Caroline Bald

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 874958
2S2.3.21, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Friday 1-2pm
I am a registered social worker with twenty years practice experience in criminal justice social work in both adult and children's services in case manager and leadership roles. I have been an academic since 2016, joining the University of Essex in February 2020 achieving permanency in March 2023. I teach across BA & MA Social Work programmes encompassing ethics, human rights and critical issues in contemporary practice. I sit on the Essex Human Rights Centre advisory board. I successfully defended my doctorate at viva in July 2024 which critically examines social work education admissions decision-making in England (pending corrections). My research focuses on the intersection between heath, social care and justice. I was research fellow on a two-year NIHR grant funded project to develop a national brain injury social work education platform. I led on an interdisciplinary creative method of brain injury education in collaboration with a charity, theatre company, theatres and people with lived experience. I continue to develop the BISW platform, hosted by Brain Injury Social Work Group (BISWG). I am a member of the ABI Justice group. I am an active member of the research community valuing local and international teaching and research collaborations in the following research areas: 1) social work histories (human rights, digitalisation, artificial intelligence). 2) social work education (admissions, curriculum design, learner experience) 3) justice social work (brain injury, maternal imprisonment, prison social work, probation).
Professional Doctorate in Social Care Education University of Essex,
PG Diploma Research Anglia Ruskin University, (2019)
Masters Social Work University of Glasgow, (1999)
BA (Hons) University of Strathclyde, (1997)
University of Essex
Lecturer (ASER), Social Work and Social Justice, University of Essex (3/2/2020 - present)
Advisory Board Member, Essex Human Rights Centre, University of Essex (1/12/2023 - present)
School lead for Student Recruitment, Health and Social Care, University of Essex (1/9/2020 - 30/9/2024)
MA programme lead, University of Essex (3/2/2020 - 4/9/2023)
Other academic
External examiner, Social Work, Glasgow Caledonian University (1/6/2020 - present)
External Examiner, University of Central Lancashire (1/9/2024 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Generative AI and Social Work Histories
Ethics and rights associated with development of Generative AI through the lens of social work histories of complicity, coercion and statecraft.
Brain Injury Social Care
Brain injury social work education; ABI and justice systems.
Current research
Social work students with criminal records
Exploring the policies, processes and practices of admissions decision-making in relation to social work students with criminal records in England
Constructing Suitability
Exploring understandings and applications of suitability as a construction in decision-making in social work admissions in England
Heads Together: Brain Injury Social Work
Review of social work education, qualifying and CPD, to develop a bespoke learning tool to improve practice and intervene earning based on knowledge and skills.
Social Work Education Admissions
Researching decision-making practice in social work admissions in England in the last two years to better understand the construction of suitability.
Social Work Education and Criminal Records
Decision-making at social work education admissions regarding applicants with criminal records
The Interdependence of Independence: A Network Map of Children’s Services
This project aimed to map out the many individual and organisational national actors in Children’s Services in England.
Notwithstanding current limitations, we live in a world with high expectations of transparency and unparalleled access to information. The amount of information we are faced with can make it difficult to understand bigger pictures.
This project collated over 1,000 publicly documented connections between policymakers; public, private and third sector organisations; individuals; and other actors between 7th May 2021 and the 1st November 2021, drawing them into a single network map. The network map visualisation is interactive — you can click on any actor to read a brief description of their work in Children’s Services, or on any line between actors to view details about their link.
More information about this project
Evaluation You Can Programme in Tendring
The purpose of the You Can programme is to develop and establish a range of virtual and physical interventions based on the Health Education England Health & Care Academy model. This aims to promote how different employers and providers operating in Tendring can offer multiple education and training opportunities and career paths for young people as well as adults of working age. It also aims to enable the target audiences identified by the programme to access and benefit from such opportunities in collaboration with local partners. The model initially focused on the North East Essex health and social care sectors, with the intention to then investigate and pursue options to expand the model into other sectors where there are local workforce and skills shortages (e.g. education and construction). This should form the basis of a long-term partner strategy. The overarching vision for this partnership programme is to “grow talent in Tendring”. The first cohort of the You Can programme started in March 2021, with the course being actively marketed through partner contacts, social media and other channels. The You Can programme did not evolve as originally envisaged (mainly due to the national situation arising from the COVID-19 pandemic) so the original start date was delayed and the course was delivered online, rather than face to face, with significantly lower numbers than originally anticipated. The evaluation approach was therefore changed to reflect the project needs going forwards.
Conferences and presentations
"We are open, the door is just very heavy": resisting neoliberalism, a two study discussion
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, IV International Conference Resistance Social Work and Critical Perspectives, Social Work Department, Madrid, Spain, 12/11/2024
Heads Together - the first UK brain injury social work platform
Invited presentation, UKABIF, UKABIF, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4/11/2024
Hopes and Challenges: the future of social work - AI and Histories of Coercive Statecraft
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, BASW England Annual Members Conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 21/10/2024
Human rights teaching in social work education: experiences and research outcomes across Europe
European Conference Social Work Research (ECSWR), Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy, 14/4/2023
Making Headway - Think Tank
Invited presentation, World Congress on Brain Injury IBIA, Dublin Conference Centre, Dublin, Ireland, 30/3/2023
Stronger Together - the fragmentation of generic social work by marketisation, lessons from criminal justice
Joint University Social Work Education Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom, 23/6/2022
Empowerment, Human Rights and the Mental Capacity Act
Invited presentation, Dr Melanie George Memorial Conference: Complex decision-making in mental capacity practice, Friends House, London, 29/4/2022
Addressing long-term challenges impacting children in care and care leavers - improving educational attainment, addressing mental health concerns, and reducing offending rates
Invited presentation, Improving support for care leavers - educational progression and employment, coordination, addressing long term challenges, and priorities for policy, Westminster Education Forum policy conference, 24/1/2022
Modernisation or Mistake?
13th International Conference on Practice Teaching and Field Education in Health and Social Work, Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 8/10/2021
Justice Social Work is Social Work
Invited presentation, Mothers on Trial, Green Templeton College, Oxford, United Kingdom, 5/10/2021
Criminal Records and Public Sector Professional Education: exploring the role of enhanced criminal records checks in decision-making processes at admissions to social work courses in higher education in England, as case study
Invited presentation, European Society of Criminology, European Society for Criminology, Switzerland, 10/9/2021
"This is my oasis": an evaluation of the support for social work students' wellbeing and development of professional resilience in a Teaching Partnership
Joint University Social Work Education Conference, Joint University Social Work Education Conference, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 8/7/2021
The Pearly Gates
2nd Online International Doctoral Research in Education, Centre for Educational Research, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 7/7/2021
Realising Criminal Records: Exploring the role criminal records play in decision-making about admissions to social work programmes in England
European Conference for Social Work Research 2021, Bucharest, Romania, 5/5/2021
Realising criminal records: an examination of the role of criminal records checks in social work education admissions
European Conference of Social Work Research (ECSWR), European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 7/4/2021
'Sharing Innovation in Undergraduate Psychiatric Education'
Invited presentation, AUTP Annual National Conference 2020, Birmingham Conference and Events Centre, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 14/2/2020
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Introduction to Sociological and Psychological Frameworks (HS190)
Introduction to Research Methodologies (HS290)
Legislation, Regulation and Ethics for Practice (HS292)
Critical Reflection and Professional Challenge (HS391)
Practice Interventions (HS394)
Foundations of Social Work Theory and Practice (HS650)
Law, Policy and Ethics (HS651)
Critical Issues in Contemporary Social Work (HS652)
Social Work and Human Rights (HS656)
Rights Based Research and Dissertation (HS657)
Social Work Dissertation (HS659)
Journal articles (18)
Ottmann, G., Sanfelice, M., Noble, C., Martinez Herrero, I., Bald, C., Sumskiene, E., Campana, M., Arias Astray, A. and Nunes, R., Rapid Advances in Digital Technology and the transformation of the State, Governance, and Social Work. European Journal of Social Work: the forum for the social work professional
Bald, C., Norman, A., Amadiegwu, A. and Bateman, A., Hidden in plain sight: UK social work educator views of preparedness to work with individuals and families affected by ABI.. Social Work Education
Ryan-Morgan, T., Bald, C. and Holloway, M., In the name of Autonomy: The Mental Capacity Act (2005), Acquired Brain Injury and Decision-Making – what does this all mean for Social Workers?. The British Journal of Social Work
Bald, C., Wyllie, A. and Martinez Herrero, MI., “Stuck in the middle”: social work educator attitudes to admissions decision-making in relation to applicants with criminal records to social work courses in England. Comunitania Journal
Bald, C., (2023). Modernization or mistake? The impact of Covid-19 on social work course admissions in a university in England. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning. 19 (3), 67-82
Linden, MA., Holloway, M., Cooper, C., Amadiegwu, A., Bald, C., Clark, M., Mantell, A., Norman, A. and Bateman, A., (2023). Social workers and acquired brain injury: A systematic review of the current evidence-base.. PLoS One. 18 (11), e0292128-e0292128
Ravalier, J., Wegrzynek, P., Mitchell, A., McGowan, J., McFadden, P. and Bald, C., (2023). A rapid review of social work reflective supervision.. The British Journal of Social Work. 53 (4), 1945-1962
Howells, A. and Bald, C., (2022). ‘This is my oasis’: an exploration of student hub support for social work students’ wellbeing. Social Work Education. 41 (4), 556-576
Bald, C., (2022). SILENCE!: the great silencing of the working class culture. Social Work Education. 41 (8), 1-2
Bald, C., Wyllie, A. and Martinez Herrero, MI., (2022). Criminal records and public sector professional education: the role of criminal background checks in admissions to social work courses in England. Probation Journal. 69 (3), 337-352
Bald, C. and Howells, A., (2019). How do we professionalise social work without losing our soul? A reflection on the role and purpose of practice placements within social work education. Journal of Practice Teaching and learning. 15 (3), 75-87
Bald, C., (2019). Domestic abuse: The work undertaken by Community Rehabilitation Companies. Probation Journal. 66 (1), 138-140
Bald, C., (2002). Book Review: Good Practice with Vulnerable Adults. Probation Journal. 49 (2), 178-179
Bald, C., (2002). Book Review: Encyclopedia of Women and Crime. Probation Journal. 49 (1), 59-60
Bald, C., (2002). Book Review: Residential Work with Offenders. Probation Journal. 49 (4), 325-326
Bald, C., (2001). Book Review: Encyclopedia of Women and Crime. Probation Journal. 48 (4), 1-2
Bald, C., (2001). Book Review: Domestic Violence: Guidelines for Research-Informed Practice. Probation Journal. 48 (2), 161-162
Bald, C., (2000). Reviews : Making an Impact: Children and Domestic Violence - A Reader Marianne Hester, Chris Pearson and Nicola Harwin Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2000; pp194; £15.95, pbk. Probation Journal. 47 (2), 151-152
Books (2)
Bald, C., The Routledge International Handbook of Human Rights Social Work. Routledge
Bald, C., (2025). The Routledge International Handbook of Criminal Justice Social Work
Book chapters (7)
Bald, C., Herrero Martinez, MI. and Sumskiene, E., “Even if Elon Musk was a social worker…”: Coercive past and technological futures in social work in Lithuania, UK and Spain. In: Social Work, AI and Expansion of Coercive Statecraft. Editors: Noble, C. and Ottmann, G., . Routledge
Bald, C., (2024). "We are open, the door is just very heavy" - the politicization of social work education admissions decision-making in England. In: The Oxford Handbook of Power, Politics and Social Work. Editors: Baikady, R., Przeperski, J., S M, S. and Islam, MR., . Oxford University Press. 447- 460. 978-0197650899
Bald, C. and Amadiegwu, A., (2023). Decolonisation and critical social work pedagogies. In: Social work‘s histories of complicity and resistance A Tale of Two Professions. Editors: Wyllie, A. and Ioakimidis, V., . The Bristol University Press. 244- 260. 978-1447364283
Bald, C., Tynan, RR. and Dehnavi, O., (2022). A New Emancipatory Script: gendered post-sentence discrimination and experiences of reintegration. In: The Routledge Handbook of Women's Experiences of Criminal Justice. Editors: Masson, I. and Booth, N., . Routledge. 487- 498. 9781032064307
Bald, C. and Walker, S., (2020). Covid-19 and Social Inequalities in Health in the UK. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 159- 166. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Bald, C., Carter, L., Ferstman, C., Fagan, A., Gilbert, G. and Wyllie, A., (2020). The Impact on Vulnerable Populations. Vulnerability: A Discussion. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 147- 148. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Bald, C., (2020). Class of 2020 Social Work and Covid-19: Relationship-based Practice in a Global Pandemic. In: Social Work and Covid-19: Relationship-based Practice in a Global Pandemic. Editors: Buzzi, P. and Megele, C., . Critical Publishing. 135- 154
Reports and Papers (2)
Bald, C., Ravalier, J., Wegrzynek, P., Albertson, D., Spicer-Manning, G., McGale, K. and McEwen, T., Is the PCF Fit for Purpose? An evaluation of the PCF
Bald, C., (2019). Post-release supervision for short-term prisoners: thematic review
Grants and funding
ABSS Follow-on Consultancy
Evaluation ECC MDT Tendring 2
Essex County Council
Evaluation - ECC Big Steps Little Steps
Essex County Council
Heads Together - Understanding Acquired Brain Injury: Addressing the knowledge and skills gap in Social Work education in order to improve practice and outcomes
National Institute for Health Research
Social work with conviction
University of Chester
Mid-Essex asset mapping for C360
Evaluation of the Tendring Health & Care Academy Programme
North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
Academic support hours:
Friday 1-2pm