
Dounia Bissar

Senior Lecturer
Department of Language and Linguistics
 Dounia Bissar
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 872213

  • Location

    4.215, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Monday 16:00-17:00, Friday 14.00-15.00



Before joining the University of Essex in 2012, I was Senior Lecturer in French at London Metropolitan University where I taught French, Linguistics and Translation. I also have prior experience of teaching French in Adult Education. Among my multiple interests the main one is second language acquisition, particularly the learning and teaching of grammatical structures. I have co-authored a French course book. Supervision Areas for Undergraduate Dissertations and Postgraduate Research French language Translation French culture and society (literature, cinema, music, education, social relations, etc.) Second language acquisition


  • MA in Romance Philology Université Libre de Bruxelles,

  • MA in Applied Linguistics Birkbeck, University of London,

  • Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy,

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Second language acquisition


Language testing

Conferences and presentations

Stott, R., Cousins, S.,Bissar, D. ' Pioneers on the frontiers of learning? A narrative inquiry approach to new pedagogical practices using technology in Arts and Humanities learning and teaching', 2nd annual HEA Arts and Humanities conference, 29-30 May 2013


Cousins, S., Bissar, D. 'Tutor engagement in technology enhanced learning and teaching in Higher Education: some warming stories about change', ALT-C 2011, Leeds University, 6-8 September 2011

Leeds, United Kingdom, 2011

Bissar, D. 'L'expérience de la London Metropolitan University dans le lancement d'un plan institutionnel d'apprentissage des langues s'appuyant sur les TICE', Keynote address for conference on ICT and language teaching at Université Libre de Bruxelles, 28 January 2010

Brussels, Belgium, 2010

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Intercultural Communication and Research Skills (LA051)

  • Language Studies Capstone Project (LA059)

  • Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling Skills (LA067)

  • Year Abroad Project (LA068)

  • Modern Languages Capstone Project (LA069)

  • Mastery French (LA160)

  • Translation Portfolio I (French) (LA811)

  • Translation Portfolio II (French) (LA812)

  • Translation Portfolio I (German) (LA821)

  • Translation Portfolio II (German) (LA822)

  • Translation Portfolio I (Portuguese) (LA831)

  • Translation Portfolio I (Spanish) (LA841)

  • Translation Portfolio II (Spanish) (LA842)

  • Translation Portfolio I (Arabic) (LA851)

  • Translation Portfolio II (Arabic) (LA852)

  • Translation Portfolio I (Italian) (LA861)

  • Translation Portfolio II (Italian) (LA862)

  • Intensive Beginners French I (LA121)


Journal articles (1)

Cousins, S. and Bissar, D., Adapting to the digital age: a narrative approach. Research in Learning Technology. 20

Books (1)

Bissar, D., Phillips, H. and Tschirhart, C., (2016). Foundations French 1. Palgrave

+44 (0) 1206 872213


4.215, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Monday 16:00-17:00, Friday 14.00-15.00