
Professor Eamonn Carrabine

Department of Sociology and Criminology
Professor Eamonn Carrabine
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 873038

  • Location

    5A.314, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Tuesdays 1.30 to 3.30. Other days and times can be arranged by email.



Eamonn joined the department in 1998 and has published broadly in criminology and sociology. He currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief on the British Journal of Criminology, and is on the international advisory editorial board of Theoretical Criminology. From 2015 to 2019 Michele Brown (University of Tennessee) and Eamonn co-edited Crime, Media, Culture. He was also a member of HEFCE's Sociology sub-panel that assessed the quality of research for the 2014 Research Excellence Framework. More recently Eamonn was awarded a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship to research his project 'The Iconography of Punishment: From Renaissance to Modernity', which ran for three years and began in 2015. He was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2016, and was a member of the 2021 REF Sociology sub-panel. Eamonn is particularly interested in supervising postgraduate research covering his research areas, or can discuss ideas with potential research students. He has supervised the following PhD students to successful completion: Gemma Mackman (2020) ‘Festival Worlds: A Sociology of Culture, Collective Experience and Temporary Tribes’. Kate West (2018) ‘Cesare Lombroso and the Origins of the Visual in Criminology’ (co-supervised with Prof Mary Bosworth, University of Oxford). Bill McClanahan (2018) 'Capturing Appalachia: Visualizing Coal, Culture, and Ecology' (co-supervised with Prof Nigel South). Pimporn Netrabukkana (2016) ‘Imprisonment in Thailand: The Impact of the 2003 War on Drugs Policy’. Alison Boggis (2012) 'Deafening Silences Researching with Disabled Children and Young People' Yen Wan-Chen (2012) 'Governing Sex, Building the Nation: The Politics of Prostitution in Postcolonial Taiwan (1945 – 1979)' (co-supervised with Prof Pam Cox). Jennifer Murphy (2011) 'Contextualizing Parolee Reintegration: Narrative Themes in Community Re-engagement in Two Cities in the Southern Interior of British Columbia, Canada' (co supervised with Prof. Nigel South). Jen Bullen (2010) 'Wealth, Fame and Family: The Media and Representations of Footballers' Wives' (co-supervised with Prof. Pam Cox). Elisabeth Carter (2008) 'Policing Talk: An Investigation in to the Interaction of the Officer and the Suspect in Police Interviews'. Natalie Mann (2008) 'Doing Harder Time? The Experiences of an Ageing Prison Population'. Emma Bond (2008) 'Children's Perceptions of Mobile Phones and Risk in their Everyday Lives' (co-supervised with Dr. Rebecca Ellis). James Ormrod (2006) 'The Pro-Space Movement in the 21st Century: A Sociological and Psychoanalytic Study of Space Advocacy and Activism'. Gareth Millington (2006) 'Racism, Community, Place: Inside the Ethnoscapes of Southend-on-Sea'. Hua-Fu Hsu (2002) 'Penality Beyond the West: The Experience of Imprisonment in Taiwan' (co-supervised with Prof. Nigel South).


  • BA (Hull)

  • MSc

  • PhD (Salford)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Crime and the Media

Open to supervise

Cultural and Social Geography

Open to supervise

Popular Music and Sociological Thinking

Open to supervise

Punishment and Human Rights

Open to supervise

Sociology of Imprisonment

Open to supervise

Visual Sociology

Open to supervise

Youth Culture

Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Carrabine, E. Reading Pictures: Art History and the Sociology of Punishment, Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology conference, November 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Louisiana, United States, 2016

Carrabine, E. 'Picture This: Criminology, Image and Narrative'. Paper presented at the Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Hull, 9 March 2016.

Hull, United Kingdom, 2016

Carrabine, E. The Iconography of Punishment, invited to give the annual undergraduate Sociology lecture, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 8 Dec 2015.

London, United Kingdom, 2015

Carrabine, E. Diane Arbus, Deviant Sociology and Visual Culture, Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology conference, November 2015, Washington, DC.

Washington D.C., United States, 2015

Carrabine, E. On Impact invited to give a plenary at University Campus Suffolk Research and Scholarly Activity Day, 24 June 2015, Ipswich.

Ipswich, United Kingdom, 2015

Carrabine, E. Doing Visual Criminology invited to give a plenary at the Netherlands Society of Criminology Conference, 11-12 June, Leiden.

Leiden, Netherlands, 2015

Carrabine, E. Doing Criminological Research invited to speak at the first Irish Postgraduate Criminology Conference, 27 March 2015, Dublin.

Dublin, Ireland, 2015

Carrabine, E. Diane Arbus, Deviant Sociology and Visual Culture presented at a Cafés des Artistes public discussion evening on 10 March 2015 at Kirkaldy art gallery, who hosted a Diane Arbus show from 14 February to 31 May 2015.

Kirkaldy, Ireland, 2015

Carrabine, E. Representing the Prison: Documentary and the Iconography of Punishment, Paper presented at the American Society of Criminologyconference, November 2014, San Francisco, California.

California, United States, 2014

Carrabine, E. Iconoclasm, Hope and Imagination. Invited to give plenary at the British Society of Criminologyconference, University of Liverpool, July 2014.

Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2014

Carrabine, E. Contemporary Criminology and the Sociological Imagination. Invited to give plenary at the National Deviancy Conference, University of Teeside, June 2014.

United Kingdom, 2014

Carrabine, E. Picture This: Criminology, the Archive and Narrative Analysis. Invited to present a paper at the First International Symposium on Narrative Criminology, University of Oslo, May 2014.

Oslo, Norway, 2014

Carrabine, E. Seeing Things: Violence, Voyeurism and the Camera Paper presented at the Visual Criminology ESRC Seminar, February 2014, University of Leicester.

Leicester, United Kingdom, 2014

Carrabine, E. 'Crime, Representation and Social Theory'. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Conference, November 2013, Atlanta.

Atlanta, United States, 2013

Carrabine, E. 'The Iconography of Crime and Punishment'. Plenary presentation at the Postgraduate Criminology Conference, August 2013, University of Oxford.

Oxford, United Kingdom, 2013

Carrabine, E. 'Seeing Things: Violence, Voyeurism and the Camera'. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology conference, November 2012, Chicago.

Chicago, United States, 2012

Carrabine, E. 'Seeing Things: Violence, Voyeurism and the Camera'. Invited to give a seminar at All Souls Criminology Seminar Series, University of Oxford, October 2012.

Oxford, United Kingdom, 2012

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Sociology of Crime and Control (SC204)

  • Visual Cultures: the Social Meanings of Photography and Art (SC362)

  • Current Controversies in Criminology (SC655)

  • PhD Colloquium 3: Disseminating Your Research (SC804)

  • PhD Colloquium 2: Conducting and Communicating Your Research (SC803)

Previous supervision

Philip Antony Berners
Philip Antony Berners
Thesis title: An Events Industry Takes Shape: A Study of the UK and Poland.
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2023
Yenny Petrine Fredriksson
Yenny Petrine Fredriksson
Degree subject: Occasional Study: Sociology (Research)
Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 16/1/2022
Gemma Mackman
Gemma Mackman
Thesis title: Festival Worlds: A Sociology of Culture, Collective Experience and Temporary Tribes.
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/2/2020
William White Mcclanahan
William White Mcclanahan
Thesis title: Capturing Appalachia: Visualizing Coal, Culture, and Ecology
Degree subject: Criminology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/12/2017
Pimporn Netrabukkana
Pimporn Netrabukkana
Thesis title: Imprisonment in Thailand: The Impact of the 2003 War on Drugs Policy
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/4/2016


Journal articles (27)

Carrabine, E., (2024). The Shaming State: How the U.S. Treats Citizens in Need. By Sara Salman (New York University Press, 2023, 233pp. $30.00 pbk). The British Journal of Criminology. 64 (5), 1232-1234

Carrabine, E., (2023). The guillotine: Shadow, spectacle and the terror. Crime, Media, Culture. 20 (4), 349-369

Carrabine, E., (2021). Low life: William Hogarth, visual culture and sociologies of art. The British Journal of Sociology. 72 (4), 909-929

Carrabine, E., (2021). William Hogarth, Visual Culture and Images of Imprisonment. Visual Culture in Britain. 22 (1-3), 78-84

Carrabine, E., (2020). Editorial. The British Journal of Criminology. 60 (1), 1-2

Carrabine, E., (2019). Unsettling Appearances: Diane Arbus, Erving Goffman and the Sociological Eye. Current Sociology. 76 (5), 669-685

Brown, M. and Carrabine, E., (2019). The Critical Foundations of Visual Criminology: The State, Crisis, and the Sensory. Critical Criminology. 27 (1), 191-205

Carrabine, E., (2018). Punishment in the Frame: Rethinking the History and Sociology of Art. Sociological Review. 66 (3), 559-576

Carrabine, E., (2018). Reading a “Titian”: Visual Methods and the Limits of Interpretation. Deviant Behavior. 39 (4), 525-538

Carrabine, E., (2018). Geographies of landscape: Representation, power and meaning. Theoretical Criminology. 22 (3), 445-467

Carrabine, E., (2018). Traces of violence: Representing the atrocities of war. Criminology and Criminal Justice. 18 (5), 631-646

Story, B., Brown, M. and Carrabine, E., (2017). The Prison in Twelve Landscapes: An interview with film producer and director Brett Story. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal. 13 (1), 107-113

Carrabine, E., (2016). Picture this: Criminology, image and narrative. Crime, Media, Culture: an international journal. 12 (2), 253-270

Carrabine, E., (2016). Changing Fortunes: Criminology and the Sociological Condition. Sociology. 50 (5), 847-862

Brown, M. and Carrabine, E., (2015). Editorial. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal. 11 (1), 3-4

Carrabine, E., (2014). Seeing things: Violence, voyeurism and the camera. Theoretical Criminology. 18 (2), 134-158

Carrabine, E., (2012). Just Images: Aesthetics, Ethics and Visual Criminology. British Journal of Criminology. 52 (3), 463-489

Carrabine, E., (2011). Images of torture: Culture, politics and power. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal. 7 (1), 5-30

Carrabine, E., (2011). The Iconography of Punishment: Execution Prints and the Death Penalty. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 50 (5), 452-464

Carrabine, E., (2010). Imagining Prison: Culture, History, Space. Prison Service Journal. 187, 15-22

Carrabine, E., (2005). Prison Riots, Social Order and the Problem of Legitimacy. The British Journal of Criminology. 45 (6), 896-913

Carrabine, E. and Longhurst, B., (2002). Consuming the Car: Anticipation, Use and Meaning in Contemporary Youth Culture. The Sociological Review. 50 (2), 181-196

Carrabine, E. and Bosworth, M., (2001). Reassessing Resistance: Race, Gender and Sexuality in Prison. Punishment & Society. 3 (4), 501-515

Carrabine, E., Lee, M. and South, N., (2000). Social Wrongs and Human Rights: Some Recent Causes for Concern in Britain. Social Justice. 27 (2), 193-211

Carrabine, E. and Longhurst, B., (1999). Mosaics of Omnivorousness: Suburban Youth and Popular Music. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics. 38, 125-140

Carrabine, E. and Longhurst, B., (1998). Gender and Prison Organisation: Some Comments on Masculinities and Prison Management. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 37 (2), 161-176

Carrabine, E. and Longhurst, B., (1997). What Difference does a Course Make? Music, Education and Everyday Life. Journal of Popular Music Studies. 9-10 (1), 79-91

Books (15)

Di Ronco, A., Carrabine, E., South, N., Lea, J., Ruggiero, V., Coomber, R., Tzanetakis, M., White, R., Wyatt, T., Sollund, R., van Uhm, D., Crook, M., Short, D., Natali, L., Brisman, A. and McClanahan, B., (2025). Criminological Connections, Directions, Horizons Essays in Honour of Nigel South. Routledge. 9781032513003

Carrabine, E., (2021). Afterword: Sensing Carceral Worlds. Emerald Publishing Limited

Carrabine, E., Cox, P., Cox, A., Crowhurst, I., Di Ronco, A., Fussey, P., Sergi, A., South, N., Thiel, D. and Turton, J., (2020). Criminology. A Sociological Introduction (Fourth edition). Routledge

Brown, M. and Carrabine, E., (2017). Routledge international handbook of visual criminology. Routledge. 9781315713281

Carrabine, E., (2017). Crime and Social Theory. Palgrave. 0230290884. 9780230290884

(2017). The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts. Routledge. 1317593510. 9781317593515

Brisman, A., Carrabine, E. and South, N., (2017). Preface

Carrabine, E., Cox, P., Fussey, P., Hobbs, D., South, N. and Thiel, D., (2014). Criminology: A Sociological Introduction (3rd Edition). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 978-0-415-64080-0

Carrabine, E., Cox, P., South, N., Lee, M., Plummer, K. and Turton, J., (2009). Criminology. Routledge

Carrabine, E., (2008). Crime, Culture and the Media. Polity. 9780745634654

Carrabine, E., Lee, M., South, N., Cox, P. and Plummer, K., (2008). Criminology A Sociological Introduction, 2nd Edition. Routledge. 9780415464505

Carrabine, E., Iganski, P., Lee, M., South, N., Plummer, K. and Turton, J., (2004). Criminology: A Sociological Introduction. Routledge. 9780415640787

Carrabine, E., Cox, P., Lee, M., Plummer, K. and South, N., (2004). Criminology: A Sociological Introduction (First edition). Routledge. 9780415281683

Carrabine, E., (2004). Power, Discourse, and Resistance: A Genealogy of the Strangeways Prison Riot. Ashgate. 9780754621720

Carrabine, E., Cox, P., Lee, M. and South, N., (2002). Crime in Modern Britain. Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-924611-3

Book chapters (40)

Carrabine, E., (2024). Grave matters. In: Criminological Connections, Directions, Horizons. Routledge. 236- 252

Carrabine, E. and Di Ronco, A., (2024). Introduction. In: Criminological Connections, Directions, Horizons. Routledge. 1- 7

Carrabine, E., (2022). After the Fact: Spectral Evidence, Cultural Haunting, and Gothic Sensibility. In: Ghost Criminology The Afterlife of Crime and Punishment. Editors: Fiddler, M., Kindynis, T. and Linnemann, T., . NYU Press. 35- 66. 9781479848935

Carrabine, E., (2021). What is Sociological about Crime?. In: An Introduction to Sociology. Editors: Murji, K., Neal, S. and Solomos, J., . Sage Publications Limited. 9781526492791

Brown, M. and Carrabine, E., (2021). The Critical Foundations of Visual Criminology. In: Visual Criminology. Routledge. 170- 189

Carrabine, E., Lee, M. and South, N., (2020). Re-thinking public criminology: Politics, paradoxes, and challenges. In: Routledge Handbook of Public Criminologies. 21- 33

Carrabine, E., (2019). Reading Pictures: Piranesi and Carceral Landscapes. In: Emerald Handbook of Narrative Criminology. Editors: Fleetwood, J., Presser, L., Sandberg, S. and Ugelvik, T., . Emerald. 201- 220. 9781787690066

(2019). Reading Pictures: Piranesi and Carceral Landscapes. In: The Emerald Handbook of Narrative Criminology. Editors: Carrabine, E., . Emerald Publishing Limited. 197- 216

(2018). Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology. In: Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology: Second Edition. Editors: Dekeseredy, WS. and Dragiewicz, M., . Routledge. 132- 142

Carrabine, E., (2018). Historical Representations of Crime and the Criminal. In: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture. Editors: Rafter, N. and Brown, M., . Oxford University Press. 9780190494674

Carrabine, E., (2018). Media and Crime: Interrogating the Violence of Representation. In: Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology 2nd edition. Editors: DeKeseredy, WS. and Dragiewicz, M., . Routledge. 398- 410. 1317221826. 9781317221821

Carrabine, E. and South, N., (2018). Pathology. In: The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts. Routledge. 33- 37

Carrabine, E., (2018). Anomie. In: The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts. Routledge. 105- 109

Carrabine, E., (2018). Utilitarianism. In: The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts. Routledge. 19- 22

Brisman, A. and Carrabine, E., (2018). Deterrence. In: The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts. Routledge. 83- 86

Carrabine, E., (2018). The Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies. In: The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts. Routledge. 154- 158

Carrabine, E., (2018). Visual criminology. In: The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts. Routledge. 411- 414

Carrabine, E., (2017). Iconic Power, Dark Tourism and the Spectacle of Suffering. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Tourism. Editors: Wilson, JZ., Hodgkinson, S., Piché, J. and Walby, K., . Palgrave Macmillan. 13- 36. 1-137-56134-3. 978-1-137-56134-3

Carrabine, E., (2017). Social science and visual culture. In: Routledge International Handbook of Visual Criminology. Editors: Brown, M. and Carrabine, E., . Routledge. 23- 39. 9781315713281

Carrabine, E., (2017). Art and its unruly histories: Old and new formations. In: Routledge International Handbook of Visual Criminology. Editors: Brown, M. and Carrabine, E., . Routledge. 101- 117. 9781315713281

Brown, M. and Carrabine, E., (2017). Introducing visual criminology. In: Routledge international handbook of visual criminology. Editors: Brown, M. and Carrabine, E., . Routledge. 1- 9. 9781315713281

Carrabine, E., (2017). Crime and media. In: Alternative Criminologies. Editors: Carlen, P. and Ayres França, L., . Taylor and Francis. 201- 218. 9781138067424

(2016). Handbook on Prisons. In: Handbook on Prisons: Second Edition. Editors: Jewkes, Y., Crewe, B. and Bennett, J., . Routledge. 677- 697. 9780415745659

(2016). Liquid Criminology. In: Liquid Criminology: Doing Imaginative Criminological Research. Editors: Jacobsen, MH. and Walklate, S., . Routledge. 121- 139. 9781472455239

Carrabine, E., (2015). Visual criminology: History, theory, and method. In: The Routledge Handbook of Qualitative Criminology. 103- 121. 9780415659703

Carrabine, E., (2015). Contemporary criminology and the sociological imagination. In: C. Wright Mills and the Criminological Imagination Prospects for Creative Inquiry. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. 73- 98. 1472414748. 9781472414748

Carrabine, E., (2014). Criminology, Deviance and Sociology. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Sociology in Britain. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 459- 487. 9781349335480

Carrabine, E., (2014). Dark Figure of Crime. In: A Dictionary of Sociology, Fourth Edition. Editors: Scott, J., . Oxford University Press. 0-19-968358-1. 978-0-19-968358-1

Carrabine, E., (2014). Media, Crime, and Culture: Simulating Identities, Constructing Realities. In: The Routledge Handbook of International Crime and Justice Studies. Editors: Arrigo, BA. and Bersot, HY., . Routledge. 9780415781787

(2013). Crime, culture and the media in a globalizing world. In: The Routledge Handbook of International Crime and Justice Studies. Routledge. 427- 450

Carrabine, E., (2012). 'Telling Prison Stories: The Spectacle of Punishment and the Criminological Imagination'. In: The Arts of Imprisonment: Control, Resistance and Empowerment. Editors: Cheliotis, LK., . Ashgate. 47- 72. 9780754675860

Carrabine, E., (2007). Popular Music. In: Cultural Theory: Classical and Contemporary Positions. SAGE Publications Ltd. 231- 254. 9780761948636

Carrabine, E., (2007). Roland Barthes. In: Fifty Key Sociologists: The Contemporary Theorists. 7- 14

Carrabine, E., (2007). Theodor Adorno. In: Fifty Key Sociologists: The Formative Theorists. 8- 14

Carrabine, E., (2007). Michel Foucault. In: Fifty Key Sociologists: The Contemporary Theorists. 81- 87

Carrabine, E., (2007). Stuart Hall. In: Fifty Key Sociologists: The Contemporary Theorists. 131- 136

Carrabine, E., (2006). Punishment, rights and justice. In: Rights: Sociological Perspectives. Editors: Morris, L., . Routledge. 191- 208. 9780415355216

Carrabine, E., (2006). Consumption. In: Sociology: The Key Concepts. 38- 41

Carrabine, E., (2006). Subculture. In: Sociology: The Key Concepts. 178- 181

Carrabine, E., (2006). Surveillance. In: Sociology: The Key Concepts. 181- 182

Conferences (1)

CARRABINE, E., (2000). Discourse, Governmentality and Translation:

Grants and funding


Exploring racism, police injustice and social movements in East London through participatory action research

Economic and Social Research Council


The Iconography of Punishment: From Renaissance to Modernity

Leverhulme Trust

+44 (0) 1206 873038


5A.314, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Tuesdays 1.30 to 3.30. Other days and times can be arranged by email.