
Dr Mays Al-Naday

Senior Lecturer
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Dr Mays Al-Naday
  • Email

  • Location

    1NW.4.8, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    My Academic Support Hours will be 12-13 on Thursday via zoom. The zoom link for this is available from my profile on my CE155 course MOODLE page. Please wait in the waiting room until I can admit you.



I am a lecturer in cyber security at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE). Prior to this, I worked as a senior research officer in the Communications group of CSEE, contributing to a number of national and European projects. Further, I worked as a graduate DevOps engineering in BSkyB. I Received my PhD in Electronic and Computing Systems from the University of Essex in 2015; and, my MSc in Computer and Information Networks from the University of Essex in 2010. My research interests focus on future networking architecutres, including Information-Centric Networking (ICN), Fog Computing, Serverless Computing, Cyber Security, Content Distribution Networks and Intelligent Optical Networks. I'm also interested in networking problems associated with health and wellbeing applications.


  • PhD in Electronic and Computing Systems, 2015

  • MSc in Computer and Information Networks, 2010

  • BSc in Information and Communication Engineering, 2006

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Information-Centric Networks

Context-aware Communications

Cyber Security

Internet of Things

Network Function Virtualisation

Software-Defined Networks

Mobile Edge Computing

Fog Computing

Resource management and QoS in ICN

Serverless Computing

Conferences and presentations

AI in Energy

AIOTI White paper, Brussels, Belgium, 3/12/2024

Edge driven Digital Twins in distributed energy systems

AIOTI Energy WG, Brussels, Belgium, 31/1/2024

session 4, Vertical 05: Energy power and sustainability

IoT World Forum 2023, Aveiro, Portugal, 26/10/2023

International workshop on Information Centric Fog Computing (ICFC), IFIP NETWORKING 17, Stockholm

Stockholm, Sweden, 2017

I have organised two workshops

International workshop on Mobile Edge Communications (MECOMM), SIGCOMM 17, LA

I have published papers in:


Journal articles (16)

Goethals, T., Al-Naday, M., Volckaert, B. and Turck, FD., (2024). Warrens: Decentralized Connectionless Tunnels for Edge Container Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 21 (4), 4282-4296

Al-Naday, M., Dobre, V., Reed, M., Toor, S., Volckaert, B. and De Turck, F., (2023). Federated deep Q-learning networks for service-based anomaly detection and classification in edge-to-cloud ecosystems. Annals of Telecommunications. 79 (3-4), 165-178

Hidalgo, C., Vaca, M., Nowak, MP., Frölich, P., Reed, M., Al-Naday, M., Mpatziakas, A., Protogerou, A., Drosou, A. and Tzovaras, D., (2022). Detection, control and mitigation system for secure vehicular communication. Vehicular Communications. 34, 100425-100425

Sebrechts, M., Volckaert, B., De Turck, F., Yang, K. and Al-Naday, M., (2022). Fog Native Architecture: Intent-Based Workflows to Take Cloud Native toward the Edge. IEEE Communications Magazine. 60 (8), 44-50

Hu, J., Reed, M., Thomos, N., Al-Naday, M. and Yang, K., (2022). A Dynamic Service Trading in a DLT-Assisted Industrial IoT Marketplace. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 19 (4), 4691-4705

AL-Naday, M., Thomos, N., Hu, J., Volckaert, B., de Turck, F. and Reed, MJ., (2022). Service-based, Multi-Provider, Fog Ecosystem with Joint Optimization of Request Mapping and Response Routing. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 16 (3), 1-15

Hu, J., Reed, M., Thomos, N., Al-Naday, MF. and Yang, K., (2021). Securing SDN controlled IoT Networks Through Edge-Blockchain. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 8 (4), 2102-2115

Hu, J., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, M. and Thomos, N., (2021). Hybrid Blockchain for IoT—Energy Analysis and Reward Plan. Sensors. 21 (1), 305-305

Hu, J., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, MF. and Thomos, N., (2020). Blockchain-Aided Flow Insertion and Verification in Software Defined Networks.. CoRR. abs/2006.14513

Al-Khalidi, MQ., Thomos, N., Reed, M., Al-Naday, M. and Trossen, D., (2019). Anchor Free IP Mobility. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 18 (1), 56-69

AL-Naday, MF., Thomos, N. and Reed, MJ., (2017). Information-Centric Multilayer Networking: Improving Performance Through an ICN/WDM Architecture. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 25 (1), 83-97

Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, M., Thomos, N., Trossen, D., Petropoulos, G. and Spirou, S., (2016). Stateless multicast switching in software defined networks. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2016. abs/1511.06069

Al-Khalidi, M., Thomos, N., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, MF. and Trossen, D., (2016). Network Controlled Mobility Management using IP over ICN Architecture.. CoRR. abs/1610.09011

Al-Naday, MF., Thomos, N. and Reed, MJ., (2015). Information-centric Multilayer Network: ICN/WDM.. CoRR. abs/1511.04698

Al-Naday, MF., Reed, MJ., Trossen, D. and Yang, K., (2014). Information resilience: Source recovery in an information-centric network. IEEE Network. 28 (3), 36-42

AL-Naday, MF., Almeida, RC., Guild, KM. and Reed, MJ., (2012). Design proposal of a photonic multicast Bloom filter node. Photonic Network Communications. 24 (2), 132-137

Conferences (24)

Whitaker, M., Bruno, V. and Al-Naday, M., Idempotency in Service Mesh: for Resiliency of Fog-Native Applications in Multi-Domain Edge-to-Cloud Ecosystems

Ejaz, S. and Al-Naday, M., (2024). FORK: A Kubernetes-Compatible Federated Orchestrator of Fog-Native Applications Over Multi-Domain Edge-to-Cloud Ecosystems

Zhang, W., Toor, S. and Al-Naday, M., (2024). Federated Machine Learning for Resource Allocation in Multi-domain Fog Ecosystems

Birtane, S., Al-Naday, M., Paolucci, F., Bakar, RA., Lefebvre, V., Passas, V., Kalafatidis, S., Lalas, A., Drosou, A., de Oca, EM., Cavalli, AR., Vörös, P., Alshawki, M., Stiller, B., Soussi, W., Cantali, G. and Gür, G., (2024). Footprint-Optimized Orchestration and Management of Secure Complex Services over 6G Continuum

Al-Naday, M., Reed, M., Dobre, V., Toor, S., Volckaert, B. and De Turck, F., (2023). Service-based Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Anomaly Detection in Fog Ecosystems

Al-Naday, M., Karagiannis, V., De Block, T. and Volckaert, B., (2023). Federated Scheduling of Fog-native Applications over Multi-Domain Edge-to-Cloud Ecosystem

Karagiannis, V., Al-Naday, M. and De Block, T., (2023). The Blue Dataverse: A System for Marine Data Sovereignty

Al-Naday, M., Goethals, T. and Volckaert, B., (2022). Intent-based Decentralized Orchestration for Green Energy-aware Provisioning of Fog-native Workflows

Goethals, T., Sebrechts, M., Al-Naday, M., Volckaert, B. and De Turck, F., (2022). A Functional and Performance Benchmark of Lightweight Virtualization Platforms for Edge Computing

Al-Naday, M. and Macaluso, I., (2021). Flexible Semantic-based Data Networking for IoT Domains

Hu, J., Reed, M., Al-Naday, M. and Thomos, N., (2020). Blockchain-Aided Flow Insertion and Verification in Software Defined Networks

Amangele, P., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, M., Thomos, N. and Nowak, M., (2019). Hierarchical Machine Learning for IoT Anomaly Detection in SDN

Hernandez-Ramos, JL., Baldini, G., Neisse, R., Al-Naday, M. and Reed, MJ., (2019). A Policy-based Framework in Fog enabled Internet of Things for Cooperative ITS

Frotscher, A., Monschiebl, B., Drosou, A., Gelenbe, E., Reed, MJ. and Al-Naday, M., (2019). Improve cybersecurity of C-ITS Road Side Infrastructure Installations: the SerIoT - Secure and Safe IoT approach

Xylomenos, G., Thomas, Y., Vasilakos, X., Georgiades, M., Phinikarides, A., Doumanis, I., Porter, S., Trossen, D., Robitzsch, S., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, M., Petropoulos, G., Katsaros, K., Xezonaki, M-E. and Riihijarvi, J., (2018). IP Over ICN Goes Live

Psaras, I., Yang, K., Al-Naday, M., Crowcroft, J., Polyzos, G. and Reed, M., (2018). Message from the workshop chairs

Al-Khalidi, M., Thomos, N., Al-Naday, M., Reed, M. and Trossen, D., (2017). Seamless Handover in IP over ICN Networks: a Coding Approach

Crowcroft, J., Mambretti, J., Pavlou, G., Polyzos, GC., Psaras, I., Yang, K., AL-Naday, M., Katsaros, KV. and Reed, MJ., (2017). Chairs'Welcome Message

Crowcroft, J., Mambretti, J., Pavlou, G., Polyzos, GC., Psaras, I., Yang, K., AL-Naday, M., Katsaros, KV. and Reed, MJ., (2017). Chairs'Welcome Message

Al-Khalidi, M., Thomos, N., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, MF. and Trossen, D., (2017). Seamless handover in IP over ICN networks: A coding approach.

Kim, S-Y., Robitzsch, S., Trossen, D., Reed, M., Al-Naday, M. and Riihijärvi, J., (2016). Realizing IP-based Services over an Information-Centric Networking Transport Network

Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, MF., Thomos, N., Trossen, D., Petropoulos, GP. and Spirou, S., (2016). Stateless multicast switching in software defined networks.

Al-Naday, MF., Bontozoglou, A., Vassilakis, VG. and Reed, MJ., (2014). Quality of service in an information-centric network

Vassilakis, VG., Al-Naday, MF., Reed, MJ., Alzahrani, BA., Yang, K., Moscholios, ID. and Logothetis, MD., (2014). A cache-aware routing scheme for information-centric networks

Reports and Papers (2)

Al-Naday, M., Reed, MJ., Riihijärvi, J., Trossen, D., Thomos, N. and Al-Khalidi, M., (2018). fCDN: A Flexible and Efficient CDN Infrastructure without DNS Redirection or Content Reflection

AL-Naday, M., Reed, MJ., Riihijärvi, J., Trossen, D., Thomos, N. and Al-Khalidi, MQS., (2018). Service-based Fog architecture without DNS redirection

Grants and funding


Cyber security academic startup accelerator programme (CyberASAP) 2023, year 7: phase 1

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

To develop a best-in-class digital portal which enables a secure, seamless self-service experience for Attwells' clients.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

CyberAsap 2 AI Orchestrator

University of Essex

CyberASAP Phase 2 - AI Privacy Orchestrator

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

Net-Zero self-adaptive activation of distributed self-resilient augmented services

European Commission

To embed novel federated learning and micromodel technology into a real-time insights platform.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


SerIoT: Secure and Safe Internet of Things

European Commission



1NW.4.8, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

My Academic Support Hours will be 12-13 on Thursday via zoom. The zoom link for this is available from my profile on my CE155 course MOODLE page. Please wait in the waiting room until I can admit you.

More about me