
Professor Paul Bou-Habib

Department of Government
Professor Paul Bou-Habib
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 872509

  • Location

    5B.322, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Wednesday 9:00-11:00



Professor Paul Bou-Habib is Director of Postgraduate Studies in the Department of Government at the University of Essex. He received a PhD degree in Politics from Princeton University in 2001 and taught at the University of Bristol and the University of Keele before joining Essex in 2006. He has held several research awards, including a Marie Curie award from the European Commission and research fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust. His research focuses on both the history of political thought and contemporary political theory. He is currently writing a book about the ethics of skilled migration entitled The Brain Drain: A Moral Assessment. .


  • BSc London School of Economics

  • MSc London School of Economics

  • PhD Princeton

Research and professional activities

Research interests

contemporary theories of distributive justice

Open to supervise

the just distribution of resources between age groups

Open to supervise

the role of the concept of dignity in normative political theory

Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Should Employers Pay for Higher Education?

CDBU/HEPI Symposium: Who Pays? Exploring Fairer Funding Models for Higher Education, Birckbeck College, 16/1/2025

British Academy Awards Panel on Brian Barry

Invited presentation, British Academy Awards, British Academy Awards, London, United Kingdom, 11/10/2024

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Justice and Equality (GV908)

  • Foundations of Public Policy (GV923)

Previous supervision

Natasha Coleen Osben
Natasha Coleen Osben
Thesis title: Social Justice, and Wrongful Harm
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/10/2023
Malte Jauch
Malte Jauch
Thesis title: Justice for Grasshoppers
Degree subject: Political Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/8/2021
Peter John Josse
Peter John Josse
Thesis title: Popular Sovereignty Without Populism: Democracy, Autonomy, and Citizen Endorsement
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/4/2019
Amneris Chaparro Martinez
Amneris Chaparro Martinez
Thesis title: Dignity in Feminist Political Theory: Rape, Prostitution, and Pornography.
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/8/2014


Journal articles (29)

Bou-Habib, P. and Olsaretti, S., (2023). Children or Migrants as Public Goods?. Political Studies. 72 (4), 1313-1331

Bou-Habib, P. and Olsaretti, S., (2023). Uniform Inheritance: The Argument from Liberal Neutrality. Raisons Politiques. 92 (4), 69-83

Bou-Habib, P., (2022). The brain drain as exploitation. Politics, Philosophy and Economics. 21 (3), 249-268

Antó, JM., Martí, JL., Casals, J., Bou-Habib, P., Casal, P., Fleurbaey, M., Frumkin, H., Jiménez-Morales, M., Jordana, J., Lancelotti, C., Llavador, H., Mélon, L., Solé, R., Subirada, F. and Williams, A., (2021). The Planetary Wellbeing Initiative: Pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education. Sustainability. 13 (6), 3372-3372

Bou-Habib, P., (2020). The Integrity of Religious Believers. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 23 (1), 81-93

Bou-Habib, P., (2019). The Case for Replacement Migration. Journal of Political Philosophy. 27 (1), 67-86

Bou-Habib, P., (2019). Climate Justice and Historical Responsibility. The Journal of Politics. 81 (4), 1298-1310

Bou-Habib, P., (2017). Locke, natural law and civil peace: Reply to Tate. European Journal of Political Theory. 16 (1), 122-127

Bou-Habib, P., (2016). Climate Matters for Future People. Midwest Studies in Philosophy. 40 (1), 143-157

Bou-Habib, P. and Olsaretti, S., (2016). Equality of resources and the demands of authenticity. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 19 (4), 434-455

Bou-Habib, P., (2016). Gaus on Coercion and Welfare-State Capitalism: A Critique. Political Studies. 64 (3), 651-665

Bou-Habib, P., (2015). Locke’s Tracts and the anarchy of the religious conscience. European Journal of Political Theory. 14 (1), 3-18

Bou-Habib, P., (2014). The Moralized View of Parental Partiality. Journal of Political Philosophy. 22 (1), 66-83

Bou-Habib, P., (2013). Parental subsidies: The argument from insurance. Politics, Philosophy & Economics. 12 (2), 197-216

Bou‐Habib, P. and Olsaretti, S., (2013). Equality, Autonomy, and the Price of Parenting. Journal of Social Philosophy. 44 (4), 420-438

Bou-Habib, P., (2011). Racial Profiling and Background Injustice. The Journal of Ethics. 15 (1-2), 33-46

Bou-Habib, P., (2011). Distributive Justice, Dignity, and the Lifetime View. Social Theory and Practice. 37 (2), 285-310

BOU-HABIB, P., (2010). Who Should Pay for Higher Education?. Journal of Philosophy of Education. 44 (4), 479-495

Bou-Habib, P., (2010). Climate Change, Justice and Future Generations. Journal of Moral Philosophy. 7 (1), 151-153

Bou-Habib, P., (2008). Security, Profiling and Equality. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 11 (2), 149-164

Bou-Habib, P., (2007). Equality and Value-holism. Ethics and Economics. 5 (1), 1-9

BOU-HABIB, P., (2006). Compulsory Insurance without Paternalism. Utilitas. 18 (3), 243-263

BOU‐HABIB, P., (2006). A Theory of Religious Accommodation. Journal of Applied Philosophy. 23 (1), 109-126

Bou-Habib, P., (2006). Compulsory Insurance without Paternalism. Utilitas. 19 (3), 243-263

Bou-Habib, P. and Olsaretti, S., (2004). Land disputes and auctions: a response to Steiner and Wolff. Analysis. 64 (3), 284-287

Bou-Habib, P. and Olsaretti, S., (2004). Liberal Egalitarianism and Workfare. Journal of Applied Philosophy. 21 (3), 257-270

Bou-Habib, P. and Olsaretti, S., (2004). Land disputes and auctions: a response to Steiner and Wolff. Analysis. 64 (283), 284-287

Bou-Habib, P., (2003). Locke, Sincerity and the Rationality of Persecution. Political Studies. 51 (4), 611-626

Bou-Habib, P., (2003). Locke, Sincerity and the Rationality of Persecution. Political Studies. 51 (4), 611-626

Book chapters (3)

Bou-Habib, P., Ageing and Equality Under the Law. AFDUAM

Bou-Habib, P., (2023). Can Egalitarians Justify Spending More on the Elderly?. In: Ageing without Ageism. Editors: Bognar, G. and Gosseries, A., . Oxford University Press. 71- 81. 0192894099

Bou-Habib, P. and Olsaretti, S., (2015). Autonomy and Children's Well-being. In: The Nature of Children's Well-Being: Theory and Practice. Editors: Bagattini, A. and MacLeod, C., . Springer. 15- 33. 978-94-017-9251-6

Grants and funding


The Brain Drain: A Moral Assessment

Leverhulme Trust


Climate Matters

Aristotelian Society

Climate Matters

Mind Association


Leverhulme Study Abroad - Justice Between Age Groups

Leverhulme Trust

+44 (0) 1206 872509


5B.322, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Wednesday 9:00-11:00

More about me