Dr Cara Booker

cbooker@essex.ac.uk -
2N2.4.24, Colchester Campus
PhD University of Southern California, (2006)
MPh University of Southern California, (2002)
University of Essex
Research Fellow, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (5/10/2012 - present)
Senior Research Officer, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (2/10/2009 - 4/10/2012)
Other academic
Research Assistant, MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (MRC) (21/5/2007 - 30/9/2009)
Teaching and supervision
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Biosocial Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/1/2025

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/12/2024

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2024

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2024

Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2024

Degree subject: Biosocial Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/10/2024

Degree subject: Biosocial Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/11/2023

Degree subject: Biosocial Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/5/2023

Degree subject: Biosocial Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/1/2023

Degree subject: Biosocial Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/11/2022

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/12/2020

Degree subject: Health Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/6/2018

Degree subject: Applied Social and Economic Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/11/2017

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/4/2016
Publications (1)
Kelly, Y., Xue, B., Booker, C., Sacker, A., Lacey, R., Ploubidis, G. and Patalay, P., (2022). What (if anything) is going on? Examining longitudinal associations between social media use and mental ill-health among young people
Journal articles (31)
Benzeval, M., Robertson, T., Betzer, M., Booker, C., Castagné, R., Delpierre, C., Gallagher, I., Kelly-Irving, M., McCrory, C., Morris, T., Narimatsu, E. and Paval, R., (2025). A glossary for social-to-biological research. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 20 (20), 1-47
Liang, Y. and Booker, C., (2024). Allostatic load and chronic pain: a prospective finding from the national survey of midlife development in the United States, 2004-2014.. BMC Public Health. 24 (1), 416-
Juanchich, M., Oakley, CM., Sayer, H., Holford, DL., Bruine de Bruin, W., Booker, C., Chadborn, T., Vallee-Tourangeau, G., Wood, R. and Sirota, M., (2024). Vaccination invitations sent by warm and competent medical professionals disclosing risks and benefits increase trust and booking intention and reduce inequalities between ethnic groups.. Health Psychology. 43 (10), 718-729
Wicks, C., Booker, C., Kumari, M., Trotta, A. and McPherson, S., (2024). Are protected characteristics associated with mental health care inequalities in the adult UK general population? a cross-sectional study.. PLoS One. 19 (8), e0308279-e0308279
Murray, ET., Keating, A., Cameron, C., Benchekroun, R., Whewall, S., Booker, C. and Jivraj, S., (2024). Residence in coastal communities in adolescence and health in young adulthood: An 11-year follow-up of English UKHLS youth questionnaire respondents.. Health and Place. 87, 103239-103239
Birnkammer, S., Booker, CL. and Calvano, C., (2024). Victimization experiences, internalizing problems and family bonds among adolescents from the UK: multi-group structural equation modeling using an intersectionality-informed approach. Scientific Reports. 14 (1), 28753-
Chung, H. and Booker, C., (2023). Flexible Working and the Division of Housework and Childcare: Examining Divisions across Arrangement and Occupational Lines. Work, Employment and Society. 37 (1), 236-256
Chandola, T., Kumari, M., Booker, CL. and Benzeval, M., (2022). The mental health impact of COVID-19 and lockdown-related stressors among adults in the UK.. Psychological Medicine. Online (14), 1-10
Booker, CL. and Meads, C., (2021). Sexual Orientation and the Incidence of COVID-19: Evidence from Understanding Society in the UK Longitudinal Household Study.. Healthcare. 9 (8), 937-937
Booker, CL., Andrews, L., Green, G. and Kumari, M., (2020). Impacts of long-standing illness and chronic illness on working hours and household income in a longitudinal UK study.. SSM - Population Health. 12, 100684-100684
Chandola, T., Kumari, M., Booker, CL. and Benzeval, MJ., (2020). The mental health impact of COVID-19 and pandemic related stressors among adults in the UK
Chandola, T., Booker, CL., Kumari, M. and Benzeval, M., (2019). Are Flexible Work Arrangements Associated with Lower Levels of Chronic Stress-Related Biomarkers? A Study of 6025 Employees in the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Sociology. 53 (4), 779-799
Booker, CL., Kelly, YJ. and Sacker, A., (2018). Gender differences in the associations between age trends of social media interaction and well-being among 10-15 year olds in the UK. BMC Public Health. 18 (1), 321-
Kelly, Y., Zilanawala, A., Booker, C. and Sacker, A., (2018). Social Media Use and Adolescent Mental Health: Findings From the UK Millennium Cohort Study. EClinicalMedicine. 6, 59-68
Booker, CL., Rieger, G. and Unger, JB., (2017). Sexual orientation health inequality: Evidence from Understanding Society , the UK Longitudinal Household Study. Preventive Medicine. 101, 126-132
Lacey, RE., Sacker, A., Kumari, M., Worts, D., McDonough, P., Booker, C. and McMunn, A., (2016). Work-family life courses and markers of stress and inflammation in mid-life: evidence from the National Child Development Study.. International Journal of Epidemiology. 45 (4), 1247-1259
McMunn, A., Lacey, R., Worts, D., McDonough, P., Stafford, M., Booker, C., Kumari, M. and Sacker, A., (2015). De-standardization and gender convergence in work–family life courses in Great Britain: A multi-channel sequence analysis. Advances in Life Course Research. 26 (1), 60-75
McDonough, P., Worts, D., Booker, C., McMunn, A. and Sacker, A., (2015). Cumulative disadvantage, employment–marriage, and health inequalities among American and British mothers. Advances in Life Course Research. 25, 49-66
Booker, CL., Skew, AJ., Kelly, YJ. and Sacker, A., (2015). Media Use, Sports Participation, and Well-Being in Adolescence: Cross-Sectional Findings From the UK Household Longitudinal Study.. American Journal of Public Health. 105 (1), 173-179
Booker, CL., Skew, AJ., Sacker, A. and Kelly, YJ., (2014). Well-Being in Adolescence-An Association With Health-Related Behaviors: Findings From Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Journal of Early Adolescence. 34 (4), 518-538
Booker, CL. and Sacker, A., (2013). Labour force sequences, unemployment spells and their effect on subjective well-being set points. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 4 (2)
Booker, CL. and Sacker, A., (2012). Psychological well-being and reactions to multiple unemployment events: adaptation or sensitisation?. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 66 (9), 832-838
Booker, CL. and Sacker, A., (2012). Limiting long-term illness and subjective well-being in families. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 3 (1), 41-65
Booker, CL., Harding, S. and Benzeval, M., (2011). A systematic review of the effect of retention methods in population-based cohort studies. BMC Public Health. 11 (1), creators-Benzeval=3AMichaela=3A=3A
Booker, C. and Sacker, A., (2011). P2-30 Chronic illness and subjective well-being of family members. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 65 (Suppl 1), A227-A228
Booker, CL. and Sacker, A., (2011). Chronic illness and subjective well-being of family members. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 65 (1), A227-A228
Leyland, A., White, I., Harding, S., Seaman, S. and Booker, CL., (2011). Maximising the return from cohort studies. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 65 (1), creators-Booker=3ACara_L=3A=3A
Booker, CL., Unger, JB., Azen, SP., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Lickel, B. and Johnson, CA., (2008). A Longitudinal Analysis of Stressful Life Events, Smoking Behaviors, and Gender Differences in a Multicultural Sample of Adolescents. Substance Use & Misuse. 43 (11), 1521-1543
Booker, C., Unger, J., Azen, S., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Lickel, B. and Johnson, CA., (2007). Stressful life events and smoking behaviors in Chinese adolescents: A longitudinal analysis. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 9 (11), 1085-1094
Kipke, MD., Iverson, E., Moore, D., Booker, C., Ruelas, V., Peters, AL. and Kaufman, F., (2007). Food and Park Environments: Neighborhood-level Risks for Childhood Obesity in East Los Angeles. Journal of Adolescent Health. 40 (4), 325-333
Booker, C., Gallaher, P., Unger, J., Ritt-Olson, A. and Johnson, A., (2004). Stressful life events, smoking behavior, and intentions to smoke among a multiethnic sample of sixth graders. Ethnicity & Health. 9 (4), 369-397
Books (1)
Chandola, T. and Booker, C., (2022). Archival and Secondary Data. SAGE. 1529710979. 9781529710977
Book chapters (3)
Booker, C., Kumari, M. and Chandola, T., (2023). Social Epidemiology. In: Handbook of Epidemiology. Editors: Ahrens, W. and Pigeot, I., . Springer. 1- 33. 978-1-4614-6625-3
Booker, CL., Skew, AJ., Sacker, A. and Kelly, Y., (2012). Happiness and health-related behaviours in adolescence. In: Understanding Society: findings 2012. Editors: McFall, SL., . ISER. 11- 12. 978 1 85871 163 8
Booker, CL. and Sacker, A., (2011). Health over the life course: associations between age, employment status and well-being. In: Understanding Society: early findings from the first wave of the UK's household longitudinal study. Editors: McFall, SL. and Garrington, C., . ISER. 75- 86. 9781858711584
Conferences (3)
Booker, CL., (2015). The Effects of Changes in Disability and Limiting Long-Term Illness on Well-Being among Older UK People.
Reports and Papers (3)
Al Baghal, T., Bryson, C., Fisher, H., Hanson, T., Jessop, C., Low, H., Lynn, P., Martin, N., McKay, S., Sloan, L. and Sobolewska, M., Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 10: results from methodological experiments
Creighton, M., Dykema, J., Gaia, A., Cernat, A., Garbarski, D., Jamal, A., Kaminska, O., Keusch, F., Lynn, P., Oberski, D., Schaeffer, NC., Uhrig, SCN. and Yan, T., Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 8: results from methodological experiments
Allum, N., Auspurg, K., Blake, M., Booker, CL., Crossley, TF., d'Ardenne, J., Fairbrother, M., Iacovou, M., Jackle, AE., Kaminska, O., Lynn, P., Nicoletti, C., Oldfield, Z., Pudney, S., Schnettler, S., Uhrig, SCN., Winter, J. and Al Baghal, T., (2014). Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 6: results from methodological experiments
Grants and funding
The provision of advice around Social Work England�s diversity data
Social Work England
NIHR Mental Health Research Leader Award - University of Essex
National Institute for Health Research
Working towards inclusivity in mental health care workshop
UOE Participatory Research Fund
Increasing the Youth Evidence Base Contract - DCMS tender
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
NIHR ARC underspend back and forward dated projects
National Institute for Health Research
FAIR TREATMENT: Federated analytics and AI Research across TREs for AdolescenT MENTal health
Medical Research Council
AI research scoping: Children's mental health (Alan Turing Institute)
University of Cambridge
Mind the Vaccination Gap: Understanding and Overcoming the Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Vaccination Acceptance
British Academy
Evaluation: Tendring District Council's Wellbeing Hubs
Tendring District Council
Youth Futures Foundation: Marginalised young people�s work outcomes, journeys, prospects and experiences
Youth Futures Foundation
Mind the Vaccination Gap: Understanding and Overcoming the Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Vaccination Acceptance
British Academy
Development of an employability toolkit/checklist to increase employment opportunities for young people in Essex
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Study of the effects of protected characteristics on members' experiences of NMC processes Three areas of support required: advice on statistical methods and analysis plans; commenting on NMC findings; peer review of NMC reporting
Nursing and Midwifery Council
Commercial Economic and social Impact Assessment and Analysis - Analysis of national LGBT Survey
Government Equalities Office
Disability and Care needs in the Older Population: Disability Benefits, Social Care and Well-Being
Economic & Social Research Council