
Dr Nicola Cade

Edge Hotel School
Dr Nicola Cade



Nicola has a Doctor of Philosophy in Events Management awarded by King's College, London. Her research qualitatively explores how Rio's mega-events impacted a specific favela community through the theoretical lenses of socio-cultural trauma and resilience. Her thesis is titled: ‘Mega-event fragmentation of Rio’s favelas: The socio-cultural trauma of Morro dos Prazeres’. Nicola studied her undergraduate BA Hons Tourism Management degree between 2013-2016 at Anglia Ruskin University and was awarded the Association for Tourism in Higher Education (ATHE) 'Best Undergraduate Student on Tourism Programmes' in 2015/16. In 2019, Nicola successfully defended her Master of Philosophy thesis at Anglia Ruskin University - 'Transformational resilience, resistance and social change: The role of creative social legacy initiatives in Rio's favelas'. Her research interests include: • Mega-events • Favela tourism • Dark tourism • Cultural trauma • Resilience • Social Capital • Cultural and Heritage Tourism • Slow Tourism/Events Her teaching expertise is in tourism and events management having taught on a range of modules within these areas as well as business and marketing modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


  • Master of Philosophy Anglia Ruskin University, (2019)

  • BA Hons Tourism Management Anglia Ruskin University, (2016)

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) King's College London, (2024)


University of Essex

  • ASE Lecturer, Edge Hotel School, University of Essex (6/2/2023 - present)

Other academic

  • Lecturer / Postgraduate Course Portfolio Leader, Faculty of Business and Law, Anglia Ruskin University (18/9/2017 - 31/1/2023)

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Weddings and Festivals (EG107)

  • Weddings and Festivals (EG128)

  • Foundations of Tourism (EG129)

  • Creative Event Design (EG208)

  • Event Supervision, Data and Technology (EG227)

  • Creative Event Design (EG326)

  • Contemporary Sustainability Issues (EG700)

  • Luxury Marketing Management (EG704)

  • Tourism Operations (EG130)


Journal articles (2)

Cade, N., Everett, S. and Duignan, M., (2021). Leveraging digital and physical spaces to ‘de-risk’ and access Rio's favela communities. Tourism Geographies. 23 (1-2), 249-274

Duignan, M., Everett, S., Walsh, L. and Cade, N., (2018). Leveraging physical and digital liminoidal spaces: the case of the #EATCambridge festival. Tourism Geographies. 20 (5), 858-879

Books (1)

Everett, S., Hunt, A., Locke, D., Cade, N., McDonald, S. and Lupton, K., (2021). The Tourism, Hospitality and Events Student's Guide to Study and Employability. Sage Publications Limited. 1526436450. 9781526436450

Thesis dissertation (2)

Cade, N., (2024). Mega-event fragmentation of Rio’s favelas: The socio-cultural trauma of Morro dos Prazeres

Cade, N., (2019). Transformational resilience, resistance, and social change: The role of creative social legacy initiatives in Rio's favelas

+44 (0) 1206 876544


JT12B, Colchester Campus

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