Dr Ellen Serwaa Adomako

ellen.adomako@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873296
2S2.3.13, Colchester Campus
I qualified as an Occupational Therapist (MSc Pre-registration Programme) from Brunel University - UK in 2010. Prior to this, I completed a first degree in Psychology from University of Ghana. Clinical experience in Occupational Therapy includes working in the Medium Secured Forensic Unit, Bethlem Royal Hospital UK and at the Stroke Unit, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital - Ghana. Since 2008, I was part of the team that set up and developed the BSc occupational therapy degree programme at the University of Ghana. I completed a PhD in Occupational Therapy at the University of Essex on the topic: Impact of the environment on service user's engagement in therapeutic activities in an adult acute mental health inpatient unit.
PhD in Occupational therapy University of Essex, (2022)
MSc in Occupational Therapy (Pre registration) Brunel University London, (2010)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology major with Philosophy) University of Ghana, (2007)
University of Essex
Role emerging placement tutor, Occupational therapy/SHSC, University of Essex (2/3/2020 - present)
Other academic
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (8/1/2019 - present)
Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (24/7/2017 - 8/1/2019)
Clinical Tutor, Occupational Therapy Department, University of Ghana (25/8/2008 - present)
Research and professional activities
Conferences and presentations
The impact of the environment on service users’ engagement in therapeutic activities in an adult acute mental health inpatient unit
SHSC Postgraduate Research Seminar, University of Essex, 26/1/2021
The impact of the environment on service user’s engagement in therapeutic activities in an adult acute inpatient mental health unit
Invited presentation, Virtual Scientific Conference of the Occupational Therapy Association of Ghana, Occupational Therapy Association of Ghana, Ghana, 23/10/2020
The impact of the environment on service user’s engagement in therapeutic activities in an adult acute inpatient mental health unit (Virtual poster presentation)
Society for the Study of Occupation (USA) Conference, Society for the Study of Occupation, United States, 24/8/2020
Black Lives Matter – Lessons from My Story
Invited presentation, Occupational Therapy (OT) Frontiers Meeting, 23/1/2020
Staff and service user’s perception of health facilities impact on service user’s engagement in therapeutic activities
Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Birmmingham, RCOT, United Kingdom, 17/6/2019
The impact of the environment on service users’ engagement in therapeutic activities in an inner London acute mental health unit
24th International Mental Health Nursing Research Conference, Manchester, 13/9/2018
Being and becoming occupational therapist perception of students from Ghana (Poster presentation)
College of Occupational Therapist 40th annual conference and specialist section on trauma and orthopaedics, Harrogate, United Kingdom, 29/6/2016
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Concepts of Therapy (HS176)
Advancing Occupational Therapy Practice in Diverse Communities (HS371)
Autonomous Practitioner (Occupational Therapy) (HS374)
Interprofessional Collaboration and Development (HS790)
Developing Professional Skills: Therapy and Occupation (HS805)
Advancing Occupational Therapy practice in Diverse Communities (HS807)
Interprofessional Collaboration and Development (HS810)
Foundations for Occupational Therapy (HS892)
Occupational performance and process (HS893)
Informing Sciences (HS173)
Professional Reasoning in Practice (HS801)
Advancing Professional Practice in Occupational Therapy (HS894)
Journal articles (2)
Bryant, W., Cordingley, K., Adomako, E. and Birken, M., (2019). Making activism a participatory, inclusive and developmental process: a research programme involving mental health service users. Disability and Society. 34 (7-8), 1264-1288
Bryant, W., Cordingley, K., Sims, K., Dokal-Marandi, J., Pritchard, H., Stannard, V. and Adamako, E., (2016). Collaborative research exploring mental health service user perspectives on acute inpatient occupational therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 79 (10), 607-613
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