
Gemma Baroni

Customer Services Coordinator
UECS - Customer Services and Compliance
 Gemma Baroni


Ask me about
  • Estates and Facilties Helpdesk functions
  • Fault reporting
  • Lost property
  • Wayfinding at Colchester campus
  • Car parking (including Occupational Health referrals for an allocated bay)
  • Sustainable practices in Facilities Services
  • Contractor inductions


I have worked at the University since April 2016, when I joined the Student Progress Team. From my 2 roles within that team, I gained experience in working with student records, Exam Boards, academic progress and attendance, academic offences and changes in student status. I then moved to the Registration Team, where I continued to work with student records, also with applicant records and the crossload process of creating student records, the processing of Right to Study checks, planning and arrangement of both on-campus and off-campus Registration events. I became the operational lead for the new student Registration events at Southend campus, and worked closely with colleagues involved in the planning of Registration and Welcome events across all campuses both for our October and January intakes. In December 2019, the Registration Team became part of the Student Experience Team, which incorporated Welcome and Induction, Student Voice and Registration. At the end of October 2021, I moved into the role of Financial Support Officer, a new role in the Funding Team, supporting students by offering financial advice, processing financial support fund applications and engaging with students at University events. I worked proactively to interact positively with students and colleagues to find ways to improve our processes and support to students. In March 2023, I undertook the role of Deputy Department Manager in the Department of Government, leading the team of Student Administrators, acting as Secretary to the Department's Exam Boards, handling day-to-day management of the department as well as deputising for the Department Manager and supporting with all aspects of departmental, course, and student administration. In late October 2023, I moved to the new role of Customer Services Coordinator in Facilities Services. This role involves managing the Estates and Facilities Helpdesk, working closely with the maintenance teams, and working on a range of projects to streamline the customer services offered.


  • Level 3 Certificate in Educational Business Administration (2015)

+44 (0) 1206 872300


6.003, Colchester Campus

Working pattern:

8:45am-5.00pm, Monday to Thursday and 8:45-4:45pm Friday