
Dr Joseph Bailey

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS)
Dr Joseph Bailey



  • BSc - Mathematics University of Warwick, (2009)

  • MSc - Mathematics Birkbeck, University of London, (2014)

  • PhD - Mathematical Biology University of Essex, (2019)


University of Essex

  • Fixed Term Teacher, University of Essex (1/10/2017 - 31/7/2019)

Other academic

  • Lecturer, University of Essex (1/9/2020 - present)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Mathematical biology/ecology, individual and group movement, random walk theory, movement and time-series data analysis, mathematical education.

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Calculus (MA101)

  • Foundational Mathematics for Data Science (MA111)


Journal articles (10)

Bailey, JD., Use of Hazard Functions for Determining Power-Law Behaviour in Data. Analytics. 4 (1), 2-2

Bailey, JD., Claridge, J. and Partner, A., (2024). Investigating students’ perception of the importance of calculus: a cross-discipline comparison to inform module development. MSOR Connections. 22 (1), 5-27

Mann, RP., Codling, E. and Bailey, J., (2024). Accuracy, rationality and specialisation in a generalised model of collective navigation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 21 (218), 20240207-

Ahmed, D., Bailey, J. and Bonsall, M., (2023). On random walk models as a baseline for animal movement in three-dimensional space. Ecological Modelling. 475, 110169-110169

Bailey, J., (2023). An assessment of the contact rates between individuals when movement is modelled by a correlated random walk. Theoretical Ecology. 16 (3), 239-252

Ahmed, D., Bailey, J., Beidas, A., Petrovskii, S., Bonsall, M., Hood, A., Byers, J., Hudgins, E., Russell, J., Ruzickova, J., Bodey, T., Renault, D., Bonnaud, E., Haubrock, P., Soto, I. and Haase, P., (2023). Simulating capture efficiency of pitfall traps based on sampling strategy and the movement of ground-dwelling arthropods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 14 (11), 2827-2843

Bailey, JD., Benefer, CM., Blackshaw, RP. and Codling, EA., (2021). Walking behaviour in the ground beetle, Poecilus cupreus: dispersal potential, intermittency and individual variation. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 111 (2), 200-209

Bailey, JD. and Codling, EA., (2021). Emergence of the wrapped Cauchy distribution in mixed directional data. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis. 105 (2), 229-246

Bailey, JD., King, AJ., Codling, EA., Short, AM., Johns, GI. and Fürtbauer, I., (2021). “Micropersonality” traits and their implications for behavioral and movement ecology research. Ecology and Evolution. 11 (7), 3264-3273

Bailey, JD., Wallis, J. and Codling, EA., (2018). Navigational efficiency in a biased and correlated random walk model of individual animal movement. Ecology. 99 (1), 217-223

Book chapters (1)

Ahmed, D., Bailey, J., Petrovskii, S. and Bonsall, M., (2021). Mathematical Bases for 2D Insect Trap Counts Modelling. In: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Computation, and Data Science For Medicine and Life Science. Springer Nature. 133- 159. 303069951X. 9783030699512

Thesis dissertation (1)

Bailey, J., (2019). Modelling and Analysis of Individual Animal Movement

Other (2)

Codling, EA., Bailey, JD. and Börger, L., Modeling and Data Analysis in Movement Ecology,Oxford University Press

Codling, E. and Bailey, J., Modeling and data analysis in movement ecology. Oxford Bibliographies

Grants and funding


Generalization of a constraint-based model for chemotaxis-driven animal movement

The Royal Society

The Complex Structure of Random-Walk Coefficient Polynomials

London Mathematical Society

KTP re: Fraud Detection with Ticker Ltd

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

+44 (0) 1206 874113


STEM 5.7, Colchester Campus