Prof Dawn Ades

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Colchester Campus
Dawn Ades is a Fellow of the British Academy, a former trustee of Tate, Professor of the History of Art at the Royal Academy and was awarded a CBE in 2013 for her services to art history. She has been responsible for some of the most important exhibitions in London and overseas over the past thirty years, including Dada and Surrealism Reviewed, Art in Latin America and Francis Bacon. Most recently she organised the highly successful exhibition to celebrate the centenary of Salvador Dalí at the Palazzo Grassi in Venice (2004) The Colour of my Dreams: The Surrealist Revolution in Art, at the Vancouver Art Gallery (2011), and was Associate Curator for Manifesta 9 (2012) . She has published standard works on photomontage, Dada, Surrealism, women artists and Mexican muralists. Dawn is now partially retired but continues to supervise PhD students.
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Film Studies (Creative Practice)
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/6/2023

Degree subject: Art History and Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/5/2022

Degree subject: Art History and Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/4/2019

Degree subject: Art History and Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/1/2018

Degree subject: Art History and Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/6/2017

Degree subject: Art History and Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/12/2013

Degree subject: Art History and Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2013

Degree subject: Art History and Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/6/2012
Journal articles (22)
Ades, D. and Brotchie, A., (2021). Letters. Burlington Magazine. 163 (1414), 4-
Ades, D., (2018). The Francis Bacon catalogue raisonn. Burlington Magazine. 160 (1383), 486-489
Ades, D., (2016). Primitivism in 20th Century Art. BURLINGTON MAGAZINE. 158 (1365), 990-991
Ades, D., (2014). The Surrealist object. BURLINGTON MAGAZINE. 156 (1332), 186-188
Ades, D., (2013). Dali. BURLINGTON MAGAZINE. 155 (1322), 357-359
Ades, D., (2013). ?Aspects of Art?: The lecture series. British Academy Review. 22, 64-69
Ades, D., (2011). Picture Book. ARTFORUM INTERNATIONAL. 50 (4), 83-84
Ades, D., (2011). Surrealism and its Legacies in Latin America (British Academy Lecture). Proceedings of the British Academy. 167, 393-422
Ades, D., (2010). Objects of Enquiry: An Art Historian’s Response to Peter Burke. Cultural and Social History. 7 (4), 445-452
Rebaza-Soraluz, L., Ades, D. and Fraser, V., (2007). The Beginnings of Latin American Art as a Subject of Academic Study in the UK: A Conversation. Bulletin of Spanish Studies. 84 (4-5), 557-569
Ades, D., (2006). Art since 1900. Modernism, antimodernism and postmodernism.. BURLINGTON MAGAZINE. 148 (1242), 637-638
Ades, D., (2003). Francisco Toledo or the triumph of death: Woodcuts. PRINT QUARTERLY. 20 (1), 101-103
Ades, D., (2002). Aztecs. TLS-THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT (5203), 16-17
Ades, D., (2002). Aztecs. TLS-THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT (5203), 16-17
Ades, D., (1999). Joseph Cornell Marcel Duchamp in resonance. BURLINGTON MAGAZINE. 141 (1152), 195-198
Ades, D., (1998). Rene Magritte: Catalogue raisonne, vol 1, Oil paintings, 1916-1930, vol 2, Oil paintings and objects, 1931-1948, vol 3, Oil paintings, objects and bronzes, 1949-1967, vol 4, Goaches, temperas, watercolours and papiers colles, 1918-1967, vol 5, Supplement: Exhibitions, lists, bibliography, cumulative index. BURLINGTON MAGAZINE. 140 (1142), 340-341
ADES, D., (1993). DUCHAMP,MARCEL. BURLINGTON MAGAZINE. 135 (1084), 502-504
ADES, D., (1992). MAGRITTE. BURLINGTON MAGAZINE. 134 (1073), 537-539
Ades, D., (1988). AN ANTIQUE LAND?. Art History. 11 (2), 268-271
Ades, D., (1976). Photomontage. Society. 14 (1), 13-18
Books (11)
Ades, D., Eder, R. and Speranza, G., (2012). Surrealism in Latin America: Vivísimo Muerto. Getty Research Institute. 9781606061176
Ades, D., (2011). The Colour of My Dreams: The Surrealist Revolution in Art. Wittenborn Art Books. 9780815001188
Ades, D., (2010). Andrew Lord. Milton Keynes Gallery and Santa Monica Museum of Art. 9780955761089
Ades, D., Ballard, JG. and Self, W., (2010). Crash. Gagosian Gallery. 9781935263074
Ades, D. and McClean, A., (2009). Revolution on Paper: Mexican Prints 1910-1960. British Museum Press. 9780714126708
Ades, D. and Baker, S., (2008). Close-Up - Proximity And De-Familiarisation In Art, Film And Photography. Fruitmarket Gallery. 9780947912598
Ades, JD., (2000). Dali’s Optical Illusions. Yale University Press
Ades, D., Andreotti, M. and Jolles, A., (1997). Surrealist Art The Lindy and Edwin Bergman Collection at the Art Institute of Chicago. Thames & Hudson. 0500237115. 9780500237113
Ades, D. and Brett, G., (1989). Art in Latin America The Modern Era, 1820-1980. Yale University Press. 0300045611. 9780300045611
Ades, D., Sylvester, D., Cowling, E. and Britain, ACOG., (1978). Dada and Surrealism Reviewed Hayward Gallery, London from 11 January to 27 March 1978
Ades, JD., (1976). Photomontage London
Book chapters (25)
Ades, D., (2021). The Supremacy of the Message-Dada. In: Illuminations: Women Writing on Photography from the 1850s to the Present. 66- 70
Ades, D., (2016). Surrealism in Latin America. In: A Companion to Dada and Surrealism. Editors: Hopkins, D., . Wiley. 177- 196. 9781118476185
Ades, D. and Richardson, M., (2016). Amour fou – mad love. In: Surrealism: Key Concepts. 171- 181
Ades, D., (2014). Hannah Höch, Dada and the ’New Woman’. In: Hannah Höch Works on Paper. Editors: Ades, D., Butler, E. and Herrmann, DF., . Whitechapel Gallery & Prestel. 18- 29. 978-3-7913-5343-2
Ades, D., (2014). The Image of the Black in Latin America. In: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume V: The Twentieth Century, Part 1: The Impact of Africa. Editors: Bindman, D. and Jr, HLG., . Harvard University Press. 227- 256. 9780674052673
Ades, D., (2014). Making Visible: Abstract Drawing. In: Abstract Drawing. Editors: DEacon, R., . Drawing Room & Ridinghouse. 106- 117. 978-1-905464-83-8
Ades, D., (2013). Carrington?s Mysteries. In: Leonora Carrington. Editors: Kissane, S., . Irish Museum Of Modern Art/DAP. 98- 125. 9781938922206
Ades, D., (2013). Dreams in Surrealist Discourse and the Unusual case of Miró?s Photo: Ceci est la couleur de mes rêves. In: Surrealism and the Dream. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza. 75- 95
Ades, D., (2013). Introduction. In: 3 New York Dadas and the Blind Man. Editors: Duchamp, M., Roché, H-P. and Wood, B., . Atlas Press. 7- 23
Ades, D., (2012). 100% Photographic. In: In Wonderland: The Surrealist Adventures of Women Artists in Mexico and the United States. Editors: Fort, IS. and Arcq, T., . Prestel. 9783791351414
Ades, D., (2012). The Age of Coal. In: MANIFESTA 9 The Deep of the Modern - A Subcyclopaedia. Editors: Medina, C. and Fraga, CM., . Silvana Editoriale. 9788836623266
Ades, D., (2012). DYN: An Introduction. In: Farewell to Surrealism; The DYN Circle in México. Editors: Leddy, A. and Conwell, D., . Getty Research Institute. 1- 8
Ades, D., (2012). "We who have neither church nor country": César Moro and surrealism. In: Surrealism in Latin America: Vivísimo Muerto. Editors: Ades, D., Eder, R. and Speranza, G., . Getty Research Institute. 9781606061176
Ades, D., (2012). "A new friendship between art and anthropology"?: Henry Moore, Surrealism and México. In: Henry Moore and the Classic Canon of Modern Sculpture. Kremlin Museums. 27- 37
Ades, D., (2011). John Stezaker: Monteur. In: John Stezaker. Editors: Ades, D., Bracewell, M. and Stezacker, J., . Whitechapel Gallery and Ridinghouse. 9781905464333
Ades, D., (2011). Surrealism discovers Earnshaw. In: Anthony Earnshaw , The Imp of Surrealism. Editors: Coleman, L., . RGAP (Research Group for Artists Publications). 34- 47. 9780955827389
Ades, D., (2010). Criaturas híbridas [Hybrid Creatures]. In: María. Editors: Cosac, C., . CosacNaify. 9788575038383
Ades, D., (2009). Humphrey Jennings. In: New Aldeburgh Anthology. Editors: Bankes, A. and Reekie, J., . Boydell Press. 9781843834397
Ades, D., (2008). Camera Creation. In: Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia. Editors: Mundy, J., . Tate Publishing. 9781854377319
Ades, D., (2008). Little things: close-up in photo and film 1839-1963. In: Close-Up - Proximity And De-Familiarisation In Art, Film And Photography. Editors: Ades, D. and Baker, S., . Fruitmarket Gallery. 9780947912598
Ades, D., (2008). Picasso in Documents. In: Picasso Harlequin 1917-1937. Editors: Bois, Y-A., . Complesso del Vittoriano & Skira. 9788861309906
Ades, D., (2004). Dalí's Anti-paintings of 1928. In: A Companion to Spanish Surrealism. Tamesis Books. 97- 115. 9781855661042
Ades, D., (1998). La Part de l'Unheimliche dans l'œuvre de Frida Kahlo, Maria Izquierdo et Maruja Mallo. In: La Femme s'entête: La Part du féminin dans le surréalisme. Lachenal & Ritter. 317- 333. 9782904388491
Ades, D., (1995). Internationalism and Eclecticism: Surrealism and the Avant-Garde in Painting and Film 1920-1930. In: Spanish Cultural Studies: An Introduction: The Struggle for Modernity. Oxford University Press. 71- 79. 9780198151951
Ades, D., (1993). Visions de la matière: Breton, le Cubisme et le Surréalisme. In: Lire le regard: André Breton & la peinture. Lachenal & Ritter. 59- 74. 9782904388330
Conferences (1)
Ades, D., (2002). Constructing Histories of Latin American Art
Other (1)
(2006).The Dada Reader: A Critical Anthology,University of Chicago Press