
Dr Eirina Bourtsoulatze

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Dr Eirina Bourtsoulatze
  • Email

  • Location

    5A.542, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Mondays 16:00-17:00 and Tuesdays 13:00-14:00.



I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in machine learning for communications in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE), University of Essex, UK. I obtained my PhD degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Laussane), Switzerland, in 2013, and my Diploma degree (MSc equivalent) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2008. Upon completion of my PhD, I have held senior research positions with the Communications and Distributed Systems group in the Institute of Computer Science, University of Bern, Switzerlan, and the Information Processing and Communications lab in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London, UK. In 2018 I was awarded the highly competitive Marie Curie Individual Fellowship which was hosted by the Information and Communication Engineering group in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College London (UCL), UK. My current research focuses on applications of deep neural networks to joint source-channel coding and source rate-distortion optimization for visual data. My general research interests include machine learning, network coding and wireless edge caching for multimedia communications.


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Essex (20/1/2020 - present)

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Mathematics for Engineers (CE142)

  • Mathematics for Electronics and Telecommunications (CE166)

  • Signal Processing (CE223)


Publications (1)

Jarrahi, MA., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Image Transmission: A Deep Compressed-Sensing Based Method

Journal articles (9)

Bourtsoulatze, E., Chadha, A., Fadeev, I., Giotsas, V. and Andreopoulos, Y., (2020). Deep Video Precoding. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 30 (12), 4913-4928

Maniotis, P., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Thomos, N., (2020). Tile-Based Joint Caching and Delivery of 360° Videos in Heterogeneous Networks. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 22 (9), 2382-2395

Bi, Y., Chadha, A., Abbas, A., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Andreopoulos, Y., (2020). Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning for Neuromorphic Vision Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 29, 9084-9098

Bourtsoulatze, E., Burth Kurka, D. and Gunduz, D., (2019). Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Image Transmission. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. 5 (3), 567-579

Bourtoulatze, E., Thomos, N., Saltarin, J. and Braun, T., (2018). Content-Aware Delivery of Scalable Video in Network Coding Enabled Named Data Networks. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 20 (6), 1561-1575

Saltarin, J., Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Braun, T., (2017). Adaptive Video Streaming with Network Coding enabled Named Data Networking. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 19 (10), 2182-2196

Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2014). Decoding Delay Minimization in Inter-Session Network Coding. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 62 (6), 1944-1957

Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2014). Distributed Rate Allocation in Inter-Session Network Coding. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 16 (6), 1752-1765

Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2013). Reconstruction of Network Coded Sources From Incomplete Datasets. CoRR. abs/1307.7138

Conferences (14)

Jarrahi, M., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Image Transmission: A Deep Compressed-Sensing Based Method

Jarrahi, MA., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). DCS-JSCC: Leveraging Deep Compressed Sensing into JSCC for Wireless Image Transmission

Jarrahi, MA., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Abolghasemi, V., (2024). Rate-Adaptive Joint Source Channel Coding Using Deep Block-based Compressed Sensing

Maniotis, P., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Thomos, N., (2019). Tile-Based Joint Caching and Delivery of 360° Videos in Heterogeneous Networks

Saltarin, J., Braun, T., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Thomos, N., (2019). PopNetCod: A Popularity-based Caching Policy for Network Coding enabled Named Data Networking

Bi, Y., Chadha, A., Abbas, A., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Andreopoulos, Y., (2019). Graph-Based Object Classification for Neuromorphic Vision Sensing

Bourtsoulatze, E., Kurka, DB. and Gunduz, D., (2019). Deep Joint Source-channel Coding for Wireless Image Transmission

Bourtsoulatze, E. and Gunduz, D., (2018). Cache-Aided Interactive Multiview Video Streaming in Small Cell Wireless Networks

Saltarin, J., Braun, T., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Thomos, N., (2018). PopNetCod: A Popularity-based Caching Policy for Network Coding enabled Named Data Networking

Saltarin, J., Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Braun, T., (2016). NetCodCCN: A network coding approach for content-centric networks

Saltarin, J., Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Braun, T., (2016). NetCodCCN: A network coding approach for content-centric networks.

Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2012). Distributed rate allocation in P2P networks with inter-session network coding

Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2012). Correlation-aware reconstruction of network coded sources

Saltarin, J., Thomos, N., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Frossard, P., (2011). P2P video streaming with inter-session network coding

Reports and Papers (1)

Maniotis, P., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Thomos, N., (2019). Tile-Based Joint Caching and Delivery of 360⁰ Videos in Heterogeneous Networks



5A.542, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Mondays 16:00-17:00 and Tuesdays 13:00-14:00.

More about me