Seyma Calisgan

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Colchester Campus
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
I'm a PhD student at the University of Essex who is enthusiastic about Speech and Language therapy. I completed my undergraduate study in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at Yeditepe University in Turkey in 2015. Then I did my masters degree in Speech Difficulties at the University of Sheffield in 2020. Currently, I am working on my PhD research, which focuses on central facial palsy management after stroke. Specifically, I'm interested in the involvement of speech and language therapists in treating central facial palsy following a stroke. To gather comprehensive information and co-develop recommendations for managing post-stroke facial weakness, I'm employing a mixed-method approach.
Bachelor's Program in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Yeditepe University (2015)
Master of Science in Speech Difficulties University of Sheffield (2020)