
Professor Frances Blumenfeld

School of Health and Social Care
Professor Frances Blumenfeld
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 873125

  • Location

    2S2.5.03, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Part-Time, 3 days per week (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)



Dr Frances Blumenfeld is Programme Director and Clinical lead on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. She read psychology, sociology and anthropology at Tel Aviv University Israel, trained in the early 80's in clinical psychology in Israel.She obtained a statement of equivalence from British Psychological Society 1992. She undertook a top-up doctorate in Clinical Psychology at UEA which was completed in 2008 and entitled Empathy and Attachment amongst Young Offenders. From 1992-1997 she lived in the USA and worked in mental health counselling and mediation. She undertook a family therapy training at Philadelphia Child Guidance Center. In her early career before starting her clinical training and whilst undertaking it she worked in research in criminology. Since coming back to England in 1998, she has worked in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Cambridge. She worked for seven years of that time in the Cambridgeshire Youth Offending Team. She works clinically in a child and adolescent mental health service. Her research interests are in the interface between mental health and the criminal justice system. She joined Essex in December 2008.


  • B.A. Psychology and Sociology and Anthropology, University Tel Aviv, Israel

  • M.A. Clinical Psychology, University Tel Aviv, Israel

  • D.Clin.Psy. UEA


University of Essex

  • Divisional Lead for Psychological therapies, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - present)

Research and professional activities

Current research

Currently involved in multidisciplinary research project evaluating a project working with mothers who have had their children removed.

A study into the effects on expert witness reports of new legislation.

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Personal and Professional Development 1 (HS764)

  • Supervised Clinical Practice 3 (HS781)

  • Clinical Interventions and Skills 1 (HS765)

  • Personal and Professional Development 2 (HS774)

  • Personal and Professional Development 3 (HS784)

  • Clinical Research 2 (HS773)

Previous supervision

Ailish Gallagher
Ailish Gallagher
Thesis title: The Brain-Body Link: The Impact of Trauma on Interoceptive Awareness & the Presence of Psychosomatic Symptoms in Adolescents, a Community Sample
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 14/3/2025
David Simpson
David Simpson
Thesis title: A Pilot Study Investigating Heart Rate Variability as a Measure of Stress in Healthy School Children Responding to Experimental Stressors
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 14/2/2025
Harkirat Virdi
Harkirat Virdi
Thesis title: An Exploration of Psychological Practitioners’ Awareness and Knowledge of the Menopause, and Their Experiences of Working Clinically with Menopausal Clients
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 10/1/2025
Kate Maguire
Kate Maguire
Thesis title: Validation of the Psychopathy Checklist Short Version in Autistic Adults Detained Under the Mental Health Act.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2024
Afarin Abolghasem Shirazi
Afarin Abolghasem Shirazi
Thesis title: Healthcare Workers’ Perspectives on Working During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Moral Injury, Mental Health Difficulties, and Organisational Influence
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/3/2024
Opeyemi Abisola Loretta Olabisi
Opeyemi Abisola Loretta Olabisi
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 18/12/2023
Elizabeth Kay Wiltshire
Elizabeth Kay Wiltshire
Thesis title: Parental Perspectives of the Barriers to Sustaining Health Behaviour Change for Their Child Living with Overweight or Obesity – a Grounded Theory Study
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023
Georgia Gabriella-Pearl Fuller
Georgia Gabriella-Pearl Fuller
Thesis title: On Becoming Trauma Informed: Exploring the Narratives of Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023
Brogan Danielle Algar
Brogan Danielle Algar
Thesis title: Perinatal Mental Health Staff Experiences of Working with Mothers Diagnosed with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023
Chloe Savage
Chloe Savage
Thesis title: “When You Finish Work, You Go Home Worrying About Those Children” – the Experience of Primary School Teaching Staff of Supporting Children with Their Mental Health: A Thematic Analysis
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/3/2023
Danielle Elizabeth Bream-Jackson
Danielle Elizabeth Bream-Jackson
Thesis title: The Human Cost of Animal Care: A Psychosocial Exploration of the Veterinary Surgeon Profession.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 7/12/2022
Emma Facer-Irwin
Emma Facer-Irwin
Thesis title: Trauma-Informed Care in a Youth Justice Setting: A Qualitative Study of Staff and Service-User Experiences
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 7/12/2022
Angeliki Kaloudi
Angeliki Kaloudi
Thesis title: Targeted Parents’ Perspective on the Development of Parental Alienation: A Grounded Theory Study
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/6/2022
Katherine Elizabeth Manning
Katherine Elizabeth Manning
Thesis title: Investigation of Biases in Decision Making Concerning Young Mothers By Health and Social Care Professionals.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 17/2/2022
Sade Olivia King
Sade Olivia King
Thesis title: Experiences of Nhs Psychologists Exploring Racial Trauma with Service Users From Black and Asian Racialised Communities
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 19/11/2021
Omolola Habeebat Abeke Olukotun
Omolola Habeebat Abeke Olukotun
Thesis title: Black Fathers Who Experienced the Birth of Their Baby as Traumatic: A Qualitative Study.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2021
Joseph Timothy Charles Rehling
Joseph Timothy Charles Rehling
Thesis title: Exploring Psychological Responses to Climate Change Using an Existential Framework: What Hurts, What Helps, and Implications for Mental Health Services
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2021
Oliver Richard Crofton
Oliver Richard Crofton
Thesis title: What Is Willpower? a Qualitative Exploration of How People Struggling to Lose Weight Understand the Term
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 12/7/2021
Ayse Akan
Ayse Akan
Thesis title: Understandings and Experiences of Common Mental Health Difficulties of Turkish-Speaking People in the UK
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 29/4/2021
Leanne Sarah Hunt
Leanne Sarah Hunt
Thesis title: 'You Absorb Trauma, Without Noticing It': A Qualitative Exploration of Staff Experiences and Subjective Well-Being Working in Camhs Inpatient Services
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 27/11/2020
Lucy Rebecca Richardson
Lucy Rebecca Richardson
Thesis title: 'A Trans Man Is Just a Lesbian with Bells On': The Intersection of Gender Identity and Sexuality From the Perspective of People Who Have Explored Both
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2019
Lucy Dalzell
Lucy Dalzell
Thesis title: A Qualitative Study Exploring Adolescents' Experiences of Peer Relationships in an Inpatient Camhs Setting
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2019
Kiera Emily Fitzsimons
Kiera Emily Fitzsimons
Thesis title: Exploring the Experience and Meaning of Therapeutic Relationships for Mothers in a Parent-Infant Mental Health Service with Infants Who Have Been At the Edge of Care: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2019
Annabel Hayes
Annabel Hayes
Thesis title: Meeting Needs with Therapy: Refugee and Therapist Experiences of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 13/6/2019
Susan Carolyn Rutter
Susan Carolyn Rutter
Thesis title: Not Just a Slap on the Wrist: A Thematic Analysis of Suspects' Decision-Making in Accepting and Subsequently Challenging a Simple Caution for Adult Offenders.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/12/2018
Seamus O'Byrne
Seamus O'Byrne
Thesis title: 'Watch and Wait' - Examining the Potential Impact of Uncertainty in Illness on the Mental Health of Individuals with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Low Grade Lymphomas.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/10/2018
Sarah Elizabeth Fife
Sarah Elizabeth Fife
Thesis title: 'A Feasibility Study to Evaluate a Self-Harm Group in Psychiatric Inpatient Settings'
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/10/2018
Jasmeet Kaur Thandi
Jasmeet Kaur Thandi
Thesis title: Living with Husbands with a Label of Dementia. the Experience and Meaning of Punjabi Sikh Wives.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/7/2018
Sian Marie Williams
Sian Marie Williams
Thesis title: 'If You'Re Kind to Me, I'Ll be Kind to You.' Compassion to Self and Others as a Dynamic and Relational Process Among Young People Who Have Engaged in Harmful Sexual Behaviour: A Grounded Theory
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 7/3/2018
Elizabeth Ann Bradley
Elizabeth Ann Bradley
Thesis title: Desire for Cosmetic Procedures: An Investigation of Associated Factors
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/12/2017
Kirsty-Lee Collins
Kirsty-Lee Collins
Thesis title: Social Media Use, Social Anxiety and the Relationship with Life Satisfaction.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 17/5/2017
Aneliya Merolla
Aneliya Merolla
Thesis title: A Study of the Relationship Between Borderline-Dysregulated Personality and Treatment-Resistant Depression in the Course of the Tads Randomised Control Trial
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 23/3/2017
Katie Victoria Budge
Katie Victoria Budge
Thesis title: Violence, Aggression and Therapeutic Relationships: Understanding the Lived Experiences of Females Within Low and Medium Secure Forensic Mental Health Units.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 19/10/2016
Angeline Shobana Dharmaindra
Angeline Shobana Dharmaindra
Thesis title: Coping with Experiences of War in Sri Lanka: Perspectives From Tamil Immigrants Living in the UK
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 19/10/2016
Kathleen Mary Clibbens
Kathleen Mary Clibbens
Thesis title: Transitioning to a Safeguarding Children Clinical Network During a Time of Major Nhs Reform: An Exploratory Study About the Experiences of Designated Professionals
Degree subject: Nursing
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 14/10/2016
Geraldine Marie Holloway
Geraldine Marie Holloway
Thesis title: Maternal Filicide: Grounded Theorising From Interviews with Mothers with a Diagnosis of Mental Illness
Degree subject: Applied Psychology
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 7/10/2016
Natalia Solovieva
Natalia Solovieva
Thesis title: A Mixed Method Delphi Study to Determine Professional Consensus on the Key Elements of Outpatient Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy for Psychosis
Degree subject: Counselling Psychology (D Couns Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/7/2016
Cheontell Barnes
Cheontell Barnes
Thesis title: Aggression and the Therapeutic Relationship in Women's Medium Secure Services
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 6/6/2016
Marta Sosnowska
Marta Sosnowska
Thesis title: Challenges Encountered By Frontline Healthcare Professionals in Care for Adolescents Who Engage in Self-Harm. a Qualitative Study Conducted on an Inpatient Unit Implementing Adolescent Mentalization-Based Integrative Therapy (Ambit)
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 10/5/2016
Stacy Earl
Stacy Earl
Thesis title: An Exploration of How Mental Health Service Users' Construct Meaning From the Work Capability Assessment Process - Using Foucauldian Discourse Analysis
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 31/3/2016
Louise Carol Nankivell
Louise Carol Nankivell
Thesis title: 'I Want Him to be a Better Person Than His Dad Was'. How Mothers Experience Their Relationship with Their Son Following Domestic Violence
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/11/2015
Elisabeth Nicole Bakes
Elisabeth Nicole Bakes
Thesis title: The Relationship Between Mindfulness and Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms in a Community Sample
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 10/11/2015
Sarah Alice Elizabeth Senker
Sarah Alice Elizabeth Senker
Thesis title: 'It's Definitely a Choice, But It's a Choice You Can't Understand' Conceptualising Recovery and Addiction From the Perspective of Substance Misusing Offenders: the Role of an Integrated Criminal Justice System
Degree subject: Health Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/12/2014
Vanessa Griffin
Vanessa Griffin
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/11/2014
Sonya Stoyanova Tsancheva
Sonya Stoyanova Tsancheva
Thesis title: The Relationship Between Trait Behavioural Inhibition and Behavioural Approach as Measured By the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory Personality Questionnaire (Rst-Pq), Eating Styles and Body Mass Index (Bmi) in an Online, Community Sample
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 30/10/2014
Christopher Lavender
Christopher Lavender
Thesis title: Social Anxiety and the Perceived Costs of Social Blunders in a Community Sample
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 30/10/2014
Allison Ritchie
Allison Ritchie
Thesis title: Exploring the Effect of Shame and Self-Compassion on Bmi and Disordered Eating Behaviour in an Adult Community Sample
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/7/2014
Hilary Anne Sporton
Hilary Anne Sporton
Thesis title: Rocking the Boat: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Adopted Adults Making Contact with Their Birth Relatives
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/6/2014
Amber Morgan
Amber Morgan
Thesis title: Can Family Processes be Assessed Systematically in the Clinical Setting? A Study of the Application of Family Domains Ratings to Family Therapy Sessions
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/4/2014
Sarah Natasha Wraighte
Sarah Natasha Wraighte
Thesis title: A Qualitative Exploration Into the 'Journey of Survival' in Gender Non-Conforming Young Adults Subjected to Childhood Bullying
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 22/1/2014
Francoise Marie-Paule Hentges
Francoise Marie-Paule Hentges
Thesis title: The Effectiveness of a Self-Help Intervention for School Children with Anger Management Difficulties and its Impact on Emotion Regulation.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 14/1/2013
Anna Victoria Orchard
Anna Victoria Orchard
Thesis title: A Longitudinal Case-Series Study of the Efficacy of Metacognitive Training At Ameliorating Psychosis-Related Symptoms and Cognitive Biases
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 17/12/2012
Janet Kennedy
Janet Kennedy
Thesis title: Perfectionism as a Mediator Between Negative Attitudes Towards Emotional Expression and Disordered Eating in a Community Sample.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 23/11/2012
Victoria Elizabeth Wallis
Victoria Elizabeth Wallis
Thesis title: A Mixed Method Evaluation of a Wilderness Therapy Programme for 'Youth At Risk'
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 6/11/2012
Jennie Kathleen Duprey
Jennie Kathleen Duprey
Thesis title: Exploration of the Process Parents Go Through in Deciding to Disclose Their Child's Diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Condition to Their Child
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 23/1/2012
Natalie Louise Kauder
Natalie Louise Kauder
Thesis title: Recipricol Attachments and Hierarchies of Attachment Figures in Females with Tendancies Towards Eating Disordered Behaviours
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/1/2012


Journal articles (5)

Maguire, K., Warman, H., Blumenfeld, F. and Langdon, PE., (2024). The relationship between psychopathy and autism: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 15

McCormack, C., McPherson, S. and Blumenfeld, F., (2022). Diversity in clinical psychology training at the University of Essex. Clinical Psychology Forum. 352 (April 2022), 29-38

Cox, P., McPherson, S. and Blumenfeld, F., (2021). Protecting Children, Empowering Birth Parents: New Approaches in Family Justice. Societies. 11 (2), 32-32

Fife, S., Blumenfeld, F., Williams, C. and Wood, L., (2019). A feasibility study highlighting challenges in evaluating a structured, psychological treatment for self-harm in adult psychiatric inpatient settings. Psychiatry Research. 282, 112609-112609

Cox, P., Barratt, C., Blumenfeld, F., Rahemtulla, Z., Taggart, D. and Turton, J., (2017). Reducing recurrent care proceedings: initial evidence from new interventions. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. 39 (3), 332-349

Grants and funding


REducing the risk of criminal exploitation using multiSystEmic Therapy (RESET Trial)

Impetus � The Private Equity Foundation

+44 (0) 1206 873125


2S2.5.03, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Part-Time, 3 days per week (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)