Professor Dorina-Maria Buda

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Colchester Campus
Professor Dorina-Maria Buda, a TEDx Speaker and winner of a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship, is Dean Research for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and Professor of Tourism and Hospitality at Edge Hotel School. Professor Buda is the winner of a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands in collaboration with the European Commission from 2013-2017 in value of €500,000. During 2016 - 2024, Professor Buda was also awarded an individual grant as part of the Innovation Research Incentives Scheme of the Dutch Research Council in value of €250,000 (full economic costing). In her research monograph Affective Tourism: Dark Routes in Conflict, as well as in her wider work published in top peer reviewed journals, Professor Buda examines dynamics of performance and consumption of tourist places in areas of ongoing socio-political turmoil and conflict such as North Korea, Iran, Israel, Jordan, the Palestinian West Bank, as well as in eastern Europe. In-depth understandings of the role of emotions in such places can contribute to conflict negotiation and peace building. During her career, Professor Buda has worked at the University of Waikato in Aotearoa New Zealand, Saxion Business School, and University of Groningen in the Netherlands. In England, Professor Buda was Head of Marketing and Consumer Studies Research Centre at Nottingham Business School during 2020 - 2023, and previously she was Professor of Tourism Management and Head of the International Centre for Research in Events, Tourism & Hospitality at Leeds Beckett University.
University of Essex
Faculty Dean Research, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Essex (1/9/2023 - present)
Professor of Tourism and Hospitality, Edge Hotel School, University of Essex (1/9/2023 - present)
Journal articles (9)
Buda, D-M., (2024). Haptic tourism: Touch and fear at the Separation Wall and its checkpoints in the Palestinian West Bank. Tourist Studies. 24 (3), 266-286
Burrai, E., Buda, D-M. and Stevenson, E., (2023). Tourism and refugee-crisis intersections: co-creating tour guide experiences in Leeds, England. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 31 (12), 2680-2697
Meekes, JF., Buda, DM. and de Roo, G., (2023). Complexity theories and ethnographies in planning for leisure-led regional development. European Planning Studies. 31 (9), 1885-1902
Germann Molz, J. and Buda, D-M., (2022). Attuning to affect and emotion in tourism studies. Tourism Geographies. 24 (2-3), 187-197
Buda, DM., (2016). Tourism in Conflict Areas. Journal of Travel Research. 55 (7), 835-846
Buda, DM., (2015). The death drive in tourism studies. Annals of Tourism Research. 50, 39-51
Buda, DM. and Shim, D., (2015). Desiring the dark: ‘a taste for the unusual’ in North Korean tourism?. Current Issues in Tourism. 18 (1), 1-6
Buda, DM., d’Hauteserre, A-M. and Johnston, L., (2014). Feeling and tourism studies. Annals of Tourism Research. 46, 102-114
Buda, DM. and McIntosh, AJ., (2013). Dark tourism and voyeurism: tourist arrested for “spying” in Iran. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research. 7 (3), 214-226
Books (1)
Buda, DM., (2015). Affective Tourism Dark routes in conflict. Routledge. 1317587162. 9781317587163
Grants and funding
Museums� Role for �Tourism and Peace� in Jordan and the Palestinian West Bank
University of Essex (Research England - PSF)
Tourism in Conflict Places: A Study of the Emotional Dynamics of Dark Tourism in the Palestinian West Bank.
NWO Dutch Research Council