Dr Katya Al Khateeb

serene@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873915
5S.7.21, Colchester Campus
Katya joined Essex Law School and Human Rights Centre in 2019. Her work is at the intersection of armed conflict and international law, with particular interest in International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and transitional justice. Drawing from my interdisciplinary background, she also explores the relationship between human rights and the arts, examining how cultural expression interfaces with legal frameworks in conflict and post-conflict settings. Katya works closely with the Essex Human Rights Centre. She has been the blog editor since 2019. She also was the deputy Director of the Digital Verification Unit. She is PI of the Syria in Transition project, and she is an active member of the following HRC projects: Armed Conflict and Acute Crisis Hub, Essex Transitional Justice, and Human Rights Local.
LLM in International Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law University of Essex, (2018)
PhD In Literature, Theatre, and Film Studies University of Essex, (2016)
MA in Literature, Theatre, and Film Studies University of Essex, (2011)
BA in Comparative Cultural Studies Tishreen University, (2007)
University of Essex
Senior Research Officer, Essex Law School, University of Essex (1/3/2019 - present)
Research Officer, Essex Law School, University of Essex (1/10/2018 - 1/3/2019)
Assistent Lecturer, Department of Literature, Theatre, and Fim Studies, University of Essex (1/10/2013 - 1/7/2014)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Human Rights Law
International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
Law & Culture (including art & literature)
I am interested in the intersection of law and literature in two ways. First, conducting legal inquiries on emerging technologies through Speculative fiction. Second, exploring the literary spaces that criticises legal norms and participate in informing the process of law reform.
Conferences and presentations
Transnational Justice and the Ethics of Inclusion in the Syrian Diaspora
Sectarianism, Proxies & De-sectarianisation (SEPAD) Interdiscplinary Conference, United Kingdom, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 1/12/2022
Human Enhancement Drugs in the Military and Protection of Soldier’s Rights in Armed Conflict
The Future of Human Rights in the UK, Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom, 18/12/2019
‘Ideological Oscillations: ‘The Immigrant’ between the Crucible and the Snowglob’
The British Comparative Literature Association (BACL), 17/5/2013
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Human Rights, Regional Systems & Global Challenges (HU200)
Human Rights: Global Diversity and Global Challenges (HU930)
Human Rights and the Arts (HU932)
Current Challenges in the Law of Armed Conflict (LW804)
Public International Law (LW902)
Academic Skills in International Law (LW949)
Human Rights: Theories and Applications (HU901)
Book chapters (1)
Lubell, N. and Al Khateeb, K., (2023). Cyborg Soldiers: Military Use of Brain-Computer Interfaces and the Law of Armed Conflict. In: Big Data and Armed Conflict: Legal Issues Above and Below the Armed Conflict Threshold. Editors: Dickinson, L. and Berg, E., . Oxford University Press. 249- 272. 0197668615. 9780197668610
Reports and Papers (1)
Al Khateeb, K., (2025). Perspectives on Transitional Justice in Syria: Voices from Academia, Civil Society, and the Arts
Other (2)
Duffy, A. and Al Khateeb, K., Conflicting Narratives Post-Conflict: The Agree to Disagree
Al Khateeb, K., Human Rights at “home”
Grants and funding
Resistance, Reconciliation and Peacebuilding by Syrian Artists in Exile
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Agree to Disagree? Responding to Intolerant Narratives in Initiatives for Transformative Justice
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
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