
Dr Nicole Baerg

Senior Lecturer
Department of Government
Dr Nicole Baerg



University of Essex

  • UCU Essex case work coordinator and Government Dept Rep, Government, University of Essex (1/8/2024 - present)

  • Senior Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - present)

  • Co-Director, Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis, University of Essex (1/8/2019 - 1/8/2021)

  • Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2016 - 1/10/2020)

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • International Political Economy (GV314)

  • The Politics of Public Policy (GV924)

Previous supervision

Yen-Chieh Liao
Yen-Chieh Liao
Thesis title: Electoral Reform, Distributive Politics, and Parties in the Taiwanese Congress
Degree subject: Politics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/1/2023


Journal articles (12)

Baerg, N., Duell, D. and Lowe, W., Central bank communication as public opinion?. Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy

Baerg, N. and Binder, C., (2025). Automated Detection of Emotion in Central Bank Communication: A Warning. National Institute Economic Review., 1-10

Baerg, N., (2024). Bank Politics: Structural Reform in Comparative Perspective. By David Howarth and Scott James. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. 384p. $135.00 cloth.. Perspectives on Politics. 22 (3), 920-921

Baerg, N. and Hallerberg, M., (2022). Council Checks of the Commission under the European Semester: Does Member State Power and Euroskepticism Still Matter?. Journal of Common Market Studies. 60 (1), 58-80

Baerg, N. and Krainin, C., (2022). Divided Committees and Strategic Vagueness. European Journal of Political Economy. 74, 102240-102240

Baerg, N. and Cross, JP., (2022). Central banking in the 21st century - A crisis of accountability?. European Journal of Political Economy. 74, 102294-102294

Baerg, N., Gray, J. and Willisch, J., (2021). Opportunistic, not Optimal Delegation: The Political Origins of Central Bank Independence. Comparative Political Studies. Online (6), 956-988

Baerg, N. and Lowe, W., (2020). A Textual Taylor Rule: Estimating Central Bank Preferences Combining Topic and Scaling Methods. Political Science Research and Methods. 8 (1), 106-122

Baerg, NR., Hotchkiss, JL. and Quispe-Agnoli, M., (2018). Documenting the Unauthorized: Political Responses to Unauthorized Immigration. Economics and Politics. 30 (1), 1-26

Baerg, NR. and Hallerberg, M., (2016). Explaining Instability in the Stability and Growth Pact. Comparative Political Studies. 49 (7), 968-1009

Baerg, N., Mandelman, F. and Aacosta, P., (2009). Remittances, Exchange Rate Regimes, and Financial Sector Development: A Panel Data Analysis. Economic Review. 94, 1-12

Brawley, MR. and Baerg, N., (2008). Structural Adjustment, Development, and Democracy. International Studies Review. 9 (4), 601-615

Books (1)

Baerg, N., (2020). Crafting Consensus: Why Central Bankers Change their Speech and how Speech Changes the Economy. Oxford University Press. 9780190499488

Book chapters (1)

Brawley, MR. and Baerg, N., (2008). Structural Adjustment, Development, and Democracy. In: North and South in the World Political Economy. Wiley. 104- 121. 9781405162777

Conferences (2)

Baerg, NR., Lowe, W., Paolo Ponzetto, S., Stuckenschmidt, H. and Zirn, C., (2016). Estimating Central Bank Preferences

Baerg, NR., Štajner, S., Paolo Ponzetto, S. and Stuckenschmidt, H., (2016). Automatic Detection of Speculation in Policy Statements

Grants and funding


Political Economy of Reforms

University of Mannheim


Learning support mk V: Fundamentals of Quantitative Text Analysis for social scientists online course

Sage Publications Ltd


Learning support mk IV: Fundamentals of Quantitative Text Analysis for social scientists online course

Sage Publications Ltd



5.425, Colchester Campus

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