Dr Matteo Baraldo

matteo.baraldo@essex.ac.uk -
6.148, Colchester Campus
Matteo Baraldo holds a PhD in Comparative Literature, with a thesis focused on preserving Ethiopian cultural heritage. His research explored sacred spaces and the intangible practices connected to them, centering on the semiotics of place and incorporating narratology and cultural studies. Baraldo sought to uncover how spatial imagery is constructed within texts and to understand the complex interplay of socio-spatial dynamics. His academic work involved a comparative, diachronic analysis across varied cultural and national contexts. Using digital methods, he gained valuable insights into how otherness and identity shape the essence of place. In his professional career, Baraldo has worked as a consultant in international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance, where he has designed, implemented, and evaluated interventions focused on resilience building, disaster risk reduction, and preparedness.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Digital Heritage (CS901)
Journal articles (3)
Baraldo, M. and Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco, P., (2024). Place-centred emerging technologies for disaster management: A scoping review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 112, 104782-104782
Baraldo, M., (2023). Mapping Ethiopia’s Ancient Spirituality and Amba Gishen: From Sacralisation to Desacralisation. English Academy Review. 40 (1), 83-98
Baraldo, M., (2018). On-line-Off-line interactions: social media and vulnerability to cyberbullying in a Cape Town case study. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology. 31 (3/2018), 20-33
Books (1)
Baraldo, M., (2021). Topografie leggendarie in Etiopia. Dalla letteratura sette-ottocentesca alle guide di viaggio. 8833291391. 9788833291390
Book chapters (2)
Baraldo, M., Stigma Stereotyping and “Made in Italy”. In: Advertising Culture and Translation: From Colonial to Global. Editors: Masiola, R. and Tomei, R., . CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING. 159- 202. 978-1-4438-4389-8
Baraldo, M., (2018). Places of power: mediation and interpreters. In: Translating Ethiopia: Travel writing, explorations and colonization. Editors: Tomei, R., . CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING. 66- 97. 978-1-5275-0782-1