Professor Frances Blumenfeld

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 873125
2S2.5.03, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Part-Time, 3 days per week (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)
Dr Frances Blumenfeld is Programme Director and Clinical lead on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. She read psychology, sociology and anthropology at Tel Aviv University Israel, trained in the early 80's in clinical psychology in Israel.She obtained a statement of equivalence from British Psychological Society 1992. She undertook a top-up doctorate in Clinical Psychology at UEA which was completed in 2008 and entitled Empathy and Attachment amongst Young Offenders. From 1992-1997 she lived in the USA and worked in mental health counselling and mediation. She undertook a family therapy training at Philadelphia Child Guidance Center. In her early career before starting her clinical training and whilst undertaking it she worked in research in criminology. Since coming back to England in 1998, she has worked in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Cambridge. She worked for seven years of that time in the Cambridgeshire Youth Offending Team. She works clinically in a child and adolescent mental health service. Her research interests are in the interface between mental health and the criminal justice system. She joined Essex in December 2008.
B.A. Psychology and Sociology and Anthropology, University Tel Aviv, Israel
M.A. Clinical Psychology, University Tel Aviv, Israel
D.Clin.Psy. UEA
University of Essex
Divisional Lead for Psychological therapies, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - present)
Research and professional activities
Current research
Currently involved in multidisciplinary research project evaluating a project working with mothers who have had their children removed.
A study into the effects on expert witness reports of new legislation.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Personal and Professional Development 1 (HS764)
Supervised Clinical Practice 3 (HS781)
Clinical Interventions and Skills 1 (HS765)
Personal and Professional Development 2 (HS774)
Personal and Professional Development 3 (HS784)
Clinical Research 2 (HS773)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 14/2/2025

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 10/1/2025

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2024

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/3/2024

Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 18/12/2023

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/3/2023

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 7/12/2022

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 7/12/2022

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/6/2022

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 17/2/2022

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 19/11/2021

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2021

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2021

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 12/7/2021

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 29/4/2021

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 27/11/2020

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2019

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2019

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2019

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 13/6/2019

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/12/2018

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/10/2018

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/10/2018

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/7/2018

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 7/3/2018

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/12/2017

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 17/5/2017

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 23/3/2017

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 19/10/2016

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 19/10/2016

Degree subject: Nursing
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 14/10/2016

Degree subject: Applied Psychology
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 7/10/2016

Degree subject: Counselling Psychology (D Couns Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/7/2016

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 6/6/2016

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 10/5/2016

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 31/3/2016

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/11/2015

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 10/11/2015

Degree subject: Health Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/12/2014

Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/11/2014

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 30/10/2014

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 30/10/2014

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/7/2014

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/6/2014

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/4/2014

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 22/1/2014

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 14/1/2013

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 17/12/2012

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 23/11/2012

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 6/11/2012

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 23/1/2012

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/1/2012
Journal articles (5)
Maguire, K., Warman, H., Blumenfeld, F. and Langdon, PE., (2024). The relationship between psychopathy and autism: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 15
McCormack, C., McPherson, S. and Blumenfeld, F., (2022). Diversity in clinical psychology training at the University of Essex. Clinical Psychology Forum. 352 (April 2022), 29-38
Cox, P., McPherson, S. and Blumenfeld, F., (2021). Protecting Children, Empowering Birth Parents: New Approaches in Family Justice. Societies. 11 (2), 32-32
Fife, S., Blumenfeld, F., Williams, C. and Wood, L., (2019). A feasibility study highlighting challenges in evaluating a structured, psychological treatment for self-harm in adult psychiatric inpatient settings. Psychiatry Research. 282, 112609-112609
Cox, P., Barratt, C., Blumenfeld, F., Rahemtulla, Z., Taggart, D. and Turton, J., (2017). Reducing recurrent care proceedings: initial evidence from new interventions. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. 39 (3), 332-349
Grants and funding
REducing the risk of criminal exploitation using multiSystEmic Therapy (RESET Trial)
Impetus � The Private Equity Foundation
Academic support hours:
Part-Time, 3 days per week (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)