Kirstii Badcock
Email -
5.602, Colchester Campus
- Research Impact
- Impact in the Research Excellence Framework
- Research Impact in Funding Applications
- Developing and writing REF Impact Case Studies, what makes a 4* impact case study
- Research Impact resources such as the Impact Academy and Research Impact Toolkit
I am the Research Impact Manager, leading the team to ensure Essex offers a supportive research impact culture across the institution for REF2029 and beyond. Prior to this I was the Research Development Manager focussing on Postgraduate Research. developing the strategy around doctoral investments and supporting academic colleagues when applying for large multi-institutional doctoral investments. Working with colleagues across the academic and research sections to generate applications to a range of funding bodies providing specialist advice on doctoral research funding and the development of new postgraduate research training programmes. Identifying funding opportunities (specifically block training grants), supporting the development of high quality applications to postgraduate research across the University and with external partners to maximise opportunities for collaborative doctoral provision both domestic and international. In my previous role as Research Impact Officer I was responsible for managing, supporting and facilitating research impact across a large social sciences faculty throughout the research life cycle, from writing about impact in funding applications to securing evidence of change. I had significant involvement across five units of assessments that were submitted to REF2021 including the writing of case studies.
BA (Hons) History of Art and Design Kingston University (2003)