
Dr James Christensen

Senior Lecturer
Department of Government
Dr James Christensen



Dr Christensen is a Senior Lecturer in Political Theory at the University of Essex. He is based in the Department of Government, where he teaches courses on ethics and public policy, human rights, and global justice. Prior to joining Essex, he studied and taught political theory at the University of Oxford, where he held lectureships at Magdalen College and St Hildas College.


  • DPhil (PhD) University of Oxford,


Other academic

  • Lecturer in Political Theory, Government, University of Essex (1/9/2015 - 30/9/2021)

  • Senior Lecturer in Political Theory, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2021 - present)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Analytic political theory

Global justice

Trade justice

The ethics of the arms trade

Conferences and presentations

Selling Arms and Expressing Harm

Invited presentation, The Ethics of Indirect Intervention, Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace, Stockholm, Sweden, 21/5/2019

Egalitarian Trade Justice

Invited presentation, The EU's trade and development policies in a changing global environment, ARENA Centre for European Studies, Oslo, Norway, 14/3/2019

Justice for Millionaires?

Western Political Science Association Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, United States, 29/3/2018

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Principles of Social Justice (GV250)

  • Ethics and Public Policy (GV254)

  • Human Rights and Global Justice (GV543)

  • Human Rights, Social Justice and Social Change (HU928)

Previous supervision

Malte Jauch
Malte Jauch
Thesis title: Justice for Grasshoppers
Degree subject: Political Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/8/2021


Journal articles (10)

Christensen, J., Striking and the Means Principle. Politics, Philosophy and Economics

Christensen, J., Parr, T. and Axelsen, DV., (2025). Justice without millionaires. Economics and Philosophy. 41 (1), 186-187

Christensen, J., (2023). The Morality of Substitution Intervention: The Case of Yemen. Politics. 43 (3), 315-329

Christensen, J., (2023). Egalitarian Trade Justice. Moral Philosophy and Politics. 10 (1), 119-138

Christensen, J. and Simon, M., (2023). Using Aid to Control Migration. Political Studies. 72 (3), 883-902

Christensen, J., (2022). Selling Arms and Expressing Harm. Journal of Applied Philosophy. 39 (1), 6-22

Christensen, J., Parr, T. and Axelsen, D., (2022). Justice for Millionaires?. Economics and Philosophy. 38 (3), 333-353

Christensen, J., (2019). Arming the Outlaws: On the Moral Limits of the Arms Trade. Political Studies. 67 (1), 116-131

Christensen, J., (2015). Weapons, Security, and Oppression: A Normative Study of International Arms Transfers. Journal of Political Philosophy. 23 (1), 23-39

Christensen, J., (2015). Fair Trade, Formal Equality, and Preferential Treatment. Social Theory and Practice. 41 (3), 505-526

Books (2)

Christensen, J., (2020). Global Justice. Red Globe Press. 1137606770. 9781137606785

Christensen, J., (2017). Trade Justice. Oxford University Press. 0198810350. 9780198810353

Grants and funding


Justice for Millionaires?

British Academy



5A.221, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Friday, 14:00-16:00