Professor George Chryssochoidis

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With some 30 years of global experience in research, teaching, outreach, and leadership, Professor George Chryssochoidis has established himself as an expert in consumer behaviour and the adoption of innovations/new product development. In October 2024, Professor George Chryssochoidis as University of Essex P-I, and with Dr Hyerhim Kim as Co-I, were awarded a large grant as part of a multi-year significant new initiative under a USA’s National Science Foundation (NSF) Global Centres $10 million award. The innovative partnership, under the name of “Alliance for Socially-Acceptable & Actionable Plant” (ASAP), aims to develop advanced 4th generation synthetic biology based sustainable transport fuels while addressing societal and economic impact through collaboration with international partners (including the Research Council of Finland, the Japan Science and Technology Agency, and UK Research and Innovation). Contributions to this pioneering effort involve consumer behaviour, market acceptance, and stakeholder involvement assessment work. This award has been based and followed from Professor George Chryssochoidis' previous extensive expertise and proven track record on relevant areas, including: a) Consumer culture, attitudes, perceptions, motives and goals, information processing, and information overload. b) Rationality and irrational biases in individuals’ thinking, decision-making and choices. c) Identifying and quantifying respondent preferences for new products, services, novel technologies, and scientific advances. d) Identifying barriers to customer acceptance of novel technologies / scientific advances and quantifying their impact. e) Identifying managerial barriers to new product rollout across international markets and quantifying their impact. f) Risk communication and fear. g) Identifying stakeholders' opinions' similarities and dissimilarities. h) Crafting proposals for regulatory framework changes tailored to each case. i) Modelling that combines data from experimental, survey and other data sources, employing advanced approaches in psychometrics and econometrics while addressing causality inference violations. His google profile is available here: He has authored over 50 articles in referred journals, two books, several chapters in books led by others and has presented in hundreds of conferences. SciVal reported in 2024 ( that 18.2% of his number of publications are in the top 10% most cited publications worldwide and that 44.4% of his number of publications are in the top 10% journals by CiteScore. He has also made significant contributions over the years by conceptualizing, developing, and implementing numerous cross-disciplinary research programs, where he has served in roles such as Coordinator, Principal Investigator, Work Package Leader, or Contributor. In the past 25 years, he has led or participated in many large-scale Research & Innovation projects, as well as Coordination, Network of Excellence, and other initiatives funded by the EU's FP5, FP6, and FP7 programs, the EU Joint Research Centre, EPSRC, UKERC (NERC), UKRI's Strength-In-Places Fund, and various national research councils. Funding source, titles and topics of his projects included: • EPSRC (Human Errors in Calorie Estimation and Role of Lefts Right Dominance in Computer and Face-to-face Product Interactions); • UKRI’s Strength-In-Places-Fund (Growing Kent & Medway) • EU’s Joint Research Centre (Support for methodological design for testing the impact of dual food quality on consumers' choices); • UKERC (NERC) (Verd: Optimizing Value Propositions for Energy Efficient Renovations); • FP7 (Transparent Food: Transparency for Food and Environmental Information); • FP7 (FLABEL: Food Labelling to Advance Better Education for Life); • FP6 (Prosafebeef: Advancing Beef Safety and Quality Through Research and Innovation); • FP6 (QPorkChains: Ensuring Quality of Meat for the Future); • FP6 (Chill-On: Novel Technologies for Safety, Transparency and Quality in the Chilled/ Frozen Food Supply Chain); • FP6 (HECTOR: Eating Out: Habits, Determinants, and Recommendations for Consumers and the European Catering Sector); • FP6 (EuroFIR: European Network of Food Information Resources); • FP6 (Europrevall: The Prevalence, Cost and Basis of Food Allergy Across Europe); • FP6 (Trace: Tracing Food Commodities in Europe) ’. • FP6 (Safefoods: Promoting Food Safety through a New Integrated Risk Analysis Approach for Foods); • FP5 (Informall: Communicating about Food Allergies - Information for Consumers, Regulators and Industry); • FP5 (Condor: Consumer Decision Making on Organic Products); • Greek Ministry of Education (Entrepreneurship Education in the field of Agronomy); • Greek Ministry of Development (Development of a Decision Support System regarding New Product Launch in International Markets) His past leadership roles included serving as Head of the Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Strategy Section at Norwich Business School (University of East Anglia) and as Professor of Marketing at Kent Business School, University of Kent. Regularly engaged in the academic community, Professor Chryssochoidis conducts reviews of proposals submitted to the Research Councils and offers his expertise to other governments' research councils.
PhD in Industrial and Business Studies University of Warwick, (1997)
MPhil In Management University of Bath,
DESS University of Paris,
BSc in Business Administration University of Piraeus,
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Consumer Behaviour (BE516)
Digital Marketing and Social Media (BE534)
Current supervision
Journal articles (48)
Bian, X., Tantiprapart, Y., Chryssochoidis, G. and Wang, K-Y., (2022). Counterfeit patronage: human values, counterfeit experience and construal level. Marketing Letters. 33 (4), 645-658
Gounaris, S., Chryssochoidis, G. and Boukis, A., (2020). Internal market orientation adoption and new service development (NSD): gearing up the internal performance of NSD teams. European Journal of Marketing. 54 (7), 1641-1674
Zhu, G., Chryssochoidis, G. and Zhou, L., (2019). Do extra ingredients on the package lead to extra calorie estimates?. European Journal of Marketing. 53 (11), 2293-2321
Wilson, C., Pettifor, H. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2018). Quantitative modelling of why and how homeowners decide to renovate energy efficiently. Applied Energy. 212, 1333-1344
Chryssochoidis, G., (2018). Double moderated mediation models: problems and (part) remedies. Journal of Modelling in Management. 13 (1), 50-80
Chryssochoidis, G., Dousios, D. and Tzokas, N., (2016). Small Firm Adaptive Capability, Competitive Strategy, and Performance Outcomes: Competing Mediation vs. Moderation Perspectives. Strategic Change. 25 (4), 441-466
Pettifor, H., Wilson, C. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2015). The appeal of the green deal: Empirical evidence for the influence of energy efficiency policy on renovating homeowners. Energy Policy. 79, 161-176
Wilson, C., Crane, L. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2015). Why do homeowners renovate energy efficiently? Contrasting perspectives and implications for policy. Energy Research & Social Science. 7, 12-22
Van Wezemael, L., Caputo, V., Nayga, RM., Chryssochoidis, G. and Verbeke, W., (2014). European consumer preferences for beef with nutrition and health claims: A multi-country investigation using discrete choice experiments. Food Policy. 44, 167-176
Hodgkins, C., Barnett, J., Wasowicz-Kirylo, G., Stysko-Kunkowska, M., Gulcan, Y., Kustepeli, Y., Akgungor, S., Chryssochoidis, G., Fernández-Celemin, L., Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann, S., Gibbs, M. and Raats, M., (2012). Understanding how consumers categorise nutritional labels: A consumer derived typology for front-of-pack nutrition labelling. Appetite. 59 (3), 806-817
Krystallis, A., Vassallo, M. and Chryssohoidis, G., (2012). The usefulness of Schwartz's ‘Values Theory’ in understanding consumer behaviour towards differentiated products. Journal of Marketing Management. 28 (11-12), 1438-1463
Pérez-Cueto, FJA., Verbeke, W., de Barcellos, MD., Kehagia, O., Chryssochoidis, G., Scholderer, J. and Grunert, KG., (2010). Food-related lifestyles and their association to obesity in five European countries. Appetite. 54 (1), 156-162
Voordouw, J., Cornelisse‐Vermaat, JR., Yiakoumaki, V., Theodoridis, G., Chryssochoidis, G. and Frewer, LJ., (2009). Food allergic consumers' preferences for labelling practices: a qualitative study in a real shopping environment. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 33 (1), 94-102
van Kleef, E., Ueland, Ø., Theodoridis, G., Rowe, G., Pfenning, U., Houghton, J., van Dijk, H., Chryssochoidis, G. and Frewer, L., (2009). Food risk management quality: Consumer evaluations of past and emerging food safety incidents. Health, Risk & Society. 11 (2), 137-163
Krystallis, A. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2009). Does the Country of Origin (COO) of Food Products Influence Consumer Evaluations? An Empirical Examination of Ham and Cheese. Journal of Food Products Marketing. 15 (3), 283-303
Chryssochoidis, G., Strada, A. and Krystallis, A., (2009). Public trust in institutions and information sources regarding risk management and communication: towards integrating extant knowledge. Journal of Risk Research. 12 (2), 137-185
Chrysochou, P., Chryssochoidis, G. and Kehagia, O., (2009). Traceability information carriers. The technology backgrounds and consumers’ perceptions of the technological solutions. Appetite. 53 (3), 322-331
Pothoulaki, M. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2009). Health claims: Consumers’ matters. Journal of Functional Foods. 1 (2), 222-228
Chryssochoidis, G., Karagiannaki, A., Pramatari, K. and Kehagia, O., (2009). A cost‐benefit evaluation framework of an electronic‐based traceability system. British Food Journal. 111 (6), 565-582
Cornelisse-Vermaat, JR., Pfaff, S., Voordouw, J., Chryssochoidis, G., Theodoridis, G., Woestman, L. and Frewer, LJ., (2008). The information needs and labelling preferences of food allergic consumers: the views of stakeholders regarding information scenarios. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 19 (12), 669-676
Chryssochoidis, G., (2008). Innovativeness and NPD processes/practices in the Greek food industry. EuroMed Journal of Business. 3 (2), 202-222
Karelakis, C., Mattas, K. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2008). Greek wine firms: determinants of export performance. Agribusiness. 24 (2), 275-297
Karelakis, C., Mattas, K. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2008). Export problems perceptions and clustering of Greek wine firms. EuroMed Journal of Business. 3 (1), 6-22
Drichoutis, AC., Lazaridis, P., Nayga, RM., Kapsokefalou, M. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2008). A theoretical and empirical investigation of nutritional label use. The European Journal of Health Economics. 9 (3), 293-304
Houghton, JR., Rowe, G., Frewer, LJ., Van Kleef, E., Chryssochoidis, G., Kehagia, O., Korzen-Bohr, S., Lassen, J., Pfenning, U. and Strada, A., (2008). The quality of food risk management in Europe: Perspectives and priorities. Food Policy. 33 (1), 13-26
Kehagia, O., Chrysochou, P., Chryssochoidis, G., Krystallis, A. and Linardakis, M., (2007). European Consumers’ Perceptions, Definitions and Expectations of Traceability and the Importance of Labels, and the Differences in These Perceptions by Product Type. Sociologia Ruralis. 47 (4), 400-416
Chryssochoidis, G., Krystallis, A. and Perreas, P., (2007). Ethnocentric beliefs and country‐of‐origin (COO) effect. European Journal of Marketing. 41 (11/12), 1518-1544
Kehagia, O., Linardakis, M. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2007). Beef traceability: are Greek consumers willing to pay?. EuroMed Journal of Business. 2 (2), 173-190
Varzakas, TH., Chryssochoidis, G. and Argyropoulos, D., (2007). Approaches in the risk assessment of genetically modified foods by the Hellenic Food Safety Authority. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 45 (4), 530-542
Krystallis, A., Chryssochoidis, G. and Scholderer, J., (2007). Consumer-perceived quality in ‘traditional’ food chains: The case of the Greek meat supply chain. Appetite. 48 (1), 54-68
Gialitakis, G. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2006). Schoolchildren’s understanding of food labels. Young Consumers. 7 (4), 19-25
van Kleef, E., Frewer, LJ., Chryssochoidis, GM., Houghton, JR., Korzen-Bohr, S., Krystallis, T., Lassen, J., Pfenning, U. and Rowe, G., (2006). Perceptions of food risk management among key stakeholders: Results from a cross-European study. Appetite. 47 (1), 46-63
Chryssohoidis, GM. and Krystallis, A., (2005). Organic consumers’ personal values research: Testing and validating the list of values (LOV) scale and implementing a value-based segmentation task. Food Quality and Preference. 16 (7), 585-599
Krystallis, A. and Chryssohoidis, G., (2005). Consumers' willingness to pay for organic food. British Food Journal. 107 (5), 320-343
Chryssochoidis, G. and Theoharakis, V., (2004). Attainment of competitive advantage by the exporter–importer dyad. Journal of Business Research. 57 (4), 329-337
Chryssochoidis, G., (2001). High and Low Internationalization Sectors — Does the Food Industry Have a Superior or an Inferior Product Presence Profile in the Internet?. Journal of Food Products Marketing. 6 (3), 17-30
Fotopoulos, C. and Chryssochoidis, G., (2001). Factors Affecting the Decision to Purchase Organic Food. Journal of Euromarketing. 9 (3), 45-66
Chryssochoidis, G., (2000). Repercussions of consumer confusion for late introduced differentiated products. European Journal of Marketing. 34 (5/6), 705-722
Koufopoulos, DN. and Chryssochoidis, GM., (2000). The effects of an uncertain country environment upon leadership and strategic planning practices. Strategic Change. 9 (6), 379-395
Chryssochoidis, GM. and Wong, V., (2000). Customization of Product Technology and International New Product Success: Mediating Effects of New Product Development and Rollout Timeliness. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 17 (4), 268-285
Chryssochoidis, GM., (2000). Why do high-tech firms suffer delays in international new product rollouts?. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. 2 (1/2/3/4/5/6/7), 901-901
Chryssochoidi, GM. and Wong, V., (2000). Service innovation multi‐country launch: causes of delays. European Journal of Innovation Management. 3 (1), 35-44
Chryssochoidis, G., (2000). Customization of product technology and international new product success: mediating effects of new product development and rollout timeliness. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 17 (4), 268-285
Koufopoulos, DN. and Chryssochoidis, GM., (2000). The effects of an uncertain country environment upon leadership and strategic planning practices. Strategic Change. 9 (6), 379-395
Chryssochoidis, GM. and Wong, V., (1998). Rolling Out New Products Across Country Markets: An Empirical Study of Causes of Delays. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 15 (1), 16-41
Chryssochoidis, G., (1998). Rolling out new products across country markets: An empirical study of causes of delays. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 15 (1), 16-41
Chryssochoidis, GM., (1996). Greek Food Manufacturing Exporters:. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing. 8 (2), 23-47
Chryssochoidis, GM., (1996). Successful Exporting:. Journal of Global Marketing. 10 (1), 7-31
Books (2)
Chryssochoidis, GM., (2004). Rolling Out New Products Across International Markets. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 9781349420261
(1997). Internationalisation Strategies. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 9781349253555
Book chapters (5)
Chryssochoidis, GM., (2015). Product/Market Portfolio, Extent of Access to Distribution Channels and Branding in Export Success Factors Research an Exploratory Study. In: Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Springer International Publishing. 218- 222. 9783319173221
(2013). Challenges and Experiences. In: Transparency for Sustainability in the Food Chain. Elsevier. 21- 65. 9780124171954
(2013). Stakeholders for Transparency. In: Transparency for Sustainability in the Food Chain. Elsevier. 9- 20. 9780124171954
Boerresen, T., Högberg, P., Chryssochoidis, G., Cnudde, F., Belcher, T. and Oehlenschläger, J., (2007). Communicating Eu Food and Health Research. In: Communicating European Research 2005. Springer Netherlands. 219- 224. 9781402053573
Miles, S., Crevel, R., Chryssochoidis, G., Frewer, L., Grimshaw, K., Guidonet Riera, A., Gowland, H., Knibb, R., Koch, P., Madson, C., Mills, C., Palkonen, S., Pfaff, S., Roccaldo, R., Scholderer, J., Ueland, O., Valovirta, E. and Verbeke, W., (2006). Communication needs and food allergy: an analysis of stakeholder views. In: Wageningen UR Frontis Series. Springer Netherlands. 171- 192. 1-4020-3895-X. 9781402038952
Conferences (1)
Reports and Papers (1)
Colen, L., Chryssochoidis, G., Ciaian, P. and al, E., (2023). Differences in composition of seemingly identical branded food products Impact on consumer purchasing decisions and welfare