MH., Abolghasemi, V., Wilkin, CN. and Wilkin, AI., (2023). Plant Disease Detection: Electronic System Design Empowered with Artificial Intelligence

Dar, U., Anisi, MH., Abolghasemi, V., Newenham, C. and Ivanov, A., (2023). Visual sensor network based early onset disease detection for strawberry plants

Ghonchi, H., Ferdowsi, S. and Abolghasemi, V., (2022). Common Spatial Pattern with Deep Learning for Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring

Ameri, R., Alameer, A., Ferdowsi, S., Abolghasemi, V. and Nazarpour, K., (2021). Classification of Handwritten Chinese Numbers with Convolutional Neural Networks

Ghonchi, H., Fateh, M., Abolghasemi, V., Ferdowsi, S. and Rezvani, M., (2020). Spatio-temporal deep learning for EEG-fNIRS brain computer interface

Ferdowsi, S., Ognibene, D., Foulsham, T., Abolghasemi, V., Li, W. and Citi, L., (2020). Human Chemosignals Modulate Interactions Between Social and Emotional Brain Areas

Abolghasemi, V. and Ferdowsi, S., (2017). Singular value thresholding for multi-dimensional data: Application to fMRI and terahertz imaging

Khabbaz, AH., Pouyan, AA., Fateh, M. and Abolghasemi, V., (2017). An adaptive RL based fuzzy game for autistic children

Mohammadi, M., Pouyan, AA., Abolghasemi, V. and Khan, NA., (2017). Radon transform for adaptive directional time-frequency distributions: Application to seizure detection in EEG signals

Mohammadi, M., Pouyan, AA., Abolghasemi, V. and Khan, NA., (2017). Enhancement of the spikes attributes in the time-frequency representations of real EEG signals

AlyanNezhadi, MM., Hashemi, SMR. and Abolghasemi, V., (2017). License plate detection in complex scenes based on fusion of Gaussian filtering and Bayesian network

AlyanNezhadi, MM., Hashemi, SMR. and Abolghasemi, V., (2017). License Plate Detection in Complex Scenes based on Fusion of Gaussian Filtering and Bayesian Network

Mohammadi, M., Pouyan, AA., Abolghasemi, V. and Khan, NA., (2017). Enhancement of the spikes attributes in the time-frequency representations of real EEG signals

Amiri, M., Ahmadifard, A. and Abolghasemi, V., (2016). A probabilistic framework for dense image registration using relaxation labelling

Amiri, M., Ahmadifard, A. and Abolghasemi, V., (2016). A fast approach for single image super resolution via dictionary learning

Ameri, R., Pouyan, A. and Abolghasemi, V., (2015). EEG signal classification based on sparse representation in brain computer interface applications

Abolghasemi, V., Ferdowsi, S., Hao Shen, Yaochun Shen and Lu Gan, (2014). Spatio-spectral data reconstruction in terahertz imaging

Ferdowsi, S., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2013). EEG-FMRI integration using a partially constrained tensor factorization

Ferdowsi, S., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2012). Blind separation of ballistocardiogram from EEG via short-and-long-term linear prediction filtering

Abolghasemi, V., Ferdowsi, S., Makkiabadi, B. and Sanei, S., (2012). Adaptive fusion of dictionary learning and multichannel BSS

Ferdowsi, S., Sanei, S., Nottage, J., O'Daly, O. and Abolghasemi, V., (2012). A hybrid ICA-Hermite transform for removal of Ballistocardiogram from EEG

Ferdowsi, S., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2011). A comparative study of α-divergence based NMF techniques for fMRI analysis

Makkiabadi, B., Jarchi, D., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2011). A geometrically constrained multimodal time domain approach for convolutive blind source separation

Ferdowsi, S., Abolghasemi, V., Makkiabadi, B. and Sanei, S., (2011). A new spatially constrained NMF with application to fMRI

Abolghasemi, V., Ferdowsi, S. and Sanei, S., (2011). Sparse multichannel source separation using incoherent K-SVD method

Abolghasemi, V., Jarchi, D. and Sanei, S., (2010). A robust approach for optimization of the measurement matrix in Compressed Sensing

Abolghasemi, V., Ferdowsi, S., Makkiabadi, B. and Sanei, S., (2010). On optimization of the measurement matrix for compressive sensing

Ferdowsi, S., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2010). A constrained NMF algorithm for bold detection in fMRI

Jarchi, D., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2009). Source localization of brain rhythms by empirical mode decomposition and spatial notch filtering

Ferdowsi, S., Abolghasemi, V., Ahmadyfard, A. and Sanei, S., (2009). An improved eye detection method based on statistical moments

Abadi, BM., Sarrafzadeh, A., Jarchi, D., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2009). Semi-blind signal separation and channel estimation in MIMO communication systems by tensor factorization

Abolghasemi, V., Sanei, S., Ferdowsi, S., Ghaderi, F. and Belcher, A., (2009). Segmented compressive sensing

Zoghi, M. and Abolghasemi, V., (2009). Persian signature verification using improved Dynamic Time Warping-based segmentation and Multivariate Autoregressive modeling

Ghaderi, F., Sanei, S., Makkiabadi, B., Abolghasemi, V. and McWhirter, JG., (2009). Heart and lung sound separation using periodic source extraction method

Sanei, S., Phan, AH., Lo, J-L., Abolghasemi, V. and Cichocki, A., (2009). A compressive sensing approach for progressive transmission of images

Ghaderi, F., Sanei, S., Makkiabadi, B., Abolghasemi, V. and McWhirter, JG., (2009). Heart and lung sound separation using periodic source extraction method.

Sanei, S., Phan, AH., Lo, J-L., Abolghasemi, V. and Cichocki, A., (2009). A compressive sensing approach for progressive transmission of images.

Ahmadyfard, A. and Abolghasemi, V., (2008). Detecting license plate using texture and color information

Abolghasemi, V. and Marvi, H., (2007). Modified CELP coder using root cepstrum

Abolghasemi, V. and Marvi, H., (2007). Application of cepstrum analysis in speech coding

Abolghasemi, V. and Ahmadyfard, A., (2007). Improved Image Enhancement Method for License Plate Detection

Grants and funding


To create an AI-driven dashboard which ingests data from a range of IoT devices and sensors and provides real-time actionable insights to clients in the retail sector.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Development of a smart irrigation system to minimise water use in a plant nursery

University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)

To develop a monitoring system, with associated machine learning capabilities, to detect disease and plant stress in apples before symptoms become visible to the human eye.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

To develop a novel State of Charge and fire prevention prediction system for High Voltage Battery Management Systems.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Allpress Farms Ltd KTP application

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Proof of Concept for an AI procedure in Chest X-Ray screening

University of Essex (GCRF)

Glasswall Solutions KTP Application

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Wilkin & Sons KTP application

Wilkin & Sons Ltd



4B.523, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Wednesday 3-5 pm on campus/zoom to be confirmed in advance via email.

More about me