Dr Katerina Bourazeri

a.bourazeri@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873583
1NW.3.19, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Academic Support Hours: Monday 1pm - 2pm Tuesday 11am - 12pm
I am a Lecturer at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE) at the University of Essex. I hold a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Imperial College London, an MSc in Internet and Wireless Computing from the University of York, and a BSc in Computer Science from Piraeus University, Greece. My research interests include Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Game Design & Development, Interface Design, Information Visualisation, Health Informatics, Smart Cities and Internet of Things (IoT). More generally, I am interested in designing, implementing and evaluating technologies that address everyday problems with a direct impact on people’s lives; examples include energy efficiency and sustainability, people’s empowerment and inclusivity in societies, and independent living at home for people with disabilities or chronic conditions.
PhD Imperial College London, (2015)
MSc University of York, (2011)
BSc University of Piraeus, (2009)
University of Essex
Lecturer, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Essex (1/5/2019 - present)
Other academic
Research Fellow, Computer Science, City, University of London (6/3/2017 - 30/4/2019)
Research Associate, Coventry University (22/2/2016 - 3/3/2017)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Developing Serious Games for Promoting Sustainable Behaviour
Enhancing Mental Health through Immersive Experiences
Overcoming Body Dysmorphia with Immersive Virtual Reality
Improving Quality of Life for Parkinson's Patients with Virtual Reality
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
High-Level Games Development (CE318)
Game Design (CE810)
High-Level Games Development (CE818)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/1/2023
Journal articles (8)
Bhattacharya, S., De Feo, V. and Bourazeri, A., (2024). GreenMate: A Serious Game Educating Children about Energy Efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Games, 1-14
Bhattacharya, S., Rousis, AO. and Bourazeri, A., (2024). Trust & Fair Resource Allocation in Community Energy Systems. IEEE Access. 12, 11157-11169
Dey, S., Alshehabi Al-Ani, J., Bourazeri, A., Saha, S., Purkait, R., Hill, S. and Thompson, J., (2024). Pixelator v2: A Novel Perceptual Image Comparison Method with LAB Colour Space and Sobel Edge Detection for Enhanced Security Analysis. Electronics. 13 (22), 4541-4541
Claeys, R., Embrechts, E., Bourazeri, A., Debeuf, R., Eggermont, M., Firouzi, M., Filtjens, B., Verstraten, T., Swinnen, E. and Beckwée, D., (2024). Guiding exoskeleton development for healthy ageing: Co-design insights from older adults. Gerontechnology. 23 (s), 1-1
Venugopal, R., Shafqat, N., Venugopal, I., Tillbury, BMJ., Stafford, HD. and Bourazeri, A., (2022). Privacy preserving Generative Adversarial Networks to model Electronic Health Records.. Neural Networks. 153, 339-348
Bourazeri, A. and Pitt, J., (2018). Collective attention and active consumer participation in community energy systems. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 119, 1-11
Bourazeri, A., Pitt, J. and Arnab, S., (2017). Enabling collective awareness of energy use via a social serious game. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Game-Based Learning. 4 (13), 153510-153510
Pitt, J., Bourazeri, A., Nowak, A., Roszczynska-Kurasinska, M., Rychwalska, A., Rodriguez Santiago, I., Lopez Sanchez, M., Florea, M. and Sanduleac, M., (2013). Transforming Big Data into Collective Awareness. Computer. 46 (6), 40-45
Book chapters (2)
Bourazeri, A., Almajano, P., Rodriguez, I. and Lopez-Sanchez, M., (2014). Assistive Awareness in Smart Grids. In: The Computer After Me. IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS. 117- 130. 9781783264179
Pitt, J., Busquets, D., Bourazeri, A. and Petruzzi, P., (2014). Collective Intelligence and Algorithmic Governance of Socio-Technical Systems. In: Social Collective Intelligence Combining the Powers of Humans and Machines to Build a Smarter Society. Springer. 31- 50. 3319086812. 9783319086811
Conferences (14)
Shah, SB., Garg, S. and Bourazeri, A., (2023). Emotion Recognition in Speech by Multimodal Analysis of Audio and Text
Khanam, Z. and Bourazeri, A., (2022). Design Challenges for an Energy Exchange Platform Enabling a Successful Energy Transition
Neate, T., Bourazeri, A., Roper, A., Stumpf, S. and Wilson, S., (2019). Co-Created Personas
Bourazeri, A. and Stumpf, S., (2018). Co-designing smart home technology with people with dementia or Parkinson's disease
Bourazeri, A., Arnab, S., Heidmann, O., Coelho, A. and Morini, L., (2017). Taxonomy of a gamified lesson path for STEM education: The beaconing approach
Pitt, J., Diaconescu, A. and Bourazeri, A., (2017). Democratisation of the SmartGrid and the active participation of prosumers
Bourazeri, A., Bellamy-Wood, T. and Arnab, S., (2017). EnCity: A serious game for empowering young people with Down's syndrome
Bourazeri, A., Pitt, J. and Arnab, S., (2017). Social Mpower: An Educational Game for Energy Efficiency
Clarke, S., Arnab, S., Morini, L., Wood, O., Green, K., Masters, A. and Bourazeri, A., (2016). EscapED: A framework for creating live-action, interactive games for higher/further education learning and soft skills development
Bourazeri, A. and Pitt, J., (2014). Collective Awareness for Collective Action in Socio-technical Systems
Bourazeri, A. and Pitt, J., (2014). Social Mpower: A Serious Game for Self-Organisation in Socio-technical Systems
Bourazeri, A. and Pitt, J., (2014). A Game-Based Approach for Collective Action in Self-Organising Socio-technical Systems
Bourazeri, A. and Pitt, J., (2014). An Agent-Based Serious Game for Decentralised Community Energy Systems
Bourazeri, A., Pitt, J., Almajano, P., Rodriguez, I. and Lopez-Sanchez, M., (2012). Meet the Meter: Visualising SmartGrids Using Self-Organising Electronic Institutions and Serious Games
Grants and funding
Impact Global Work
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Business Collaboration Fund - Katerina Bourazeri
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Liverpool Multi-vector Energy Exchange
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Breaking Down Barriers for the Benefit of Population Health
University of Essex
Academic support hours:
Academic Support Hours: Monday 1pm - 2pm Tuesday 11am - 12pm