Dr Belma Bulut Sahin

bbulut@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874923
5S.6.31, Colchester Campus
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Carriage of Goods by Sea, Shipping Technology Law, Autonomous Ships, Maritime Cyber Security, IMO Regulations, EU Maritime Law, Marine Pollution, Marine Insurance
Conferences and presentations
Maritime Safety and Port State Control: A Comparison Between Turkish and EU Laws
Invited presentation, “Training on Regulatory Framework and Harmonization Process of the National Legislation with EU Acquis” Workshop, Workshop organised by the Republic of Türkiye, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, 10/3/2023
Liabilities Arising from Cyber Risk Management in Maritime Transportation
International Congress of Akdeniz Law, Antalya, 6/7/2022
Legal Challenges of Using Drones in Maritime Transportation
4th Global Maritime Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Maritime Transportation, Online, 19/11/2021
Legal Liabilities Arising from Operation and Management of Remote- Controlled Ships
Virtual Conference on Shipping and Marine Insurance Law after 2020: Possible Challenges, Online, 16/4/2021
Gender Equality (Invited Moderator)
Invited presentation, Women at Sea Conference, Istanbul, 8/3/2020
Effects of Autonomous Ships on the Maritime Labour Law
Invited presentation, Future of Maritime Sector Symposium, Istanbul, 23/11/2019
Maritime Cyber Security Session (Invited Moderator)
Invited presentation, Safe and Clean Seas-Empowering Women in the Maritime Community Conference, Istanbul, 18/9/2019
How to Ensure Crew Competence Against Maritime Cyber Risks?
Invited presentation, East Med Maritime Conference (EMMC) 2019, Beirut, 20/6/2019
A Regulatory Perspective on the Effects of Autonomous Vessels on the Future of Seafaring
8th International Research Seminar in Maritime, Port and Transport Law, Ravenna, 6/6/2019
Ethical Issues Arising from Self Driving Vehicles Session (Invited Moderator)
Invited presentation, 3rd National Practical Ethics Congress, Ankara, 28/11/2018
Maritime Hacking: The International and Criminal Law Framework
3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2018), Istanbul, 24/4/2018
A New Era, A New Risk!
Invited presentation, 7th AIDA Europe Conference, Warsaw, 12/4/2018
Smart Containers and Their Possible Effects in Transport Law: A Comparative Study between Turkish Law and English Law
6th Annual Conference of the Young Comparativists Committee of the American Society of Comparative Law (YCC2017), Istanbul, 28/4/2017
Delivery of the Goods Where There is a Negotiable Transport Document That Does not Require Surrender
8th Maritime Law & Policy International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017, London, 7/4/2017
Marpol’s Energy Efficiency Measures: Legal Considerations
International Conference on Maritime Energy Management (MARENER 2017), Malmo, 25/1/2017
Giving Instructions to the Carrier Regarding the Delivery of the Goods: the Rotterdam Rules v COGSA 1992
the 3rd Annual Conference Transport Law de lege ferenda: Young Academics' Vision on Tomorrow's Transport Law, Elbasan, 27/11/2015
Position of the Shipowner as a Maritime Performing Party
Transport Law de lege ferenda: 2nd Annual Young Academics' Vision on Tomorrow's Transport Law, Zagreb, 13/11/2014
Being An f.o.b. Seller under the Rotterdam Rules: Better or Worse?
Transport Law de lege ferenda, Leuven, 14/11/2013
Transport Documents: The New Terminology and Categorisation under the Rotterdam Rules
ATINER 10th Annual International Conference on Law, Athens, 8/7/2013
Identification of the Carrier under the Rotterdam Rules
Maritime & Transport Law Conference, Ravenna, 8/6/2012
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Essex Law Key Skills (LW100)
Legal Research Skills (LW254)
International Sale of Goods (LW603)
Marine Insurance (LW619)
Current supervision
Journal articles (8)
Bulut Sahin, B., (2022). Marmara Denizi ve Adalar Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi Cumhurbaşkanı Kararı'nın Hukuki Değerlendirilmesi. Şehir&Toplum Dergisi (20-21), 129-138
Bulut Sahin, B., (2019). Delivery of the Goods Against a PIN Code Without Issuing a Delivery Order: English Court of Appeal’s Decision on Glencore International AG v MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co SA. Chamber of Shipping (DTO) Journal. March 2019, 72-74
Bulut Sahin, B., (2017). Negotiable Transport Documents That Do Not Require Surrender: Model for a Solution?. Lloyds Shipping & Trade Law. 17 (7), 2-4
Bulut Sahin, B., (2015). Application of the Rotterdam Rules as Between the Carrier and the Consignee When There is not Any Negotiable Transport Document Issued. European Transport Law Journal (3), 281-286
Bulut Sahin, B., (2014). Position of the Shipowner as a Maritime Performing Party. Transport Law de lege ferenda: Young Academics’ Vision on Tomorrow’s Transport Law, TransLawFer E-Proceeding, 34-41
Bulut Sahin, B., (2014). Identification of the Carrier in Cases of Inconsistencies: The Starsin and Article 37(1) of the Rotterdam Rules. European Transport Law Journal (4), 381-391
Bulut Sahin, B., (2014). Being An f.o.b. Seller under the Rotterdam Rules: Better or Worse?,. European Transport Law Journal, 291-299
Bulut Sahin, B., (2012). The Evidentiary Effect of the Contract of Particulars under The Rotterdam Rules. Ankara Bar Review. 5 (1), 25-41
Book chapters (3)
Bulut Sahin, B. and Fakhry, A., Maritime Hacking: The International and Criminal Law Framework pp.981-987. INT-NAM 2018 E-Proceeding
Constantino-Chagas-Lessa, J. and Bulut Sahin, B., (2020). A New Era A New Risk: A Study on the Impact of the Developments of New Technologies in the Shipping Industry and Marine Insurance Market. In: InsurTech: A Legal and Regulatory View. Editors: Marano, P. and Noussia, K., . Springer. 313- 342. 3030273857. 978-3-030-27388-0
Fakhry, A. and Bulut Sahin, B., (2018). MARPOL Energy Efficiency: Verging on Legal Inefficiency?. In: Trend and Challenges in Maritime Energy Management, WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs. Editors: Ölçer, A., . Springer. 15- 29. 978-3-030-09026-5
Grants and funding
Analysis of the Transport Legislation of Turkey in the Process of Harmonisation with the EU Acquis
Neti Danismanlik Insaat Ltd. Sti.