Dr Richard Bartle

rabartle@essex.ac.uk -
4B.529, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
9am Thursdays, but emailing me is much, much better.
Dr Richard A. Bartle is Senior Lecturer and Honorary Professor of Computer Game Design at the University of Essex, UK. He is best known for having co-written in 1978 the first virtual world, MUD, and for his 1996 Player Types model which has seen widespread adoption by the MMO industry. His 2003 book, Designing Virtual Worlds, is the standard text on the subject, and he is an influential writer on all aspects of MMO design and development. In 2010, he was the first recipient of the prestigious GDCOnline Game Legend award. Blog: http://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/index.html . Updated daily!
BSc Hons (1st class) Computer Science, Essex University, 1981.
PhD Artificial Intelligence, Essex University, 1988.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Virtual worlds (game worlds, social worlds) all aspects of these
Computer Game design
Computer Games design as an art form
Computer Games and society, especially governance, the law and human rights
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Computer Game Design (CE217)
Virtual Worlds (CE317)
Virtual Worlds (CE817)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/5/2024

Degree subject: Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/10/2022
Journal articles (5)
Bartle, R., (2021). Unrealisticness. Revista Ludology. 2 (1)
Bartle, RA., (2015). Special issue issues.. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 4 (4), 259-276
Bartle, R., (2010). A "Digital culture, play and identity: A world of warcraft reader" reader. Game Studies. 10 (1)
Bartle, RA., (2006). Why Governments aren't Gods and Gods aren't Governments. First Monday. 7 (SPECIAL ISSUE)
Bartle, RA., (2006). Why governments aren't gods and gods aren't governments. First Monday. 11 (SPEC. ISS. 7)
Books (4)
Bartle, R., (2022). How to Be a God. NotByUs. 978-0-9556494-9-3
Bartle, RA., (2016). MMOs from the Inside Out. Apress. 9781484217238
Bartle, RA., (2016). MMOs from the Outside In. Apress. 9781484217801
Alexandrou, A., Bartle, R. and Holmes, R., (2013). Introduction
Book chapters (10)
Bartle, R., (2021). Massively Multiplayer Storytelling. In: Game Writing Narrative Skills for Videogames (second edition). Editors: Bateman, C., . Bloomsbury Academic. 315- 338. 9781501348952
Bartle, R., (2015). Multi-User Dungeons (MUDs). In: The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society. Editors: Mansell, R. and Ang, PH., . Wiley. 1- 8. 9781118767771
Bartle, R., (2014). Information reconstruction: unpicking the GamifIR call for papers. In: GamifIR ?14: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Gamification for Information Retrieval. Editors: Hopfgartner, F., Kazai, G., Kruschwitz, U. and Meder, M., . Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). creators- Bartle=3ARichard=3A=3A. 978-1-4503-2892-0
Bartle, R., (2013). Design Principles: Use and Misuse. In: Multiplayer: The Social Aspects of Digital Gaming. Editors: Quandt, T. and Kroger, S., . Routledge. 0-415-82886-4. 978-0-415-82886-4
(2013). Multiplayer. In: Multiplayer: The Social Aspects of Digital Gaming. Editors: Quandt, T. and Kröger, S., . Routledge. 10- 22
Bartle, R., (2012). MMO Morality. In: Computer Games and New Media Cultures: a Handbook of Digital Games Studies. Editors: Fromme, J. and Unger, A., . Springer. 193- 208. 978-94-007-2776-2
Bartle, R., (2011). Unrealistic Expectations. In: Ring Bearers: The Lord of the Rings Online as Intertextual Narrative. Editors: Krzywinska, T., MacCullum, E. and Parsler, J., . Manchester University Press. 9780719082924
Bartle, R., (2010). From MUDs to MMORPGs: The History of Virtual Worlds. In: International Handbook of Internet Research. Editors: Hunsinger, J., Klastrup, L. and Allen, M., . Springer. 978-1-4020-9788-1
Bartle, R., (2009). Alice and Dorothy Play Together. In: Third Person: Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives. Editors: Harrigan, P. and Wardruip-Fruin, N., . MIT Press. 9780262232630
Bartle, R., (2009). Understanding the Limits of Theory. In: Beyond Game Design: Nine Steps to Creating Better Videogames. Editors: Bateman, C., . Delmar. 978-1584506713
Conferences (16)
O’Shea, Z., Bartle, R., Pan, X. and Freeman, J., (2022). Apples and Oranges: A Study of “Tend & Befriend” as a Phenomenon in Digital Games
Madge, C., Brightmore, J., Kicikoglu, D., Althani, F., Bartle, R., Chamberlain, J., Kruschwitz, U. and Poesio, M., (2022). LingoTowns: A Virtual World For Natural Language Annotation and Language Learning
Aliady, W., Aloraini, A., Madge, C., Yu, J., Bartle, R. and Poesio, M., (2022). Coreference Annotation of an Arabic Corpus using a Virtual World Game
Madge, C., Bartle, R., Chamberlain, J., Kruschwitz, U. and Poesio, M., (2021). WordClicker: Tuning our approach for language resourcing
Walton-Rivers, J., Longford, E., Gomme, D., Bartle, R. and Gardner, M., (2020). Distributed Social Multi-Agent Negotiation Framework For Incomplete Information Games
Gomme, D. and Bartle, R., (2020). Strategy Games: The Components of A Worthy Opponent
Kicikoglu, D., Bartle, R., Chamberlain, J. and Poesio, M., (2019). Wormingo
Madge, C., Bartle, R., Chamberlain, J., Kruschwitz, U. and Poesio, M., (2019). Making text annotation fun with a clicker game
Walton-Rivers, J., Williams, PR. and Bartle, R., (2019). The 2018 Hanabi competition
Madge, C., Bartle, R., Chamberlain, J., Kruschwitz, U. and Poesio, M., (2019). Incremental Game Mechanics Applied to Text Annotation
Madge, C., Bartle, R., Chamberlain, J., Kruschwitz, U. and Poesio, M., (2019). The Design Of A Clicker Game for Text Labelling
Walton-Rivers, J., Williams, P. and Bartle, R., (2018). Hexboard: A generic game framework for turn-based strategy games
Walton Rivers, J., Williams, PR., Bartle, R., Perez Liebana, D. and Lucas, SM., (2017). Evaluating and modelling Hanabi-playing agents
Bartle, RA., (2014). Information reconstruction
Bartle, R., (2013). The Decline of MMOs
Bartle, R., (1984). CROSS-LEVEL PLANNING.
Grants and funding
Annotating Reference and Coreference In Dialogue Using Conversational Agents in games
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Academic support hours:
9am Thursdays, but emailing me is much, much better.