Dr John Azure

john.azure@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873316
EBS.3.127E, Colchester Campus
2019: Ph.D. - Accounting University of Aberdeen Business School,
2012: MBA Finance University of Bradford.,
2004: Bachelor of Commerce University of Cape Coast,
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Audit Principles and Practice (BE120)
Current Issues in Financial Reporting (BE130)
Accounting and Finance for Managers (BE167)
Professional and Academic Development (Accounting) (BE907)
Journal articles (5)
Agyemang, J., Azure, J., Kimani, DK. and Arun, T., (2023). Government Financial Resilience during Pandemics: the case of West Africa. Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting and Financial Management. 35 (3), 385-414
Azure, J., Alawattage, C. and Lauwo, S., (2023). Politics of fiscal discipline: counter-conducting the World Bank’s public financial management reforms. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 37 (4), 1012-1040
Lauwo, S., Azure, JD-C. and Hopper, T., (2022). Accountability and governance in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in a developing country context: Evidence from Tanzania. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 35 (6), 1431-1461
Alawattage, C. and Azure, JD-C., (2022). Theorising the ‘African problem’ with governmentality and counter conduct. African Accounting and Finance Journal. Volume 4 (1), 14-28
Alawattage, C. and Azure, JD-C., (2021). Behind the World Bank’s ringing declarations of “social accountability”: Ghana’s public financial management reform. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 78, 102075-102075
Grants and funding
Developing a framework for professional directors' certification in Africa
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)