Victor Ashby

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 878517
GB.2.62, Colchester Campus
Victor is a Research Officer for the University of Essex working within the School of Health and Social Care. He is currently involved in a research programme covering fundamental care for persons living with dementia within the East of England region. Victor has a background in biology and epidemiology, with over 3 years of experience in health and social research. He has been involved in major health related studies aimed at improving health outcomes for the Grenadian population and has worked closely with the Windward Islands Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF) and Ministry of Health (MoH Grenada) as a Research Scientist. Before joining the University of Essex, Victor held a scientific research post at the University Hospitals Dorset.
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Biology St. George's University, (2014)
Master of Public Health (MPH) Epidemiology St. George's University, (2017)
University of Essex
Research Officer, Health and Social Care, University of Essex (9/1/2023 - present)
Other academic
Research Scientist, Windward Islands Research and Education Foundation (1/11/2019 - 1/1/2021)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Fundamentals of Lifesciences (HS183)
Service Improvement Project (HS195)
Service Improvement Project (HS246)
Journal articles (1)
Marrow, RK., Cronin, C., Ashby, V., Currid, T. and Alexander, M., (2024). A Patient and Public Engagement Project to Inform Dementia Care in a UK Hospital Trust.. Health Expectations. 27 (5), e70024-
Reports and Papers (1)
Cronin, C., Currid, T., Marrow, R. and Ashby, V., (2023). DemFoCAS Interim Phase 1 Report