
Dr Callum Cant

Senior Lecturer
EBS - Management and Marketing
Dr Callum Cant



I am a Senior Lecturer in Management at Essex Business School, where my research focuses on work, crisis and technology. I am expert member of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, and a research affiliate of the Oxford Internet Institute. I also edit Notes from Below, a workers’ inquiry platform that studies the contemporary economy from the ground up.


Other academic

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford (1/10/2021 - 24/11/2023)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Work, Crisis, Technology

Our current moment is fundamentally defined by an ongoing systemic destabilisation. I am interested in understanding this process from the workers' point of view, and understanding of it is changing workers' day to day experiences.

Key words: Algorithmic management
Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Business and International Development (BE422)

  • International Management (BE489)

  • Professional and Academic Development (Management and Marketing) (BE909)


Journal articles (9)

Cant, C., The Mirage of Polycrisis: A symptomatic reading of Tooze. Capital & Class

Muldoon, J., Cant, C., Wu, B. and Graham, M., (2024). A Typology of AI Data Work. Big Data and Society. 11 (1)

Muldoon, J., Cant, C., Graham, M. and Ustek, F., (2023). The Poverty of Ethical AI: Impact Sourcing and AI Supply Chains. AI and Society: the journal of human-centered systems and machine intelligence

Alyanak, O., Cant, C., López Ayala, T., Badger, A. and Graham, M., (2023). Platform work, exploitation, and migrant worker resistance: Evidence from Berlin and London. The Economic and Labour Relations Review. 34 (4), 667-688

Woodcock, J. and Cant, C., (2022). Platform Worker Organising at Deliveroo in the UK: From Wildcat Strikes to Building Power. Journal of Labor and Society. 25 (2), 220-236

Cole, M., Cant, C., Ustek Spilda, F. and Graham, M., (2022). Politics by Automatic Means? A Critique of Artificial Intelligence Ethics at Work. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 5

Englert, S., Woodcock, J. and Cant, C., (2020). Digital Workerism: Technology, Platforms, and the Circulation of Workers’ Struggles. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society. 18 (1), 132-145

Cant, C. and Mogno, C., (2020). Platform Workers of the World, Unite! The Emergence of the Transnational Federation of Couriers. South Atlantic Quarterly. 119 (2), 401-411

Cant, C. and Woodcock, J., (2020). Fast Food Shutdown: From disorganisation to action in the service sector. Capital and Class. 44 (4), 513-521

Books (2)

Muldoon, J., Graham, M. and Cant, C., (2024). Feeding the Machine The Hidden Human Labour Powering AI. Canongate Books. 1837261822. 9781837261826

Cant, C., (2019). Riding for Deliveroo Resistance in the New Economy. Polity. 1509535519. 9781509535514

Book chapters (3)

Cant, C., McAllister, C., Karlıdağ, Z., Briley, G. and Philp, D., Workers’ Inquiry: A User’s Guide. In: SAGE Handbook of Digital Labour. SAGE

Cant, C. and Woodcock, J., (2021). The cycle of struggle: Food platform strikes in the UK 2016-18. In: The Gig Economy: Workers and Media in the Age of Convergence. Editors: Dolber, B., Rodino-Colocino, M., Kumanyika, C. and Wolfson, T., . Routledge. 256- 268. 9781003140054

Cant, C., Englert, S., Hughes, L., Liu, W., Marotta, A., Wheeler, S. and Woodcock, J., (2020). Notes from below: A brief survey of class composition in the UK. In: Workers' Inquiry and Global Class Struggle: Strategies, Tactics, Objectives. 174- 193



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