Dr David Axelsen

d.v.axelsen@essex.ac.uk -
5.027, Colchester Campus
University of Essex
Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (1/8/2019 - present)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Discourse, Morality and Power (GV252)
Ethics and Public Policy (GV254)
Foundations and Methods of Political Theory (GV909)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/10/2023
Journal articles (20)
Axelsen, D. and Nielsen, L., Harsh and Disrespectful: Rescuing Moral Agency from Luck and Choice. Social Theory and Practice. 46 (4), 657-679
Axelsen, D., (2025). Members Only? Why Associational Autonomy cannot justify closing state borders. The Journal of Politics, 000-000
Axelsen, D. and Nielsen, L., (2024). The Expressive Injustice of Being Rich. Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Christensen, J., Parr, T. and Axelsen, DV., (2024). Justice without millionaires. Economics and Philosophy, 1-2
Nielsen, L. and Axelsen, DV., (2023). Correction to: Envy, Levelling Down, and Harrison Bergeron: Defending Limitarianism Against Three Common Objections. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 26 (1), 165-165
Axelsen, D. and Nielsen, L., (2023). What's Wrong with Extreme Wealth?. Political Studies Review. 22 (4), 803-820
Christensen, J., Parr, T. and Axelsen, D., (2022). Justice for Millionaires?. Economics and Philosophy. 38 (3), 333-353
Axelsen, D., (2022). When the state doesn’t commit: A review essay of Julian Culp’s Democratic Education in a Globalized World. Ethics and Global Politics. 15 (1)
Nielsen, L. and Axelsen, DV., (2022). Envy, Levelling-Down, and Harrison Bergeron Defending Limitarianism from Three Common Objections. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 25 (5), 737-753
Spiekermann, K., Slavny, A., Axelsen, D. and Lawford-Smith, H., (2021). Big Data Justice: A Case for Regulating the Global Information Commons. The Journal of Politics. Online (2), 577-588
Nielsen, L. and Axelsen, DV., (2021). Being Responsible and Holding Responsible: On the Role of Individual Responsibility in Political Philosophy. Res Publica. 27 (4), 641-659
Slavny, A., Spiekermann, K., Lawford-Smith, H. and Axelsen, D., (2020). Directed Reflective Equilibrium: Thought Experiments and How to Use Them. Journal of Moral Philosophy. 18 (1), 1-25
Axelsen, DV. and Bidadanure, J., (2019). Unequally egalitarian? Defending the credentials of social egalitarianism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 22 (3), 335-351
Axelsen, DV., Bidadanure, J. and Meijers, T., (2019). Equality, responsibility, and justice. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 22 (3), 237-244
Axelsen, DV., (2019). Against institutional conservatism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 22 (6), 637-659
Axelsen, DV., (2019). Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society, Eric A. Posner and E. Glen Weyl. Princeton University Press, 2018, xxii + 337 pages.. Economics and Philosophy. 35 (3), 569-574
Nielsen, L. and Axelsen, DV., (2017). Capabilitarian Sufficiency: Capabilities and Social Justice. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. 18 (1), 46-59
Axelsen, DV. and Nielsen, L., (2015). Sufficiency as Freedom from Duress. Journal of Political Philosophy. 23 (4), 406-426
Axelsen, DV., (2013). The State Made Me Do It: How Anti‐cosmopolitanism is Created by the State. Journal of Political Philosophy. 21 (4), 451-472
Nielsen, L. and Axelsen, DV., (2012). Three strikes out: Objections to Shlomi Segall's luck egalitarian justice in health. Ethical Perspectives. 19 (2), 307-316
Books (1)
Axelsen, DV., (2019). Luck Egalitarianism Kasper Lippert-rasmussen and His Critics. Routledge. 0367339854. 9780367339852