
Kathryn Burke

School of Health and Social Care
 Kathryn Burke
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 873945

  • Location

    2S2.3.11, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Full time



Kath has practised as a Registered Nurse for 20 years. She has held a variety of posts in acute medical and community nursing. Kath has a special interest in teaching and assessing clinical skills, particularly relating to drug administration and intravenous therapy.


  • MSc (Medical and Clinical Education) University of Essex, (2016)

  • BSc (hons) Nursing Studies University of Essex, (1996)

  • RN (adult) Diploma in Nursing Studies Institute for Health Studies, Colchester, (1994)


University of Essex

  • Nursing Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (2/6/2014 - present)

Research and professional activities

Current research

An exploration into the simulation of clinical skills for pre- registration nursing education

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences (HS182)

  • Person-Centred Care 1 (HS184)

  • Person-Centred Care 2 (HS187)

  • Service Improvement Project (HS195)

  • The Autonomous Practitioner - Adult Nursing (HS198)

  • Service Improvement Project (HS246)

  • Person-Centred Care 3 (Adult Nursing) (HS247)

  • Person-Centred Care 3 (Mental Health Nursing) (HS285)

  • The Autonomous Practitioner (HS287)

  • Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours Portfolio 1 (HS705)

  • Simulated Practice Skills Book (HS115)

  • Fundamentals of Lifesciences (HS183)

  • Person-Centred Care 3 (Adult Nursing) (HS196)

  • Person-Centred Care 2 (HS243)

  • Person-Centred Care 3 (HS228)

+44 (0) 1206 873945


2S2.3.11, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Full time

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