Dr Tarek Al Baghal

talbag@essex.ac.uk -
2N2.6.14, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
SC974 Survey Measurement and Question Design, Spring 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 SC971 Applied Sampling, Autumn 2015, 2016
PhD University of Nebraska,
MS University of Maryland,
University of Essex
Research Fellow, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (1/10/2015 - present)
Senior Research Officer, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (1/8/2013 - 1/10/2015)
Other academic
Research Assitant Professor, Survey Research and Methodology, University of Nebraska System (1/8/2012 - 16/7/2013)
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/6/2024

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/5/2021

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/7/2020

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/6/2019

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/5/2018
Journal articles (30)
Di Cara, NH., Boyd, A., Tanner, AR., Al Baghal, T., Calderwood, L., Sloan, LS., Davis, OSP. and Haworth, CMA., Views on social media and its linkage to longitudinal data from two generations of a UK cohort study. Wellcome Open Research. 5, 44-44
Liu, S., Sloan, L., Al Baghal, T., Williams, M., Jessop, C. and Serôdio, P., (2025). Linking survey with Twitter data: examining associations among smartphone usage, privacy concern and Twitter linkage consent. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 28 (1), 71-85
Sultana, F., Watkins, R., Al Baghal, T. and Hughes, J., (2025). An Evaluation of Secondary School Students’ Use and Understanding of Learning Strategies to Study and Revise for Science Examinations. Education Sciences. 15 (1), 101-101
Liu, S., Sloan, L., Al Baghal, T., Williams, M., Serôdio, P. and Jessop, C., (2024). Examining household effects on individual Twitter adoption: A multilevel analysis based on U.K. household survey data. PLOS ONE. 19 (1), e0297036-e0297036
Al Baghal, T., Wenz, A., SerÔdio, P., Liu, S., Jessop, C. and Sloan, L., (2024). Linking Survey and LinkedIn Data: Understanding Usage and Consent Patterns. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 12 (5), 1200-1211
Benzeval, M., Andrayas, A., Mazza, J., Al Baghal, T., Burton, J., Crossley, TF. and Kumari, M., (2023). Does feedback of blood results in observational studies influence response and consent? A randomised study of the Understanding Society Innovation Panel. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 23 (1), 134-
Tanner, AR., Di Cara, NH., Maggio, V., Thomas, R., Boyd, A., Sloan, L., Al Baghal, T., Macleod, J., Haworth, CMA. and Davis, OSP., (2023). Epicosm—a framework for linking online social media in epidemiological cohorts. International Journal of Epidemiology. 52 (3), 952-957
Kumari, M., Andrayas, A., Al Baghal, T., Burton, J., Crossley, TF., Jones, KS., Parkington, DA., Koulman, A. and Benzeval, M., (2023). A randomised study of nurse collected venous blood and self-collected dried blood spots for the assessment of cardiovascular risk factors in the Understanding Society Innovation Panel.. Scientific Reports. 13 (1), 13008-
Wenz, A., Al Baghal, T. and Gaia, A., (2021). Language Proficiency Among Respondents: Implications for Data Quality in a Longitudinal Face-to-Face Survey. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 9 (1), 73-93
Al Baghal, T., Wenz, A., Sloan, L. and Jessop, C., (2021). Linking Twitter and survey data: asymmetry in quantity and its impact. EPJ Data Science. 10 (1)
Al Baghal, T., Sloan, L., Jessop, C., Williams, M. and Burnap, P., (2020). Linking Twitter and Survey Data: The Impact of Survey Mode and Demographics on Consent Rates Across Three UK Studies.. Social Science Computer Review. 38 (5), 517-532
Sloan, L., Jessop, C., Al Baghal, T. and Williams, M., (2020). Linking Survey and Twitter Data: Informed Consent, Disclosure, Security and Archiving. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics. 15 (1-2), 63-76
Di Cara, NH., Boyd, A., Tanner, AR., Al Baghal, T., Calderwood, L., Sloan, LS., Davis, OSP. and Haworth, CMA., (2020). Views on social media and its linkage to longitudinal data from two generations of a UK cohort study. Wellcome Open Research. 5, 44-44
Al Baghal, T., (2019). The Effect of Online and Mixed-Mode Measurement of Cognitive Ability. Social Science Computer Review. 37 (1), 89-103
Gaia, A. and Al Baghal, T., (2019). The Longitudinal Item Count Technique: A New Technique for Asking Sensitive Questions in Surveys. methods, data, analyses. 13 (1), 111-137
Al Baghal, T., (2019). Usage and impact metrics for Parliamentary libraries. IFLA Journal. 45 (2), 034003521882139-034003521882139
Al Baghal, T., (2017). Last Year Your Answer Was ...: The Impact of Dependent Interviewing Wording and Survey Factors on Reporting of Change. Field Methods. 29 (1), 61-78
Belli, RF., Miller, LD., Al Baghal, T. and Soh, L., (2016). Using Data Mining to Predict the Occurrence of Respondent Retrieval Strategies in Calendar Interviewing: The Quality of Retrospective Reports. Journal of Official Statistics. 32 (3), 579-600
Belli, RF. and Al Baghal, T., (2016). Parallel Associations and the Structure of Autobiographical Knowledge. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 5 (2), 150-157
Al Baghal, T. and Kelley, J., (2016). The Stability of Mode Preferences: Implications for Tailoring in Longitudinal Surveys. methods, data, analyses. 10 (2), 143-166
Al Baghal, T. and Lynn, P., (2015). Using Motivational Statements in Web-Instrument Design to Reduce Item-Missing Rates in a Mixed-Mode Context. Public Opinion Quarterly. 79 (2), 568-579
Al Baghal, T., (2015). Obtaining data linkage consent for children: factors influencing outcomes and potential biases. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 19 (6), 623-643
Al Baghal, T., (2014). Estimating Support for Extremism and Its Correlates: The Case of Pakistan. Ask: Research and Methods. 23 (1), 35-56
Al Baghal, T., (2014). Is Vague Valid? The Comparative Predictive Validity of Vague Quantifiers and Numeric Response Options. Survey Research Methods. 8 (3), 169-179
Al Baghal, T., (2014). Numeric Estimation and Response Options: An Examination of the Accuracy of Numeric and Vague Quantifier Responses. Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences. 5 (2), 58-75
Al Baghal, T., Belli, RF., Phillips, AL. and Ruther, N., (2014). What Are You Doing Now? Activity-Level Responses and Recall Failures in the American Time Use Survey. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 2 (4), 519-537
Belli, RF., Bilgen, I. and Al Baghal, T., (2013). Memory, Communication, and Data Quality in Calendar Interviews. Public Opinion Quarterly. 77 (S1), 194-219
Baghal, T., (2012). Are the "Four Factors" Indicators of One Factor? An Application of Structural Equation Modeling Methodology to NBA Data in Prediction of Winning Percentage. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports. 8 (1)
Baghal, T., (2011). The measurement of risk perceptions: the case of smoking. Journal of Risk Research. 14 (3), 351-364
Haider-Markel, DP., Joslyn, MR. and Al-Baghal, MT., (2006). Can We Frame the Terrorist Threat? Issue Frames, the Perception of Threat, and Opinions on Counterterrorism Policies. Terrorism and Political Violence. 18 (4), 545-559
Reports and Papers (6)
Al Baghal, T., Bryson, C., Fisher, H., Hanson, T., Jessop, C., Low, H., Lynn, P., Martin, N., McKay, S., Sloan, L. and Sobolewska, M., Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 10: results from methodological experiments
Creighton, M., Dykema, J., Gaia, A., Cernat, A., Garbarski, D., Jamal, A., Kaminska, O., Keusch, F., Lynn, P., Oberski, D., Schaeffer, NC., Uhrig, SCN. and Yan, T., Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 8: results from methodological experiments
Vine, J., AGUIRRE, E., Al Baghal, T., Benzeval, M., Burton, J., Butler, C., Chung, H., Couper, M., Coutrot, A., Delaney, L., Fowler, C., Jäckle, A., Kumari, M., Lieutaud, M., Mansfield, KL., Mitchell, L., Parutis, V., Payne, J., Popli, G., Przybylski, AK., Raj, S., Ratcliffe, A., Soetevent, AR., Spiers, H., van den Berg, GJ., Voorintholt, L. and Wang, S., (2024). Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 16: results from methodological experiments and new data
Al Baghal, T., (2016). The impact of dependent interviewing wording and survey factors on reporting of change
Allum, N., Auspurg, K., Blake, M., Booker, CL., Crossley, TF., d'Ardenne, J., Fairbrother, M., Iacovou, M., Jackle, AE., Kaminska, O., Lynn, P., Nicoletti, C., Oldfield, Z., Pudney, S., Schnettler, S., Uhrig, SCN., Winter, J. and Al Baghal, T., (2014). Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 6: results from methodological experiments
Al Baghal, T., Knies, G. and Burton, J., (2014). Linking administrative records to surveys: differences in the correlates to consent decisions
Grants and funding
Understanding Society Waves 17-22
Economic and Social Research Council
Understanding Society Waves 17-22
Economic and Social Research Council
Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Survey Waves 13-15
Economic and Social Research Council
Understanding (Offline/Online) Society: Linking Surveys with Twitter Data
Economic and Social Research Council
Economic and Social Research Council
Evaluation_Local Delivery Pilot for Sport England
Sport England
Evaluation: Local Delivery Pilot for Sport England
Sport England
Evaluation: Local Delivery Pilot for Sport England
Sport England
Academic support hours:
SC974 Survey Measurement and Question Design, Spring 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 SC971 Applied Sampling, Autumn 2015, 2016