Professor Martin Atkinson

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Colchester Campus
He studied Mathematics and Philosophy as an undergraduate, and Experimental Psychology and Linguistics at graduate level. His doctoral thesis was on language acquisition in small children. Before coming to Essex in 1974, he held research posts in the University of Edinburgh. His main interests are language acquisition, psycholinguistics, syntax, semantics and formal models of language structure. He is joint author (with Iggy Roca and the late David Kilby) of Foundations of General Linguistics, join author (with Andrew Radford, David Britain and Harald Clahsen) of Linguistics: An introduction and author of Explanations in the Study of Child Language Development, and Children's Syntax.
BSc Manchester,
MSc University of Sussex,
PhD University of Edinburgh,
Books (1)
Radford, A., Atkinson, M., Britain, DJ., Clahsen, H. and Spencer, A., (2009). Linguistics: An Introduction [second edition]. Cambridge University Press. 978-0-521-61478-8
Reports and Papers (7)
Atkinson, M., (2008). Mother Merge and Her Children
Atkinson, M., (2006). On What There Is (and Might Not Be)
Atkinson, M., (2001). Defective intervention effects, die!
Atkinson, M., (2001). Putting the X on TH/EX
Atkinson, M., (2000). Minimalist visions
Atkinson, M., (2000). Uninterpretable feature deletion and phases
Atkinson, M., (1995). Now, hang on a minute: some reflections on emerging orthodoxies