
Professor Peter Beresford

Emeritus Professor
School of Health and Social Care
Professor Peter Beresford


Journal articles (167)

Rose, D. and Beresford, P., (2024). PPI in psychiatry and the problem of knowledge. BMC Psychiatry. 24 (1), 52-

Wheeler, B., Williams, O., Meakin, B., Chambers, E., Beresford, P., O’Brien, S. and Robert, G., (2024). Exploring Elinor Ostrom's principles for collaborative group working within a user-led project: lessons from a collaboration between researchers and a user-led organisation. Research Involvement and Engagement. 10 (1), 15-

Hughes, M., Golding, F., Levin, L., Beresford, P., Unwin, P. and Mohamed, O., (2024). BJSW Special Issue on the Voice and Influence of People with Lived Experience: our Reflections One Year on. The British Journal of Social Work. 54 (5), 1783-1789

Beresford, P., Golding, F., Hughes, M., Levin, L., Mohamed, O., Schön, U-K. and Unwin, P., (2023). Editorial—Special Issue. The British Journal of Social Work. 53 (3), 1275-1281

Beresford, P. and Levin, L., (2023). Introduction to Reflective Papers. The British Journal of Social Work. 53 (3), 1544-1545

Beresford, P. and Rose, D., (2023). Decolonising global mental health: the role of Mad Studies. Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health. 10, 1-21

Pettican, A., Speed, E., Bryant, W., Kilbride, C. and Beresford, P., (2022). Levelling the playing field: Exploring inequalities and exclusions with a community‐based football league for people with experience of mental distress. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 69 (3), 290-300

Hickey, G., Porter, K., Tembo, D., Rennard, U., Tholanah, M., Beresford, P., Chandler, D., Chimbari, M., Coldham, T., Dikomitis, L., Dziro, B., Ekiikina, PO., Khattak, MI., Montenegro, CR., Mumba, N., Musesengwa, R., Nelson, E., Nhunzvi, C., Ramirez, CM. and Staniszewska, S., (2022). What Does “Good” Community and Public Engagement Look Like? Developing Relationships With Community Members in Global Health Research. Frontiers in Public Health. 9, 776940-

Duffy, J., Cameron, C., Casey, H., Beresford, P. and McLaughlin, H., (2022). Service User Involvement and COVID-19—An Afterthought?. The British Journal of Social Work. 52 (4), 2384-2402

Slasberg, C. and Beresford, P., (2022). The mixed and misleading messages within adult social care – implications for the social work role to assess need and plan support. Journal of Social Work Practice. 36 (4), 427-439

Pettican, A., Goodman, B., Bryant, W., Beresford, P., Freeman, P., Gladwell, V., Kilbride, C. and Speed, E., (2022). Doing together: reflections on facilitating the co-production of participatory action research with marginalised populations. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. 15 (2), 202-219

Pettican, A., Speed, E., Kilbride, C., Bryant, W. and Beresford, P., (2021). An occupational justice perspective on playing football and living with mental distress. Journal of Occupational Science. 28 (1), 159-172

Tembo, D., Hickey, G., Montenegro, C., Chandler, D., Nelson, E., Porter, K., Dikomitis, L., Chambers, M., Chimbari, M., Mumba, N., Beresford, P., Ekiikina, PO., Musesengwa, R., Staniszewska, S., Coldham, T. and Rennard, U., (2021). Effective engagement and involvement with community stakeholders in the co-production of global health research.. BMJ: British Medical Journal. 372, n178-n178

Slasberg, C. and Beresford, P., (2020). Independent living: the real and present danger. Disability & Society. 35 (2), 326-331

Sweeney, A. and Beresford, P., (2020). Who gets to study whom: survivor research and peer review processes. Disability & Society. 35 (7), 1189-1194

Beresford, P., (2020). ‘Mad’, Mad studies and advancing inclusive resistance. Disability & Society. 35 (8), 1337-1342

Williams, O., Sarre, S., Papoulias, SC., Knowles, S., Robert, G., Beresford, P., Rose, D., Carr, S., Kaur, M. and Palmer, VJ., (2020). Lost in the shadows: reflections on the dark side of co-production. Health Research Policy and Systems. 18 (1), 43-

Beresford, P., (2020). PPI Or User Involvement: Taking stock from a service user perspective in the twenty first century. Research Involvement and Engagement. 6 (1), 36-

Slasberg, C. and Beresford, P., (2020). Independent living for all: renewing social care through a rights-based approach. Critical and Radical Social Work. 8 (2), 177-187

Carlton, EW., Ingram, J., Taylor, H., Glynn, J., Kandiyali, R., Campbell, S., Beasant, L., Aziz, S., Beresford, P., Kendall, J., Reuben, A., Smith, JE., Chapman, R., Creanor, S. and Benger, JR., (2020). Limit of detection of troponin discharge strategy versus usual care: randomised controlled trial. Heart. 106 (20), 1586-1594

McPherson, S. and Beresford, P., (2019). Semantics of patient choice: how the UK national guideline for depression silences patients. Disability and Society. 34 (3), 1-7

Beresford, P., (2019). Public Participation in Health and Social Care: Exploring the Co-production of Knowledge. Frontiers in Sociology. 3

Rose, D., Carr, S. and Beresford, P., (2018). ‘Widening cross-disciplinary research for mental health’: what is missing from the Research Councils UK mental health agenda?. Disability and Society. 33 (3), 476-481

Russo, J., Beresford, P. and O'Hagan, M., (2018). Commentary on: Happell, B. & Scholz, B (2018). Doing what we can, but knowing our place: Being an ally to promote consumer leadership in mental health. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing , 27, 440-447. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 27 (6), 1877-1878

Askheim, OP., Beresford, P. and Heule, C., (2017). Mend the gap – strategies for user involvement in social work education. Social Work Education. 36 (2), 128-140

Slasberg, C. and Beresford, P., (2017). Strengths-based practice: social care’s latest Elixir or the next false dawn?. Disability and Society. 32 (2), 269-273

Russo, J. and Beresford, P., (2017). Scenarios for the future of mental health care: whose interests, whose perspectives, whose future?. The Lancet Psychiatry. 4 (3), 189-190

Slasberg, C. and Beresford, P., (2017). The need to bring an end to the era of eligibility policies for a person-centred, financially sustainable future. Disability and Society. 32 (8), 1263-1268

Beresford, P., (2016). Presenting welfare reform: poverty porn, telling sad stories or achieving change?. Disability & Society. 31 (3), 421-425

Slasberg, C. and Beresford, P., (2016). The eligibility question – the real source of depersonalisation?. Disability and Society. 31 (7), 969-973

Slasberg, C. and Beresford, P., (2016). The false narrative about personal budgets in England: smoke and mirrors?. Disability and Society. 31 (8), 1132-1137

Beresford, P. and Russo, J., (2016). Supporting the sustainability of Mad Studies and preventing its co-option. Disability & Society. 31 (2), 1-5

Beresford, P., (2016). From psycho-politics to mad studies: learning from the legacy of Peter Sedgwick. Critical and Radical Social Work. 4 (3), 343-355

Beresford, P., (2015). From ‘recovery’ to reclaiming madness. Clinical Psychology Forum. 1 (268), 16-20

Slasberg, C. and Beresford, P., (2015). Building on the original strengths of direct payments to create a better future for social care. Disability & Society. 30 (3), 479-483

McWade, B., Milton, D. and Beresford, P., (2015). Mad studies and neurodiversity: a dialogue. Disability & Society. 30 (2), 305-309

Russo, J. and Beresford, P., (2015). Between exclusion and colonisation: seeking a place for mad people’s knowledge in academia. Disability & Society. 30 (1), 153-157

Borg, M., Johnson, TA., Bryant, W., Beresford, P. and Karlsson, B., (2015). Flerstemt forskningssamarbeid innen psykisk helse: erfaringer fra Storbritannia og Norge. Tidsskrift for Psykisk Helsearbeid. 12 (1), 61-70

Slasberg, C., Beresford, P. and Schofield, P., (2015). Further lessons from the continuing failure of the national strategy to deliver personal budgets and personalisation. Research Policy and Planning. 31 (1), 43-53

Beresford, P., (2014). Mad studies is an idea that is new to the UK, but one that offers fresh hope of improving the lives of people experiencing distress, argues Professor Peter Beresford. Mental health today (Brighton, England), 7-

Slasberg, C., Watson, N., Beresford, P. and Schofield, P., (2014). Personalization of health care in England: have the wrong lessons been drawn from the personal health budget pilots?. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. 19 (3), 183-188

Slasberg, C. and Beresford, P., (2014). Government guidance for the Care Act: undermining ambitions for change?. Disability & Society. 29 (10), 1677-1682

Fleming, J., Beresford, P., Bewley, C., Croft, S., Branfield, F., Postle, K. and Turner, M., (2014). Working together – innovative collaboration in social care research. Qualitative Social Work. 13 (5), 706-722

Beresford, P., (2014). Guest editorial. Social Work and Social Sciences Review. 17 (3), 3-5

Boxall, K. and Beresford, P., (2013). Service user research in social work and disability studies in the United Kingdom. Disability & Society. 28 (5), 587-600

Beresford, P., (2013). From ‘other’ to involved: user involvement in research: an emerging paradigm. Nordic Social Work Research. 3 (2), 139-148

Slasberg, C., Beresford, P. and Schofield, P., (2012). Can personal budgets really deliver better outcome for all at no cost? Reviewing the evidence, costs and quality. Disability & Society. 27 (7), 1029-1034

Beresford, P., (2012). Ignored or just forgotten?. Journal of Integrated Care. 20 (4), 202-204

Beresford, P. and Boxall, K., (2012). Service Users, Social Work Education and Knowledge for Social Work Practice. Social Work Education. 31 (2), 155-167

Cotterell, P., Harlow, G., Morris, C., Beresford, P., Hanley, B., Sargeant, A., Sitzia, J. and Staley, K., (2011). Service user involvement in cancer care: the impact on service users. Health Expectations. 14 (2), 159-169

Barber, R., Beresford, P., Boote, J., Cooper, C. and Faulkner, A., (2011). Evaluating the impact of service user involvement on research: a prospective case study. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 35 (6), 609-615

Staniszewska, S., Adebajo, A., Barber, R., Beresford, P., Brady, L-M., Brett, J., Elliott, J., Evans, D., Haywood, KL., Jones, D., Mockford, C., Nettle, M., Rose, D. and Williamson, T., (2011). Developing the evidence base of patient and public involvement in health and social care research: the case for measuring impact. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 35 (6), 628-632

Beresford, P., (2010). A college up for grabs. Community Care (1806), 6-

Bryant, W., Vacher, G., Beresford, P. and McKay, E., (2010). The modernisation of mental health day services: participatory action research exploring social networking. Mental Health Review Journal. 15 (3), 11-21

Beresford, P., (2010). The Future of Social Care: Change, Retrenchment or Sustainability?. Journal of Integrated Care. 18 (4), 2-3

Beresford, P., (2010). Football parallels with social work. Community Care (1826), 12-

Beresford, P., (2010). Care system's last days. Community Care (1816), 6-

Beresford, P., (2010). Peter Townsend, disability, Fabianism and self‐organisation – an enduring difficulty. An obituary. Disability & Society. 25 (2), 253-258

Beresford, P., (2010). Public partnerships, governance and user involvement: a service user perspective. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 34 (5), 495-502

Beresford, P., (2009). Expert advice.. Mental health today (Brighton, England), 10-11

Beresford, P., (2009). Personal Health Budgets for the UK NHS. The Patient: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. 2 (2), 69-72

Smith, E., Donovan, S., Beresford, P., Manthorpe, J., Brearley, S., Sitzia, J. and Ross, F., (2009). Getting ready for user involvement in a systematic review. Health Expectations. 12 (2), 197-208

Beresford, P., (2009). Personalisation and housing: a service user view. Housing, Care and Support. 12 (4), 11-12

Huxley, P., Evans, S., Beresford, P., Davidson, B. and King, S., (2009). The Principles and Provisions of Relationships. Journal of Social Work. 9 (1), 99-117

Beresford, P., (2009). Will politics kill debate?. Community Care (1797), 6-

Beresford, P., (2009). Stop pulling the wool over our eyes. Learning Disability Today. 9 (9), 13-

Boxall, K., Dowson, S. and Beresford, P., (2009). Selling individual budgets, choice and control: local and global influences on UK social care policy for people with learning difficulties. Policy & Politics. 37 (4), 499-515

Beresford, P., (2008). Time to go.. Mental health today (Brighton, England), 19-20

Smith, E., Ross, F., Donovan, S., Manthorpe, J., Brearley, S., Sitzia, J. and Beresford, P., (2008). Service user involvement in nursing, midwifery and health visiting research: A review of evidence and practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 45 (2), 298-315

Beresford, P., (2008). Service users: Individualised involvement or collective action?. A Life in the Day. 12 (4), 13-15

Beresford, P., (2008). Time to get Real about Personalisation. Journal of Integrated Care. 16 (2), 2-4

Beresford, P., (2008). Start the debate now!. Community Care (1709), 6-

Beresford, P., Croft, S. and Adshead, L., (2008). Is specialist palliative care social work being neglected?. European Journal of Palliative Care. 15 (1), 22-25

Beresford, P., (2008). Where's the endorsement?. Community Care (1716), 6-

Beresford, P., Croft, S. and Adshead, L., (2008). 'We Don't See Her as a Social Worker': A Service User Case Study of the Importance of the Social Worker's Relationship and Humanity. British Journal of Social Work. 38 (7), 1388-1407

Beresford, P., (2008). End the funding turf war. Community Care (1726), 6-

Postle, K., Beresford, P. and Hardy, S., (2008). Assessing research and involving people using health and social care services: addressing the tensions. Evidence & Policy. 4 (3), 251-262

Beresford, P., (2008). All Quiet on the Western Front, E. M. Remarque (translated by A. W. Wheen), London and New York, Little Brown and Company, 1995 (reprinted). British Journal of Social Work. 38 (4), 827-828

Beresford, P., (2007). User involvement, research and health inequalities: developing new directions. Health & Social Care in the Community. 15 (4), 306-312

Beresford, P., (2007). Nothing about us without us. Community Care (1690), 16-

Beresford, P., (2007). Dig deep for chief execs!. Community Care (1703), 6-

Beresford, P., (2007). The role of service user research in generating knowledge-based health and social care: from conflict to contribution. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice. 3 (3), 329-341

Beresford, P., (2007). Hope for social care in big brother furore. Community Care (1658), 18-

Beresford, P., (2007). Service users do not want care navigators. Community Care (1668), 18-

Beresford, P., (2007). Service user wishlist goes back to basics. Community Care (1655), 18-

Beresford, P., (2007). Long ago, but not far away. Community Care (1681), 8-

Beresford, P. and Coughlan, J., (2007). Platt gives service users a key role [1]. Community Care (1673), 12-

Beresford, P., (2007). Emotions hinder inquiry. Community Care (1674), 6-

Beresford, P., (2007). Our voice on big brother. Community Care (1678), 6-

Postle, K. and Beresford, P., (2007). Capacity Building and the Reconception of Political Participation: A Role for Social Care Workers?. British Journal of Social Work. 37 (1), 143-158

Beresford, P. and Hasler, F., (2007). No conflict over local involvement [2]. Community Care (1680), 14-

Beresford, P., (2007). Disability rights and wrongs. DISABILITY & SOCIETY. 22 (2), 217-224

Hitchon, G., Westra, A., Beales, A. and Beresford, P., (2006). Putting users in control.. Mental health today (Brighton, England), 16-18

Beresford, P. and Branfield, F., (2006). Developing inclusive partnerships: user-defined outcomes, networking and knowledge − a case study. Health and Social Care in the Community. 14 (5), 436-444

Beresford, P., (2006). The White Paper and Prospects for Social Care: A Personal View. Journal of Integrated Care. 14 (3), 3-7

Glasby, J. and Beresford, P., (2006). Commentary and Issues : Who knows best? Evidence-based practice and the service user contribution. Critical Social Policy. 26 (1), 268-284

Beresford, P., (2006). Wiltshire user cuts [5]. Community Care (1634), 25-

Beresford, P., (2006). User groups are more than mom and apple pie. Community Care (1641), 20-

Beresford, P., (2006). Big brother: Abuse by any other name?. Community Care (1633), 20-

Beresford, P., (2006). Workforce change is a question of trust. Community Care (1649), 20-

Beresford, P., (2006). Book Review: Poverty. Sociology. 40 (5), 976-977

Beresford, P., Branfield, F., Taylor, J., Brennan, M., Sartori, A., Lalani, M. and Wise, G., (2006). Working Together for Better Social Work Education. Social Work Education. 25 (4), 326-331

Beresford, P., (2006). Making the connections with direct experience: from the Western Front to user‐controlled research. Educational Action Research. 14 (2), 161-169

Beresford, P., (2005). Developing the theoretical basis for service user/survivor-led research and equal involvement in research. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale. 14 (1), 4-9

Beresford, P., (2005). The Changing Role of Professor: Including Everyone's Knowledge and Experience. Mental Health Review Journal. 10 (2), 3-6

Beresford, P., (2005). Social work and a social model of madness and distress. Social Work and Social Sciences Review. 12 (2), 59-73

Beresford *, P., (2005). ‘Service user’: regressive or liberatory terminology?. Disability & Society. 20 (4), 469-477

Beresford, P., (2005). Where would we be without the pharmaceutical industry? A service user's view. Psychiatric Bulletin. 29 (3), 86-87

Beresford, P., (2005). Redistributing profit and loss: the new economics of the market and social welfare. Critical Social Policy. 25 (4), 464-482

Postle, K., Wright, P. and Beresford, P., (2005). Older people's participation in political activity—making their voices heard: A potential support role for welfare professionals in countering ageism and social exclusion. Practice. 17 (3), 173-189

BERESFORD, P., (2004). Reframing the nurse's role through a social model approach: a rights‐based approach to workers’ development. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 11 (3), 365-368

Beresford, P., (2004). Where's the evidence?. Mental health today (Brighton, England), 31-34

Beresford, P., (2004). Service Users and Practitioners Reunited: The Key Component for Social Work Reform. British Journal of Social Work. 34 (1), 53-68

Beresford, P., (2002). Editorial. A Life in the Day. 6 (2), 2-3

Beresford, P., (2002). User Involvement: Time to get Serious. Journal of Integrated Care. 10 (3), 3-4

Beresford, P., Harrison, C. and Wilson, A., (2002). Mental health service users and disability: implications for future strategies. Policy & Politics. 30 (3), 387-396

Beresford, P., (2002). Thinking about 'mental health': Towards a social model. Journal of Mental Health. 11 (6), 581-584

Beresford, P. and Wilson, A., (2002). Genes Spell Danger: Mental health service users/survivors, bioethics and control. Disability & Society. 17 (5), 541-553

Beresford, P., (2001). Evidence‐Based Care: Developing the Discussion. Journal of Integrated Care. 9 (6), 3-6

Beresford, P., Brough, P. and Turner, M., (2001). Where Do You Stand with Service Users?. Journal of Social Work. 1 (1), 119-120

Beresford, P. and Croft, S., (2001). Service Users’ Knowledges and the Social Construction of Social Work. Journal of Social Work. 1 (3), 295-316

Hoban, M. and Beresford, P., (2001). Regenerating regeneration. Community Development Journal. 36 (4), 312-320

Beresford, P., (2001). Service users, social policy and the future of welfare. Critical Social Policy. 21 (4), 494-512

Beresford, P., (2001). Cheshire: The biography of Leonard Cheshire, VC, OM. DISABILITY & SOCIETY. 16 (3), 456-457

Beresford, P., (2001). Service Users. British Journal of Social Work. 31 (4), 629-630

Beresford, P., (2001). Social work and social care: the struggle for knowledge. Educational Action Research. 9 (3), 343-354

Beresford, P., (2000). Service Users and Community Care: New Roles, New Knowledges, New Forms of Involvement?. Journal of Integrated Care. 8 (6), 20-23

Beresford, P. and Holden, C., (2000). We Have Choices: Globalisation and welfare user movements. Disability & Society. 15 (7), 973-989

Beresford, P., (2000). Service users' knowledges and social work theory: conflict or collaboration?. British Journal of Social Work. 30 (4), 489-503

Wilson, A., (2000). 'Anti-oppressive practice': emancipation or appropriation?. British Journal of Social Work. 30 (5), 553-573

Beresford, P., (2000). Welfare, exclusion and political agency. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY. 29, 518-519

Beresford, P., (2000). Unequal partners: user groups and community care. DISABILITY & SOCIETY. 15 (3), 540-542

Beresford, P., (2000). From Psychiatric Patient to Citizen: overcoming discrimination and social exclusion. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY. 29, 518-519

Beresford, P., (2000). What Have Madness and Psychiatric System Survivors Got to Do with Disability and Disability Studies?. Disability & Society. 15 (1), 167-172

BERESFORD, P. and EVANS, C., (1999). Research Note: Research and Empowerment. British Journal of Social Work. 29 (5), 671-677

Steen, HJ., Shields, MD. and Beresford, P., (1998). Shared Care in Childhood Asthma - Can It Work?. Pediatric Research. 44 (3), 419-419

Beresford, P. and Croft, S., (1997). Child neglect: Participation, poverty and distress - the crucial coupling. Child Care in Practice. 3 (3), 42-48

Beresford, P. and Green, D., (1996). Income and wealth. Critical Social Policy. 16 (46), 95-109

BERESFORD, P., (1996). Poverty and Disabled People: Challenging dominant debates and policies. Disability & Society. 11 (4), 553-568

Beresford, P. and Croft, S., (1996). Reply to: 'A response to Beresford & Croft "It's Our Problem Too"' by Peter Golding. Critical Social Policy. 16 (48), 109-115

Beresford, P. and Croft, S., (1995). It's our problem too ! Challenging the exclusion of poor people from poverty discourse. Critical Social Policy. 15 (44-45), 75-95

Beresford, P. and Campbell, J., (1994). Disabled People, Service Users, User Involvement and Representation. Disability & Society. 9 (3), 315-325


CROFT, S. and BERESFORD, P., (1993). A POOR SHOW. NEW STATESMAN & SOCIETY. 6 (244), 23-23

Croft, S. and Beresford, P., (1992). The politics of participation. Critical Social Policy. 12 (35), 20-44

Croft, S. and Beresford, P., (1989). User-involvement, citizenship and social policy. Critical Social Policy. 9 (26), 5-18

Croft, S. and Beresford, P., (1988). Being On The Receiving End: lessons for community development and user involvement. Community Development Journal. 23 (4), 273-279

Croft, S. and Beresford, P., (1988). A third approach to city regeneration?. Town & Country Planning. 57 (3), 82-84


CROFT, S. and BERESFORD, P., (1987). PATCHWORK. NEW SOCIETY. 79 (1255), S3-S3

Croft, S. and Beresford, P., (1986). Cumberlege--cracks in the community.. Nursing times. 82 (26), 20-

BERESFORD, P., (1985). TRAVEL WRITING. NEW SOCIETY. 73 (1175), 32-32

BERESFORD, P., (1985). CHEAP JOBS. NEW SOCIETY. 72 (1164), 100-100

Beresford, P. and Croft, S., (1983). Welfare pluralism: the new face of Fabianism. Critical Social Policy. 3 (9), 19-39


BERESFORD, P., (1982). PROBATION ROBOTS. NEW SOCIETY. 59 (1000), 73-73

Beresford, P. and Beresford, S., (1980). Public participation and local politics ( Wandsworth, UK).. Town & Country Planning. 1980, 412-414

BERESFORD, P., (1980). YOUNG HOMELESS. NEW SOCIETY. 53 (920), 34-34

Beresford, P., (1979). Shirley Otto and Jim Orford, Not Quite Like Home: Small Hostels for Alcoholics and Others, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1978. xi+218 pp. £7.95.. Journal of Social Policy. 8 (1), 117-118




Beresford, P., (1977). Tim Cook, Vagrant Alcoholics, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1975. x+189 pp. £4.95 - John Stewart, Of No Fixed Abode: Vagrancy and the Welfare State, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1975. viii+200 pp. £6.00.. Journal of Social Policy. 6 (2), 244-245


Priest, RG., (1976). The Homeless Person and the Psychiatric Services. British Journal of Psychiatry. 129 (3), 286-287


Beresford, P., (1975). Reception centres: An index of social service inadequacy. British Journal of Social Work. 5 (2), 175-192

Books (13)

Beresford, P. and Slasberg, C., (2023). The Future of Social Care. Edward Elgar Publishing. 9781803923000

Beresford, P., (2021). Participatory ideology: From exclusion to involvement

Williams, O., Tembo, D., Ocloo, J., Kaur, M., Hickey, G., Farr, M. and Beresford, P., (2021). COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Vol 2: Volume 2: Co-production Methods and Working Together at a Distance

Beresford, P., Farr, M., Hickey, G., Kaur, M., Ocloo, J., Tembo, D. and Williams, O., (2021). COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice

Beresford, P., (2021). Postscript. Routledge

Beresford, P., (2021). Introduction. Routledge

(2020). The Routledge Handbook of Service User Involvement in Human Services Research and Education. Routledge

(2019). Concluding Thoughts. University of Toronto Press

Daley, A., Costa, L. and Beresford, P., (2019). Madness, violence, and power: A critical collection

Beresford, P., (2016). All our welfare: Towards participatory social policy. Policy Press. 978-1447328940

Beresford, P. and Croft, S., (2016). Citizen Involvement: A Practical Guide for Change

Gross, M. and McGoey, L., (2015). Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies. Routledge. 978-0-415-71896-7

Beresford, P., Fleming, J., Glynn, M., Bewley, C., Croft, S., Branfield, F. and Postle, K., (2011). Supporting people: Towards a person-centred approach

Book chapters (54)

Jarrett, L. and Jayaraman, S., Creative Engagement in Palliative Care. Editors: Jarrett, L., . CRC Press

Beresford, P., (2024). Social innovation and citizen participation: the crucial coupling. In: Handbook on Social Innovation and Social Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing. 287- 296. 9781800887442

Beresford, P., (2022). User involvement. In: Critical Gerontology for Social Workers. Policy Press. 161- 176. 9781447360445

Williams, O., Tembo, D., Ocloo, J., Kaur, M., Hickey, G., Farr, M. and Beresford, P., (2021). Co-production methods and working together at a distance: Introduction to Volume 2. In: COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Vol 2: Volume 2: Co-production Methods and Working Together at a Distance. 3- 16

Williams, O., Tembo, D., Ocloo, J., Kaur, M., Hickey, G., Farr, M. and Beresford, P., (2021). Co-producing during a pandemic and beyond: An afterword for Volume 2. In: COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Vol 2: Volume 2: Co-production Methods and Working Together at a Distance. 157- 166

Beresford, P., Farr, M., Hickey, G., Kaur, M., Ocloo, J., Tembo, D. and Williams, O., (2021). The challenges and necessity of co-production: Introduction to Volume 1. In: COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice. 3- 16

Beresford, P., (2021). What are we clapping for? Sending people to die in social care: why the NHS did this and what needs to happen next?. In: COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice. Policy Press. 89- 96

Beresford, P., Farr, M., Hickey, G., Kaur, M., Ocloo, J., Tembo, D. and Williams, O., (2021). Co-production in emergency responses and the 'new normal': An afterword for Volume 1. In: COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice. 155- 163

Casey, H. and Beresford, P., (2021). Mending gaps in social work education in the UK. In: Involving Service Users in Social Work Education, Research and Policy: A Comparative European Analysis. 23- 34

Beresford, P. and Degerickx, H., (2021). Participatory pathways in social policymaking: between rhetoric and reality. In: Involving Service Users in Social Work Education, Research and Policy: A Comparative European Analysis. Bristol University Press. 170- 182

O’Hagan, M. and Beresford, P., (2021). Reflections on power, knowledge and change. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Mad Studies. Routledge. 30- 33

Casey, H., Araia, B. and Beresford, P., (2020). Advancing Relationship-Based Social Work Through Mending Gaps Between Service Users, Carers, Social Work Students, and Practitioners: A Case Study Involving Refugees. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Work Education. Springer International Publishing. 889- 899. 9783030399658

Beresford, P. and McLaughlin, H., (2020). Introduction to the book. In: The Routledge Handbook of Service User Involvement in Human Services Research and Education. Routledge. 1- 5

Duffy, J. and Beresford, P., (2020). Critical issues in the development of service user involvement. In: The Routledge Handbook of Service User Involvement in Human Services Research and Education. Routledge. 9- 16

Beresford, P. and McLaughlin, H., (2020). Service user involvement in research. In: The Routledge Handbook of Service User Involvement in Human Services Research and Education. Routledge. 515- 520

beresford, P. and russo, J., (2020). Patient and public involvement in research. In: Achieving Person-Centred Health Systems. Cambridge University Press. 145- 172. 9781108790062

Beresford, P., Croft, S., Evans, C. and Harding, T., (2019). Quality in Personal Social Services: The Developing Role of User Involvement in the UK. In: Developing Quality in Personal Social Services. Routledge. 63- 80

(2019). Where are 'the Poor' in the Future of Poverty Research?. In: Researching Poverty. Editors: Lister, R., Beresford, P., Green, D. and Woodward, K., . Routledge. 284- 304

Beresford, P., (2019). Social work by and for all. In: What is the Future of Social Work?: A handbook for positive action. 83- 97

Beresford, P. and Croft, S., (2019). Reprioritising social work practice: Towards a critical reconnection of the personal and the social. In: The Routledge Handbook of Critical Social Work. 511- 522

Beresford, P., (2018). A basic income and the democratisation of social policy. In: It’s Basic Income: The global debate. Editors: Downes, A. and Lansley, S., . Policy Press at the University of Bristol. 103- 108. 978-1-4473-4391-2

Beresford, P., (2017). A participatory approach to services and support. In: Participation in Health and Welfare Services: Professional Concepts and Lived Experience. Editors: Eide, AH., Josephsson, S. and Vik, K., . Taylor and Francis (Routledge). 66- 78. 9781315628554

Lalani, M., Cowdrey, D., Paine, M., Willman, K., Hart, D., Macfarlane, A., Croft, S. and Beresford, P., (2017). Listen to what we say. In: Creative Engagement in Palliative Care: New Perspectives on User Involvement. 184- 187. 9781846191589

Beresford, P., (2017). Developing self-defined social approaches to madness and distress. In: Mental Health at the Crossroads: The Promise of the Psychosocial Approach. 109- 123

Beresford, P., (2015). The context for a social model of alcohol use. In: Women and Alcohol: Social Perspectives. 17- 29. 9781447318880

Beresford, P., (2015). Distress and disability: Not you, not me, but us?. In: Madness, Distress and the Politics of Disablement. 245- 259. 9781447314578

(2015). Disability, Avoidance and the Academy. In: Disability, Avoidance and the Academy: Challenging Resistance. Editors: Bolt, D. and Penketh, C., . Routledge. 89- 98. 9781138858664

Taylor, J., Barrett, G., Forrest, V., Beresford, P. and Meakin, B., (2015). You're Not In The Picture: Service users, research, involvement and change. In: Innovations In Social Work Research Using methods creatively. Editors: Hardwick, L., Smith, R. and Worsley, A., . Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 334- 344. 978-1849055857

Beresford, P., (2015). Upelnomocniajaca Wiedza Na Rzecz Upelnomocniajacej Pracy Socjalnej. In: Empowerment w pracy socjalnej: praktyka i badania partycypacyjne. Editors: Gulczynska, A. and Granosik, M., . Centrum Rozwoju Zasobow Ludzkich. 27- 39. 9788379513017

Lloyd, M., (2015). 'Introduction'. In: Butler and Ethics. Editors: Lloyd, M., . Edinburgh University Press. 1- 20. 9780748678846

Beresford, P., (2014). Advancing the positives of personalisation /person-centred support: A multi-perspective view. In: Debates in Personalisation. 153- 166. 9781447313427

Beresford, P. and Menzies, R., (2014). Developing Partnerships to Resist Psychiatry within Academia. In: Psychiatry Disrupted. McGill-Queen's University Press. 77- 95. 9780773543294

Beresford, P., (2013). Personalisation. In: Critical and Radical Debates in Social Work. 69

Beresford, P., (2013). Personalisation: From solution to problem?. In: Critical and Radical Debates in Social Work. 73- 98

Beresford, P., (2013). Once more on personalisation. In: Critical and Radical Debates in Social Work. 144- 148

(2013). Psychiatric system survivors: an emerging movement. In: Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies. Routledge. 163- 176

Beresford, P., (2013). Theory and practice of user involvement in research: Making the connection with public policy and practice. In: Involving Service Users in Health and Social Care Research. 6- 17

(2013). The Citizens’ Commission: a UK case study of service-user-controlled research. In: A Handbook for Action Research in Health and Social Care. Routledge. 176- 190

Beresford, P., (2012). Service-User Involvement. In: The SAGE Handbook of Social Work. SAGE Publications Ltd. 693- 706

Croft, S. and Beresford, P., (2011). The politics of participation. In: The Community Development Reader: History, Themes and Issues. 20- 44

Beresford, P., (2011). Radical social work and service users: a crucial connection. In: Radical Social Work Today: Social Work at the Crossroads. Bristol University Press. 95- 114

Beresford, P., (2010). Service users and social policy: developing different discussions, challenging dominant discourses. In: Social policy review 22. Policy Press. 227- 252

Beresford, P., (2009). Control. In: Handbook of Service User Involvement in Mental Health Research. Wiley. 181- 197. 9780470997956

Beresford, P., (2009). Differentiated consumers? A differentiated view from a service user perspective. In: The consumer in public services. Policy Press. 197- 218. 9781847421807

Eadie, T., (2007). Professional Development in the Workplace. In: Social Work: A Companion to Learning. SAGE Publications Ltd. 201- 214

McLeod, E., Bywaters, P., Beresford, P., Croft, S. and Drakeford, M., (2007). A new agenda for social work: tackling inequalities in physical health. In: Challenging Health Inequalities: From Acheson to 'Choosing Health'. Bristol University Press. 213- 232

Beresford, P., (2007). Past tense. In: Museums and their Communities. 406- 408

Barton, L., (2006). Overcoming Disabling Barriers. In: Overcoming Disabling Barriers: 18 Years of Disability and Society. Routledge. 181- 192

(2006). Choosing Methods in Mental Health Research. In: Choosing Methods in Mental Health Research: Mental Health Research from Theory to Practice. Editors: Slade, M. and Priebe, S., . Routledge. 213- 222

Postle, K. and Beresford, P., (2006). Making connections: Supporting new forms of engagement by marginalised groups. In: Cash and Care: Policy Challenges in the Welfare State. 219- 233

Beresford, P., (2005). Service-user involvement in evaluation and research: issues, dilemmas and destinations. In: The Politics of Evaluation: Participation and Policy Implementation. Bristol University Press. 77- 86

Beresford, P. and Croft, S., (2005). Who are social services for?. In: Understanding Care, Welfare and Community: A Reader. 47- 50

Beresford, P., Green, D., Lister, R. and Woodard, K., (2005). The effects of poverty. In: Understanding Care, Welfare and Community: A Reader. 20- 28

(2004). Effective Learning and Teaching in Social Policy and Social Work. In: Effective Learning and Teaching in Social Policy and Social Work. Editors: Burgess, H. and Taylor, I., . Routledge. 27- 40

Conferences (2)

Beresford, P. and Boxall, K., (2013). Where do service users' knowledges sit in relation to professional and academic understandings of knowledge?




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